Diversity Without Inclusion is Frivolous
Photo Credit: Mikel Seijas Alonso

Diversity Without Inclusion is Frivolous

Gloria Kimbwala runs Square's 1-week immersive bootcamp for Talented Women, called Code Camp. She knows more than a thing or two about the struggles women and minorities in tech face and took some time to share her thoughts on diversity and inclusion in tech. You can find out full conversation on the podcast, here.

We discuss so much, including:

  • Creating a workplace that nurtures diversity and inclusion
  • Urgency and priority for diversity and inclusion starts at the top
  • Making a difference when it comes to improving diversity in tech (particularly in underserved communities) 
  • The crucial role of being a door opener for other women and minorities.
  • How has being a mom changes your worldview and priorities as a woman in tech
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • What do you do when you see a woman struggling with imposter syndrome?

Jean-Pierre C.

Senior Product Designer

7 年

Hey. Is there any way I can access the podcasts outside of iTunes?



