Diversity of subaerial algae and cyanobacteria on tree bark in tropical mountain habitats
Dr. Ambika H D
CEO & Founder at ProAlgaeTech/Algae Expert/Algae technical advisor/ Algae consultant /
Ambika H D & Krishnamurthy S R
The luxuriant growth in kodachadri Tropical Mountain habitats and presence of green, yellowish or reddish orange colour to most of the tree barks are called subaerial algae or terestrial algae. Kodachadri habitats are ideal condition for the growth of subaerial algal communities which provide high rainfall and high humidity. The work on terrestrial habitats are lags behind than fresh and marine habitats (Neustupa &Skaloud 2010). This article is all about the factors (physical and environmental) which influences the growth and diversity of Subaerial algae. For the complete article click the following link.