Capital Recruit will be welcoming a new sister. Much like Capital Recruit, Divergents aims to educate, facilitate and empower. This we will be doing through Coaching, Consulting and Guiding. To kick this off I would like to share some of my old writing. I came across it whilst looking at an old blog site I set up a few years back. I'd like to hope my writing has improved but none the less. Here is it....

I posted a piece from Ram Dass on Instagram about 2 days ago, I had seen it posted via a friend that I follow and felt it resonated with me. It read, “Take My Advice-Don’t sell yourself short by thinking you are only your body or your personality, no matter how intriguing and dramatic they may be. For behind them, there lies a more profound part of your true self. Call it ‘spiritual’ or call it ‘higher consciousness’… call it what you will, but… Call it!

One of the doorways to that higher self is through the cultivation of your intuitive wisdom. As you learn to listen to and trust your intuition, you will find a quiet place in the heart of your being that is wise and can guide your actions. One of the things it will remind you of is your interconnectedness to all things. And out of that appreciation will spontaneously arise compassion for those who suffer; for the earth, and for all living things.

When that happens, don’t be overwhelmed by the suffering you see, by the darkness that exists in the human condition. True, there is much of it. But so, too, is there much caring and compassion in the world. Mahatma Gandhi said, “What you do may seem insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.” It is important for yourself, as well as for the balances in the world. As you let your compassion guide you into action to help heal the earth and those who suffer, your very acts will feed your own compassionate heart and in so doing, open the inner gates to knowing your own highest self.

I promise you that plumbing the depths of your being is an unparalleled adventure. I wish you well on the journey.

In Love,

Ram Dass”

What astounds me more than anything is how evident this connectedness is. I find myself having certain thoughts, revelations if you will, beliefs that seemingly spring out of nowhere. Sometimes these revelations come from a mushroom trip, and sometimes not. A thought or belief will arise and not long after that I will find a book, a quote, or a post that shares the same sentiments, thoughts and revelations by some published author, or renowned spiritualist or guru. This particular theory around us having a higher consciousness came to me during a psilocybin mushroom ceremony last year and after sharing this piece on Instagram, a friend residing in Thailand sent me a message, which landed up being the inspiration for my blog today. He said, “I like this so much. Can this be practiced, this sort of Philosophy? To which I responded, Of Course.” He then asked me to lead him in the right direction. Which got me to put down, as simply as possible, what I discovered during my psilocybin mushroom trip.

The understanding all boils down, I believe, to vibrations and the belief and understanding that everything in life is energy, and energy vibrates at different frequencies. You have an Ego, also known as your Primate Self and that is what we are given when we embark on this human experience as souls, and then you have your higher self, from where you're connection to everything resides. We are all connected, humans, plants, animals and the universe in its entirety. Your higher self is also your direct connection to God, and God dwells within all of us and in everything. When we operate from our primate self also known as our ego, we experience fear, guilt, shame, anger, apathy, despair, inadequacy, lack. Nothing will ever be enough and you will never be enough. The gap that exists between the primate self/ego and the higher self will leave you feeling a void, you will feel empty. Society will tell you that this void can be filled through finding a partner, your magical other, a drink, a drug, food, a better body, better job, more money, sex… but this remedy will be temporary and thereafter we are left feeling emptier, more unfulfilled. This is because the more we operate from our egos/primate selves, the further we drift from our higher selves and God.

The cure is to vibrate higher, so that we can integrate with our higher selves or at the very least draw closer to it. When we operate from our higher self, we feel a sense of oneness with everything and everyone, we feel fulfilled. We are connected to everything and everyone. We step into our power, which is the universe. We want and need for nothing as we are one with everything. When our mind flairs up with negative chatter or our ego wants to trigger an unhealed wound, we can observe it and disregard it, seeing the mind and the ego for what they are, parts of our primate self. We can observe the thoughts that occupy our mind, observe the triggers from our ego and see them instead as servants, that serve a purpose at times such as when we have a goal we would like to reach in our careers or need to make a decision based more on logic and rationale. Instead of allowing the mind and the ego to be our masters ruling our happiness and sense of wellbeing, causing us much suffering and further trauma. Observation without judgement is presence. We can live as the observer. Life is meant to be experienced and celebrated and we are all the universe in human form.

To be one with our higher selves we need to ensure that our energetic vibration is at a high enough frequency. The world vibrates at a low frequency and so we cannot do as others do, generally speaking. By others I mean, what is typically observed on mainstream media and the news. That beings said, the world is rising in collective consciousness, the world is vibrating higher than it did before. This should give us all a lot of hope. In order to raise ones energetic vibration you would need to consume fresh fruit and vegetables. Drink and bath or swim in water, entertain positive and loving thoughts, spend time in the outdoors, and among the trees. Walk barefoot on the grass, spend time close to a mountain range and climb a mountain. Spend time close to the ocean, do meditation, yoga and reiki treatments. Substances and behaviour that lowers our vibration would be alcohol, drugs, refined carbs and sugar, negative thoughts and gossip, meat, these are just a few examples. It can be difficult to maintain a high vibrational lifestyle and I certainly don’t do so myself, unfortunately. I am just more conscious of what I am doing now and what the effects are, really it’s all a choice.

My goal is simply to make you aware of the repercussions of some of these choices, based on my life experiences. Some wisdom I would like to believe I have attained and now would like to share with you. I don’t believe in right or wrong or even in the religious concept of sin, but only in choices and vibrations, each choice has a consequence and each choice will lead us down a certain path. The point at which one vibrates will determine one’s perception of the world, the opportunities available, and the experiences life will then give you. One cannot, I believe, manifest if one is vibrating at a low frequency. The higher we vibrate, the easier, more peaceful and joyful life becomes. I believe this is what is meant by the concept of heaven and hell.?


