Diversity and Merit are not mutually exclusive objectives
Frank Slootman, the CEO of Snowflake recently told Bloomberg TV that his company needs to put a greater emphasis on merit when hiring and promoting, rather than focusing on diversity goals. He suggested a more “moderated” approach to diversity and went on to say he was -
“highly sympathetic to diversity but we just don’t want that to override merit”
Clearly, he seemed to imply that in some ways diversity and merit are mutually exclusive and that he would have to compromise on merit to meet diversity goals. This created quite a stir, and he subsequently offered an apology and clarified his position.
A few years ago, a colleague of mine was promoted to a senior executive position and when I congratulated her, she diffidently asked whether she was promoted due to a “diversity factor” or was it due to merit irrespective of gender.
As both these examples show, there is a deeply ingrained thought process in stakeholders across gender, ethnicity etc. that somehow diversity goals of an organization are somehow not commensurate with a high performing culture.
Nothing could be more wrong.?
The fact that diversity fosters innovation and has a significant positive impact on company performance is well established. There have been numerous studies for decades and the recent Mckinsey report “Diversity wins” shows that the likelihood of financial outperformance was 25% higher in top quartile gender diverse executive teams and in the case of ethnic diversity, that number was as high as 36%. Additionally, they found that the greater the diversity representation, the higher the likelihood of outperformance.
So then, why are organizations unable to meet their diversity objectives and be representative of the environments they operate in without triggering a debate around merit?
1/ Awareness - it is not somebody else’s responsibility
This is one of the biggest impeders to progress. Diversity goals are often seen as a “target” that has come from the “top” and that it is somebody else's responsibility. There is no real understanding or appreciation of the positive impact of a diverse workforce, and hence there is no real personal ownership of meeting the objective like say a business target of sales or revenue.
How many executives are aware that in India, the average female executive representation is estimated to be 5% whereas the female workforce participation is 23%. This number for the US is 21% against a female workforce of 45% and in Japan it is only 3% against a female workforce of 42%!
2/ Education - it takes time to change mindsets
Doing something once doesn’t create a habit. Doesn’t change the mindset.
Most organizations have training sessions to educate their employees about their Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) policies. However, these are usually annual sessions much like an annual security certification.
Do organizations educate their employees once a year on their financial or business objectives? Highly unlikely. It is probably a more frequent affair with regular interventions and trainings. And if diversity is indeed as important to business performance as say understanding the latest technologies in the marketplace, then why isn’t it more frequent?
3/ Transparency – openness removes barriers
Often the lack of transparency creates misconceptions and reinforces misapprehensions.
Most large companies have well laid out D&I policies. However, few if any are transparent in sharing information about why a particular policy objective is formulated.
For example, instead of merely decreeing that a certain percentage of promotions should be of diverse employees, how about sharing data of the proportion of diverse employee at the various levels in the organization. Hence say, if the proportion of say women is 40% at a particular level, then the expectation that women should constitute a minimum of 40% of the promotions from that level is easy to comprehend. And to implement.
Similarly, the diversity representation of new hires should reflect the proportion of the diversity of the workforce. Or for that matter, the issue of pay disparity could be made a lot more solvable if there is a willingness to share information and co-opt people into the issue.
4/ Metrics – if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it
Peter Drucker may not have diversity in mind when he coined this term, but the fact is that unless organizations measure diversity metrics in the same manner that they measure business metrics like say sales or revenue, there is unlikely to be much progress.
Diversity measures should be an integral part of management systems much like organizations measure any business or financial metrics. And they should not be measured annually, but as often as any other business metric is measured.
There are a whole host of other issues as well.
For example, while hiring, leaders often look for a “cultural fit” which is often nothing more than a reinforcement of existing male stereotypes.
I am not suggesting that organizations should not consider cultural factors while hiring but it is necessary for leaders to be aware of these biases so that they don’t subconsciously fall into them and disadvantage diverse employees who bring different skill sets.
Furthermore, I will argue that appointing a woman as a D&I leader by default (as most organizations do) is not always the best thing to do. While one can understand the rationale behind this, I believe it sometimes reinforces an impression that gender diversity is a woman’s issue. It’s not, in fact it’s the man’s issue!
Will mistakes happen while pursuing diversity goals? Sure, they will. Organizations may hire the wrong woman employee or promote the wrong woman candidate. However, these mistakes happen equally when they hire men or promote them. But when that happens, it is usually classified as a professional error whereas if it’s a woman employee who's wrongly hired or promoted, it is unfortunately classified as a “diversity issue”.
And starts again, the debate between diversity and merit.
There is simply no merit in the argument.
The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this article are personal and do not reflect the views, thoughts and opinions of my employer, organization, committee or any other group or individual.?
Global CoC, Mainframe Modernization Service, IBM Consulting
3 年Rohini Banerjee Juhi Banerjee
Senior Director IT at Cencora
3 年Hi Gaurav Tamotia great point of view - Diversity and inclusion are two of the most important if not the most important topics of our times. I don't think any company today compromises on merit to meet diversity goals.. - if some person even thinks of these important issues as compromises have to relook at their personal biases
This is a very interesting topic and I do understand that the diversity in the West is pretty much equivalent of reservations in India. I think that more should be done to create the right mix of skills, knowledge and cultural awareness in the workforce to foster diversity. The approach of "reserving" roles is sub optimal for all parties. The organization gets a false sense of security thinking it is doing well on diversity and the actual "diverse" candidate thinks or might think that he/she/them/they got the role only because he/she/them/they fit the diversity profile.
Partner ,Industry Leader Banking and Financial Mkts, IBM Academy Member for Banking , Global Business services, CIO, CTO,
3 年Brilliant blog. Loved reading this
Delivery Head I Customer success I Support & Professional services I P & L - Ex- Google, Ex-IBM
3 年Agreed,Multiple studies have proven a more diverse , equitable and inclusive team delivers better busienss results in the long term . The core issue also is that we define diversity thru the lens of male versus female only or largely how US represents it . More local leadership participation in countries like india ( where there are relgious ,caste , colour, regional biases ) in defining diversity , unrepresented / less represented groups would help forming a more diverse workforce. Positive affirmative action from the pvt companies without political interference can then show a way forward to remove reservation perhaps in future !