Diverge Sometimes...
Welcome back (or, welcome if this this your first time reading my weekly editions of my Focus. #deliver newsletter -- you can view them all at focus_deliver_summary.mvizdos.com).
Last week, I reminded you to get unstuck and "Go".
You do that? Cool.
Remember, if you are just in the go go go go go go go go go go go mode, you might feel like you are on autopilot and running around the great hamster wheel of life.
Feel that (or have you felt that in the past)?
I have.
This week, I want to remind you of a technique to help you actually do less (than the constant "go go go") and become even more effective.
Buckle up my friend.
The Problem:?I Am On Auto-Pilot
This week, imagine you and I are sitting in traffic. Full stop. Nothing but vehicles ahead and behind us. As far as the eye can see.
You can decide what road we are on when this happens. How is the gas level in the tank (or, errr, our remaining charge if we are in an electric vehicle)?
ME: "Hey, how are you?"
YOU: "I am on auto-pilot."
In real life, I spend a lot of time working with teams who are Implementing Scrum (an "agile" way of getting stuff done).
There is this role (I mean accountability) in Scrum called the "Product Owner."
This is not a lesson in Implementing Scrum (to dive into that rabbit hole of goodness you can visit scrumguide.mvizdos.com or www.interactivescrumguide.com).
Within Scrum and taking the Product Owner stance on a Scrum Team, sometimes you've got to get off the hamster wheel of deliver deliver deliver and get messy.
Getting messy is messy.
Getting messy could look a LOT like storming on a team (learn more about the "Tuckman Model" at onboarding.mvizdos.com).
Getting messy must happen in order for you to get to the place of doing less to get more done.
This is your reminder.
The Actionable Tip:?Diverge Sometimes
Diverge sometimes.
Notice above, I might have (OK... I did this intentionally) sent you into a rabbit hole of various links of divergent thinking around this concept of Scrum.
Divergent thinking does not "just" happen in Scrum.
Actually, think about where you could apply this concept of "Divergent Thinking" in your life and on your team and in your industry today.
It might feel kind of messy.
Divergent thinking is SUPER FRUSTRATING to me sometimes.
Because, like you -- or maybe people you know -- I love to go go go go and get shit done.
In real life, if you are a leader in your organization PLEASE model DIVERGENT THINKING as a Senior Leadership Team.
Don't just talk about that.
Do it.
If you are not a leader in your organization, guess what, your voice matters (more than you realize).
You matter.
Your Next Step...
Get messy.
Diverge sometimes.
This does not mean getting stuck in analysis paralysis or doing the mental masturbation of endlessly creating and spitting out ideas and more ideas and more ideas.
But err.... do this sometimes.
While it looks like this "divergent thinking" thing will take you off into the weeds or up to 30,000+ feet or into a rabbit hole or a dive into an abyss, it's necessary.
You've got plenty of ways to get out of there (send me a direct message here if you want to chat about how to do that with my help).
Own it.
Here is the part where?I need YOU to contribute YOUR actionable tip?for others who are reading this short article....
Please share?ONE?actionable tip in the comments below about how actually "diverging" has helped YOU do less to become even more productive.
Looking forward to learning from you.
And getting messy.
Thank you.
PS: If you'd like to learn more about this idea / concept / framework / methodology / process / way of thinking and Implementing Scrum in your world, sign up at subscribe.mvizdos.com to get my weekly Saturday morning email [since 2006] before scrolling to your next thing on this never-ending-internet.