I stopped doing EVERYTHING in my business for 6 weeks!
Apart from a handful of high ticket clients I am coaching, I pretty much put the breaks on, when I woke up one morning in September and felt like I just couldn't be in the online space anymore!
Everything about it was driving me nuts.
The phone constantly pinging.
The inbox too full to manage.
The "desperation" from the many many coaches and entrepreneurs trying to sell themselves to me and everyone else.
I wanted to throw my phone and laptop in the ocean. But I love the ocean too much to litter it, so I swam in it instead.
I literally woke up every morning, put on a bikini, and walked out the door, staying at the beach until after dusk many days.
This has happened to me before. It's like writers block.
Nothing to share.
No ideas on how to serve my audience.
Usually I take a week off and I am back on track.
But 6 weeks!
It was extremely uncomfortable for me to be unproductive, and sitting in a rather low mood for such a long time.
Did I worry about money? Hell yes!
Did I think about what alternatives I could do instead of my coaching business? Eh yeah! (and they were all some form of ridiculous "live off the grid" kind of crazy idea! lol )
So why did I just sit in my own soup?
Two reasons
1. I was freaking tired! It's been a tough year personally and for humanity.
2. I know without a doubt that my ideas and energy don't come from me trying to think my way out of things. They come from source...from divine feminine DIVA energy and it was only a matter of time before I would be shown the way.
At first it was all about healing.....crying, feeling depressed, no energy, lots of Netflix!
Then came a few ideas, but as soon as I jumped back in the game, after a day or two I was completely exhausted again.
So I just waited....and I did what any Diva would do who isn't on stage right now.....
I spent my time in PLEASURE.
But there were also some PRACTICAL things in place that allowed me to be able to do this.
Simplifying, systemising and automating my business FACILITATES a pleasure based business and life.
So, I thought, TODAY I am going to share my exact business model and how I scaled within the first 9 months to earn more and work less, while focussing on PLEASURE.
A Facebook Live Stream TODAY at 1pm UK / 8am New York
How a Diva (like me) get to work a flexi day every Monday (very often just being at the beach or having lunch with a friend)
Every 2nd Tuesday off for PLEASURE
Coaching clients only on Wednesday and Thursdays but still being able to take on up to 20 clients at a time
And Friday, Saturday and Sundays off every weekend to be with my daughter
Plus I’ve almost eliminated sales calls completely and can close high ticket ($3k plus) via messenger, saving hours a week and my energy
Get the juice over in the group.
See you there!