Ditch the demographics + bring back the human

Ditch the demographics + bring back the human

This article contains an unedited excerpt from our new book, Leading the Customer-led Revolution, due out in May. We hope you enjoy it!

Ditch the demographics + bring back the human

We see it everyday in businesses + experience it often as customers - being treated like a number, another statistic. Faceless demographic clusters that mean everything yet nothing all at the same time.?

Don’t get us wrong, we think there is a place for demographics, but they only tell a very small part of the story. In fact, it starts by asking the core question every business leader should ask every year.

Check out an excerpt from our book, Leading the Customer-led Revolution, below, for how to begin to bring back the human in to your business + put the solid foundations in place to smash your competition.

Who is your customer?

[Excerpt from Chapter 17 of our new book]

We ask this question of all business owners and leaders we meet. We get all manner of responses, ranging from the vague (common) to the very specific (impressive but not so common).?

When we ask this question in our workshops, the answer is almost always the same – EVERYONE!?

‘Everyone? Really? Absolutely everyone?’ we repeat. ‘Yes!’ they say. ‘Everyone!’ ‘Anyone with a wallet’ is another popular response.?

Is it really everyone?

Look, we get it. As human beings, we don’t like to miss out. FOMO (fear of missing out) is really a ‘thing’.?

We think that if we ignore a particular customer group, it will be the death of our business. The more customers, the better, right? Who wouldn’t want everyone as a customer??

Truth is, us! And you! The reality is this –?not everyone is your customer. If you’re everything to everyone, then you’re nothing to no one. It’s true. You cannot possibly be everyone’s cup of tea. Your products + services cannot fulfil everyone’s needs, wants and desires. It’s just not possible (+ we don’t say that statement very often!).?

In tough times - think pandemics, natural disasters, recessions +
the like - it's natural to move towards 'any customer is a good
customer' as we try to keep our businesses afloat. But that's not 
sustainable approach moving forward + one best avoided or moved
away from as quickly as possible.        

There’s customers you want, + there’s customers you don’t.?Smart business owners + leaders know this. While lots of businesses chase down anyone with a wallet + a pulse, it’s the clever ones who know that aligning themselves with the customers that will most value their offering, is the best business strategy of all.?

By working out + then focusing on the customers you want, you find yourself running or leading a more efficient, effective, profitable business. One that has strong customer connections with the right customers, while leaving the rest for your competitors to deal with.?

So, what’s the answer?

-CF x

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This article is an?unedited excerpt?from the upcoming book from authors Sueanne Carr + Peter Turner (aka the Dynamic Duo of Customer-led Transformation) titled,?Leading the Customer-led Revolution,?due out May 2023.?

Written for courageous leaders who are in charge of or charged with making their organisation truly customer-led,?it provides a simple and powerful roadmap to making it happen.?

Join the waitlist?here.


