Divide & Conquer

Divide & Conquer

A common method for creating havoc in a sector is making less of one side vs another and to blame/shame one of them while making heroes of the other. This is seen in the environmental field with the blaming of one group for all of our sins, for example...

From Grist: "It’s the old folks, the so-called Silent Generation aged 66-83, that are the big problem." "Looks like the push for a cleaner, greener society will get a boost from that same cohort replacement effect." (From the Silent Gen dying off.)

From Columbia University: "Anyone who studies public opinion about the environment will tell you that a long-running trend is that young people care more than old people about protecting the environment. It is not an attitude that changes with age, because support for protecting the environment is gradually increasing among older people. This is probably because once young environmentalists are growing older, and old anti-environmentalists are dying off."

Let Me Show You Something

The 'Silent Generation' built this house that I grew up in.

Each red circle shows where plants existed when I grew up there.

On the bottom-right, a maple tree with a two-plus foot diameter trunk; on the right side, a 10 foot high berry bush of unknown type; on both sides, a 8 foot hedge running from the rear of the house all the way to back of the property; on the upper-left, a 20 foot crab apple tree and a majestic oak with a four foot diameter trunk; on the upper-right, seven pine trees (planted very close to one another).

Actions speak louder than words, and the actions that kept our house cool and filled with fresh air are not being repeated by the Millennials &/or GenZs that own/use that house today.

Other Data:

More proof the 'Silent' generation was environmental are:

They used paper bags rather than plastic.

They fixed things that broke.

They 'canned' their own fruits & vegetables in recyclable glass jars.

They used recyclable glass and clay bottles and jugs for drinks.

In the early part of the century, 40% of vehicles on the road were EVs.

They used old newspapers to clean windows and wrap fish.

They used cloth rags over and over, not single use paper towels.

They originated hydro-power electric dams.

You can't tell me that the 'Silent Generation' was not as environmentally active as Gen Z, etc..

Am I the Only One?

From Forbes: "However, when it actually comes to reducing or reversing their carbon footprints, evidence shows older age groups are way ahead of millennials and generation-z." "A survey by Censuswide for Aviva, the U.K. insurer, found not only that people aged over 55 were ahead in almost every environmental activity they monitored, but those aged between 16 to 24 were the worst offenders."

From Yale: "Although young adults in the U.S. may be more concerned about the climate than older adults, it is unclear to what degree they are engaged with the issue. In fact, one study found that younger generations exhibit less civic engagement on many issues, including the environment."

Cut the Blame Game

It's true that a few of the Silent generation did build what younger generations use now, but what the younger generation fails to see is that THEY ARE THE ONES USING it.

So stop the blame game, own up and do something about the situation (other than complaining).

Help Us Make Life Better.


PS: I'm a Boomer and I reduce 'fossil fuel' emissions to make your life better.

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