Is Diversity the Cure to Toxicity in the Workplace?
Imagine that as a Leader (capital L), you could address workplace toxicity and all of the things that contribute to it. Where might you start??
Yet, I would posit that there is another topic that cuts across most, if not all the above. It doesn’t solve for all the issues….but for sure, in my experience, it feeds the cauldron of toxicity like the Witches in Macbeth….”Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”
That burning fire and bubbling cauldron is Diversity….or better stated, its absence and lack. And the realization that Diversity alone is not enough….but that Inclusion and Equity are critical elements in overturning and nullifying the Witches Brew.?
Let’s start with Diversity and why it remains a divisive issue despite it being the price of entry….proven by every study to be a key element in business or other success.?
Frankly, Diversity is an easy corporate numbers game…. Percentages, pie charts, bar graphs, arrows trending up with projections based on hiring/recruiting/promotion plans. We’ve all seen them and few trend down or flat. I also point out that most look good at the macro level but as you dig down get smaller and smaller and the arrows reverse.
Diversity is also a tricky catch-all. Diversity? Gender; Color; Sexual Orientation; Religion….how about the physically and intellectually challenged? What about skills and thinking? Political??
How do I divide those percentages….at the end of the day I only have 100% to divide. No wonder it adds to the cauldron….
And do we really have the open conversations we need to have? You tell me…
As no doubt, you can tell I give no gold stars to anyone’s Diversity Programs. This should not be a discussion or a topic of contention. Get on with it. Create the environment for success….the right recruiting /interviewing teams that are representative of your desired outcomes; the right senior most people who are visible signs of your outcomes and inspire others. And don’t pander just to fulfill quota….nothing adds to the poison more than the “we tried” excuse when the wrong hire fails.?
No….while the lack of Diversity adds to a poisoned culture in and of itself, righting the graph does not provide a serious antidote to the problem….at best it's a minor ingredient.
To me, the major antitoxin is Inclusion…meaning, after you show the charts, chant mea culpa, and then pat backs for success, who is influential in meetings?? Who wields power on key decisions? Who is helping set the course for the future? Who shows up at key events not for the “Damn…we need to look more diverse” fix but rather because they are actually critical to the real solution/outcome?
There is no greater cause of tension and bad feeling, in my opinion, than the lack of inclusion. The “you hired me for the Diversity chart but I’m not really core to anything” syndrome.?
And, of course, there is Equity….which in Corporate parlance precedes Inclusion….D,E&I….but Equity without Inclusion is also meaningless, so although DIE is not a great acronym, I think I’m fairly safe in saying that’s the point….if we don’t get it right, our cultures will die and collapse under the weight of suspicion and hate.?
The role of Leadership…Capital L??
Let me return to my acrostic LEADERS and what some of the letters can teach us about how to achieve true D,E&I….or else we DIE, poisoned by our own brew. And feel free to add….use all the letters if you like.?
E – Empower….if we don’t empower our under-represented populations, of all sorts, to thrive, to succeed, to excel, we will fail. Empowerment is the catalyst for Inclusion. Empowerment drives Inclusion….there is none without it.?
A – Arm?
D – Defend….no one wants to be that employee who so visibly stands out because they fit a chart. Defend, protect….make it safe for them
E – Energize?
R – Run?
S – Share….the only way to achieve true Equity. Share what’s yours to share. Be open. The dividends will drive all.?
A final thought:
Creating new siloes while trying to break down others adds a new wrinkle and ingredient to the noxious brew.? ERG’s (Employee Resource Groups) a great empowerment tool, by the way, and a safe defender place…. Risk becoming the new siloes instead of a nexus of sharing. Be honest with yourself, if you are in an ERG, if you have enough share time with others who have their own. My sense is that not enough do, and we need to fix that too.
What’s your view?
Global Funding; Custom Anthologies and Events; Promotions of the Arts and Culture
3 年David Sable, I thank you deeply for your article and more so for bringing a great community of good folks together. We may all be preaching to the converted here, yet the confirmation is compelling!!! You have a fantastic amount of driven replies. Great subject, equal view for many here... the vital NRG of expression is an isometric exercise of relief. Myself, sir, I am just a runaway train! Keep on... ~RaVen~
Global Funding; Custom Anthologies and Events; Promotions of the Arts and Culture
3 年It is a sticky wicket, how we use this subject yet feed it at the same time. An old saying comes to mind and makes me laugh, "Who says may not know. Who knows may not say. Yet, we are all back to basics by the end of the day." So this passion play we enjoy, the wreck of insect politics in office, family and social structures. Diversity is always with us- yet it is our attention, our "micro-aggressions" to go with or away from this BOTH, that feed into it. We say "same difference." Meaning nothing truly is. In a world of wealth where every individual is akin to a last soul standing mortal of an endangered species, we draw attention to these differences in an effort to find an equal status- which we actually already have. For example an with regards to Jorge Parra's enjoyable insight below, I am Gypsy and Weamaconk. No, you not find any measures or numbers in leadership or opportunity that favor us, or offer equity or equality. We do not need any. That we are so capable, with our values of relentless determination and substance of integrity, there exists many balances. As we do not harbor the policies of idiots (Politically Official Operating Policy) that would err in word and deed as if their rules were for us. We feed the better world by being as we wish the world to be. That can be challenging, unless one excels at everything. That can be worse, as that causes the major prejudice, what I like to call "the John Gault Syndrome." I go deep into the Soul Mines to bring myself into the Ether Ore. Existence and creation can be determined as an ethereal force of nature. Being as one can not measure or limit such, the water is wavy, and finds its level only on the rarity of a truly calm day. That leaves me little or less more of editorial to say. Sanity in brevity; brevity in sanity- I feel naught! It is kindness as our telling measure... at the end of the day, and every point along the way. Best regards to all, with sincere wishes for great health, fantastic fortunes of fate and high spirits to relate. Always feel free to be a force of nature in this primal-surreal illusion of reality and any of us shall rise. Truly such, savvy that... ~RaVen DaWn~ Note: My pronoun is "Hunter Biden" so buy my art and remember I can not be probed by government entities, only cheap prostitutes and "things go better with coke." Or not! ?? Please see the attached and know I have closed my eyes and let the cat dance upon the keys. Worth a smile? Truly such, savvy that!!!
Bachelor of Commerce - BCom from Nizam College at Hyderabad Public School
3 年??????
Director Of Innovation at Energy Engineering Gmbh, Bürgerwaldstr. 1 ,83278, Traunstein , Bayern Germany
3 年Fantastic article, Thank you for writing it! Thank you for articulating hidden feelings with precise words. The workplace today is a reflection of what is inside the majority of us ..worker/leader etc. Your questions raised in the article are like mirrors for those who like to make a difference. I think you have presented the ecosystem of mindset at the workplace, like climate change, the majority of responses will be discussions over definitions rather than solutions because problems create jobs in the society, the solution creates growth in society. World order is about jobs in society. So problems are discussed as a matter of intellectual stimulation, to prove or disapprove each other value to the discussions, not solutions. Solutions require change, which is like growth accompanied by pain, and an oxymoron to the happiness index! When people don’t want to grow, it is very little one can do in short term. Diversity, equalities are all terms and people have their own terms to deal with them.
Personal Development Creator, Author of ; Chitterville and Analyst.
3 年Why must we use the familiar words" diversity, politically correct, toxicity, and the list goes on and on? The alchemical energy in my novel Chitterville is all about the " elevation " of the human nature.