Ditch Overwhelm and End the Year Strong

Ditch Overwhelm and End the Year Strong

Here we are, 8 weeks away from Christmas.

We're about to head into what's often described as a 'crazy-busy' time of year.

But it doesn't have to be that way. Feeling overwhelmed often comes down to our mindset. Try out this 3-step process to gain clarity and focus:

  1. Make a list of all your 'to do's. Set a timer and jot down as many as you can in just 5 mins.
  2. Now let's separate out the 'nice to dos' from the 'must dos'. Be decisive and narrow down to what are truly your top few priorities. (Or even just THE top priority.)
  3. Focus on what really matters and be ok with leaving the less important stuff undone. Ditch, delegate, defer as required. To help you let go, picture how satisfied you'll feel one those key things are completed. Just remember, you don't have to do everything this side of Christmas.

Although, if you do want to include some motivation, inspiration and practical tools for your team to help them cope with 'all the things', it's not too late to book in a workshop to wrap the year up on a high.

Help Your Team Finish the Year Strong

Rather than just an end-of-year social, why not invest in a powerful, invigorating PD session to equip your team to be at their best ready to head into 2025?

I have very limited dates available for in-person or online workshops either

  • the week of the 25th November or
  • the week of the 9th December.

Message me or book a time to connect for a chat to find out more.

Here are some popular topics to end the year with...

Feel free to browse the full range of topics at


I'd love to help you end the year strong, to ensure you and your team can make the most of 2025.


Lauren Parsons, CSP, AS的更多文章

