Divergence, is the tendency to diverge from the established norms, typically holding a ‘Divergent Thinking’ process; view; opinion, and attitude towards prevailing or controversial issues.
Divergents, naturally tackle ‘Abstract Thinking’ themes of right/wrong; fair/unfairness; bias; prejudice, and inequality, condemning oppression, and rejecting dystopia.
A divergent; creative, or horizontal thinking is a ‘Lateral Thinking’ process, an important cognitive skill that involves generating a range of ideas; possibilities, and creative solutions to actual problems or questions, evolving one’s own sentiments and beliefs about among other; philosophy; religion and politics, rather than just accepting predominant taught.
Outside the box, different; or unconventional thinking, provides a new perspective, a crucial role in fostering creativity; ‘Analytical Thinking’ themes, and problem-solving abilities among students.
Faculties, often focus in essence on indoctrinating students with a ‘Critical Thinking’ process, involving vertical; analytical, and linear rational methodology, avoiding cognitive biases, to help them turn information into knowledge and thereon into wisdom, through group discussions; classroom debates, group projects, or peer interactions.
Administrations, meanwhile adversely weight more on a ‘Concrete Thinking’ theme and ‘Convergent Thinking’ process, by way of ‘forever knowledge’, figuring teaching about (the inevitable) things that have been for a long and will continue to be in the future.
Society is at odds with both, being in general opposed to divergence of any form, as its faction is condemned, and deemed subversive to the existing social order and Government rules.
Like feminists; LGBTQs; disadvantaged ethnic groups, and racial minorities, divergent thinkers are often framed as a threat to society, and are attacked by what counts in their world.
Academia has it that, the establishment fights and resists the very thing they purport to praise; teach and preach to academics, holding onto an enduring cryptocractic status-quos on a path to non-relevance at best, and self-destruction at worst…
Food for thought!