Contract design (or even casual and sometimes full time employment) is uncertain. Generally there are waves of good and bad times that we must all learn to ride.
In regards to contract design there are four methods or options available to you.
Option 1 involves developing a client base of people who require assistance occasionally and try to find enough clients and balance of work to keep you busy and able to service your happy clients through the waves of work.
Option 2 involves specialising in one off projects and dedicating yourself to one project with the knowledge once its finished you will have to find the next one.
Option .3 involves becoming a design hub or agent and obtain as much work as you can and subcontract the work out as a agent.
Option 4. involves developing your own projects, manufacturing your own products and / or obtaining your own contracts or works.
Each option has its positives and negatives e.g. You work hard to develop ongoing work from companies and work Option 1. and occasionally you come across a once in a life time project paying lots of money etc. and it is hard to turn down, though by excepting the big project you no longer have the capacity to service your current clients requirements,
or working Option 2. when you come to end of the project there is a large likelihood that some time will be required upon completion to commencement of your next project.
Option 3 is often difficult because you have to start relying on 'others' and they have their own life dilemmas to consider. and Option 4. requires capital investment you may never get back.
So in summary design is difficult for everyone. As a contractor working in the industry for close to 20 years I have tried every different method and have found positive and negative elements in everything I have completed.
I have found diversity has worked for me. I have continued to follow the cycles and opportunities as they presented. Working all four methods over the years has created a broad experience and help build my ability and exposure to many industries.
In addition to diversity within the design industry I have also pursued other interests and residual incomes, development of databases, recycling programs, industrial manufacturing, wheelie bin contracts and more recently my miniature pet cattle enterprise.
I think it is important to continually evolve and explore opportunities as they present. I will never be asking 'what if', I jump in head first and don't look back.
Throughout the professional turmoil and uncertainty I believe it is important to keep your focus on what is truely important in life......your family.
Mechanical Design/Drafting
4 年Legend