Dive into D365 FO DIXF parameters
This article describes the Data import/export framework parameters and options for data import and export.
To access the parameters, in finance and operations apps, go to Data Management > Framework parameters.
Bring your own database tab,
Select No to export only selected companies
Select Yes to export all companies
Compatibility options tab > Flat file compatability options
Select No if the exported file isn't required to contain headers.
Select Yes if the exported file is required to contain headers.
Select No if files should always be added to the project when there's a mismatch between the file types.
Select Yes if files should not be added to the project when there's a mismatch between the file types.
Compatibility options tab > XML file compatability options
Full export:
Entity names in non uppercase:
Attribute names in non uppercase (applies to simple entities only):
Attribute names in non uppercase for initial mapping (applies to simple entities only):
To update attribute names for simple entities to non uppercase letters, follow these steps.
Compatibility options tab > Data project and job compatibility
Ensure unique execution id:
Run data package export API synchronously:
Enhanced parallel package import:
Compatibility options tab > Recurring integrations compatibility
Skip reprocessing in process recurring integration messages: