Diversity in Tech Overview

Diversity in Tech Overview

The tech industry is huge and forever growing. As more and more start-ups surface and as big tech companies continue to expand tremendously, recruiters are always on the hunt for tech talent. Unfortunately, studies continue to show that a lack of representation is still a problem in today’s tech workforce. Diverse hires in the tech industry are crucial for all companies to be inclusive, creative and productive.

Google reported that 5.5% of new hires in 2020 in the tech industry were Black, while 6.6% were Latinx hires. Although these numbers are improvements from past years, they are still extremely low numbers and we hope to change that with our diversity recruiting tools.

We at Divercity.io sampled data from 100 randomly selected U.S. tech companies, reporting that women make up 45% of the workforce in the tech industry, however only 37% of that are women in the senior level positions. Although the representation of women in the industry is nearly proportional to the women in the workforce, women of color are underrepresented in the tech industry. 

Diversity in the tech industry is important, in addition to being more equitable, it enables tech companies to integrate and build on various perspectives, skills, and background experiences to achieve their goals. Having a diverse team provides companies the ability to be more creative and strategize their products or services to be more effective for their intended audiences. Tech companies, in a nutshell, benefit from having more diverse talent pools to choose from.

To make your company diverse in perspective, background and experiences, first you need to focus on your company culture and your hiring practices, strategizing to make your organization more inclusive and committing to inclusive hiring approaches that will allow for diverse hires. Divercity.io’s tools are designed to help you hire with diversity in mind. Our Diversity Score tool helps you measure your organization’s diversity as compared to industry averages, and our Candidate Sourcing tool allows you to proactively find underrepresented talent tools from our diverse pool of candidates.  To measure your company’s diversity score, click here



