A Dive into the Sagittarius Personality
Oula Onyango
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Were you born between November 22nd and December 21st? Well, your zodiac sign which is the ninth in the zodiac family is Sagittarius. It is represented by the Centaur--- half man, half horse, and a fire sign. Natives of Sagittarius zodiac sign are exuberant, zealous, and buoyant. Besides, they make an excellent leader, a sharp thinker, and a passionate lover. On the other hand, they are non-partisan, making it challenging to strike a consensus in a group.
Moreover, they are pliable, flexible, and adaptable. In addition, they use your brainpower and passion to forge connections between individuals and ideas that might not often interact.
Below are some of the most typical characteristics of Sagittarius to help you comprehend this sophisticated zodiac sign.
Independence is one of the outstanding traits of Sagittarians. Consider Chiron, who could neither fully fit in among the centaurs nor the gods. He carved his path, a trait embedded in Sagittarius' DNA to date.
Sagittarians are strongly impartial, a trait not found in other zodiac signs. And they value their liberty to do whatever they want, any time they want. They are adventurous and relish seeing new places and taking risks. Moreover, Sagittarians exhibit exceptional sports and business acumen. Thus, they are among the most ingenious individuals. If a push comes to a shove, Sagittarians forge their paths.
Therefore, Sagittarians do well as university dons, product promoters, merchants, and jobbers. These specializations give Sagittarians the freedom to conduct themselves as they see fit and the flexibility to approach their work from different angles.
In addition, Sagittarians are highly sought-after team members because of their rare ability to get things done while injecting fresh approaches into the assignment.
On the contrary, this non-partisan nature occasionally translates into impulsive and rebellious behaviors. A Sagittarius may rebel against the powers that be, leading to conflicts at the workplace. Although Sagittarians are great to have on a team, their impartial personality makes consensus-building difficult.
Sagittarians typically have a caring nature and are not intentionally malicious. However, it is not unusual for them to make decisions even when others do not concur.
Therefore, as a Sagittarius, watch out for your tendency to subconsciously ignore convictions and sentiments because agreement is the key to happy, healthy relationships.
Sagittarians tend to be highly emotionally empathetic; hence, they connect well with people around them.
Sagittarius is a curious, inquiring, and spiritual soul who is philosophical. A Sagittarius is most attracted to his ability to see the big picture, accurately diagnose a problem, and offer valuable advice. Becoming best friends with a Sagittarius is like having your personal emotional counselor and life coach.
In addition, Sagittarians excel at considering all possibilities, which makes them excellent problem solvers. People adore Sagittarians because they invest their hearts and minds in solving problems.
Because Sagittarians are brainy and emotionally empathetic, they could quickly fall victim to egotism if they are not careful. When you can easily pick up on the many nuances and aspects of a problem, it might be easy to get overconfident in your knowledge and skills and slip into sloppiness and stubbornness. Remember that just because you can see how a problem works does not guarantee you can solve it alone.
Sagittarians do not take criticism well—one of the major drawbacks of their personality. They are also confident. On that note, their confidence might make them look arrogant if not backed up with careful attention to detail.
Therefore, practice the art of humility if you are to be a balanced Sagittarius.
Because Sagittarians know how to balance impartiality and emotional empathy with a rare breed of love, they rank among the popular zodiacs
The quality of being sincerely and soulfully empathetic may be connected to their capacity to perceive concerns bigger than themselves. Sagittarians get along well with people and are always ready to empathize with situations because of their openness to new experiences. Their genuine care for the feelings and well-being of others is evident in their willingness to make people feel at ease.
One of the characteristics of Sagittarians that causes them excruciating pain is the assumption that others share in their natural compassion, which can occasionally result in them being taken advantage of. Sagittarians cannot determine whether someone is trying to hurt them because of their openness to accepting that everyone is good.
Therefore, empathetic Sagittarians should embrace their finer qualities but lookout for anyone who might take advantage of them. Better still, you can surround yourself with people of other zodiac signs who can alert you to potential trouble spots.
Among all the signs of the zodiac, the Sagittarians are one of the most truthful—they are uninterested in lying, deception, and falsehood, making them trustworthy.
Because of their emotional intelligence, compassionate heart, and strong independence, Sagittarians prefer truthfulness—being candid with themselves and others. Meaning they act with great integrity and expect others to do the same.
A Sagittarius will always tell you the unpleasant truth. And if you share a problem, they will tell you what you must hear, not what you expect. And being open hurts sensitive individuals.
Thus, the natives of other zodiac signs view Sagittarians as honest and trustworthy.
The Sagittarius will always be concerned with the larger picture and the greater good; they will not be bothered if your sentiments get in the way.
Therefore, a good Sagittarius should remember to balance truth with a tender heart.
Sagittarians are inquisitive. They tend to have questions about issues, situations, and happenings around them. (You remember that classmate who was ever inquisitive?) He was probably a Sagittarius.
Sagittarius is a born hunter, especially when it comes to acquiring information. They constantly seek out fresh information.
Being clever and curious are highly correlated. And Sagittarians have an insatiable desire to accumulate a vast amount of knowledge. Therefore, one of the most defining traits is an unquenchable curiosity. Sagittarians are delighted to learn new things, acquire fresh information, and add new data to expand their knowledge base.
The curious nature of a Sagittarius extends to many facets of life: work, life experiences, and personal relationships. In addition, Sagittarius is constantly thinking about what new, surprising events are impending.
Being drawn to the new implies becoming bored with the old. A Sagittarius tends to be apprehensive and occasionally tosses off the true and tried path to experience whatever comes next. Meaning that while Sagittarians are good starters, they abandon projects halfway through.?
Consequently, having a ton of unfinished tasks hanging around is one of the traits of Sagittarius.
In relationships, Sagittarians need to be especially aware of this trait of leaving things halfway.?
As a Sagittarius, remember that old is gold. Therefore, do not abandon old buddies just because of new acquaintances. Try never to chase every bright idea, especially if doing so will break the hearts of those you care about.
The outgoing and extroverted ENXP characteristics mirror the festive nature of Sagittarius. ENTPs and ?ENFPs enjoy making discoveries and thrilling adventures like their Sagittarius counterparts.
In addition, given that both Sagittarians and ENFJs are perceptive and receptive to the intentions of others, it stands to reason that Sagittarians are more likely to be ENFJs. Both have a propensity to sensationalize while motivating others.
This personality type is renowned for being incredibly upbeat, extroverted, adventurous, and always on the move. Sagittarians frequently take on multiple roles because they excel at multitasking.
In addition, they are optimistic and have a positive outlook on life, which is why ?Enneagram Type Seven is the perfect match.
Finally, as a Sagittarius, you are highly emotionally empathetic, tender-hearted, forthright, and quizzical. You step on people's toes and brighten their lives in equal measure. Besides, you stir and awaken the spirit of optimism in your confidants. Although you do not like criticism, you are miles ahead of the rest. Keep up your intelligent, empathetic, curious, and candid traits, but remember to balance.
Hooray Sagittarians!