diSummit: D-ONE: time to have fun
Oli Dierickx
I help you to improve French, connecting your ?? and ??, using Neurolanguage coaching. Join me with L.A.U.G.H., joy and reclaim your inner ??
Finding good words even if they sound weird is my specialty and I'm really glad when it express my feelings about an event like this! It remains now ONE day! It's good to foresee and to imagine that this 26th June will be a big day - as many others in my life
This one will be the 5th edition - at #ULB place, and as always our team is working so hard to make this experience the most valuable for all of you! This edition's topic, "being human in the age of AI", will cover the ethics part, how to adapt AI for humans (not the opposite) and how to include all in this new world, leaving no one behind, as it will disrupt our work, our way of living and our society.
What could you expect this day? Many many things! Within 6-8 hours (11 for our team!), you will benefit of these great assets you can see in our Agenda:
- SPEAKERS! During this day, we are very lucky and pleased to greet 50+ speakers & trainers. They will be eager to perform speeches, workshops, hands-on masterclasses! You will learn their insights, their projects and what they do, their knowledge (some tech skills also on training rooms). This year we aim to promote gender-balanced panel. There will be as much women as men. Both play the same part in AI field and it's also a great opportunity to listen to a wider panel of speaker's voices. I would make some jealous if I list most of our speakers - exhaustive is not possible, however I feel really proud to meet Luc Julia, co-inventor of Apple Siri and presenting his new book "AI does not exist", Caroline Pauwels, #VUB rector, Stephen Brobst, Isabelle Grippa; Ségolène Martin and many many more!
- AI AWARDS! New this year, you will see AI Awards focusing personalities, startups and scale-ups that was determinant in AI, Data Science and technology scope. Each of you attending diSummit will be able to vote for your favorite people or company. Results will be presented at the end of the day, then we could celebrate any nominee and winner, as being nominated is already highlight in itself, rewarding any who contribute to enhance AI technology for the greater good - of Belgian citizen, of mankind in general.
- JOB FAIR! During the day, you will also find this where job seekers, students could network, interview and submit their resume on job postings. As our aim is also to include them during the diSummit day, they will find a ticket tailored to their low funds.
- EXHIBITORS! We are also glad to welcome amazing companies! Their team will greet you at their booth, allowing you to discover them, their projects, share some insights about AI and of course receive more information & maybe apply for job postings!
- PARTNERS! There are many things we are really proud of! #diSummit would have less impact, less meaning without them, as without speakers, exhibitors, our team and you! They contribute to make our event more than viable: shiny! And behind our partners stand people that are truly passionate about their work, their topics and projects. Aside companies, we also are really proud to include a wide ecosystem of COMMUNITIES that plays a big role in AI, tech, digital & entrepreneurship. This year, we include them and offer them a nice ticket discount to celebrate FIVE years of diSummit. Five years where Brussels & Belgium awakens to the changes that our global society is living with AI disruptive transformation. All of them have a role to play in this amazing journey!
After having read this, haven't you yet bought your ticket? How come !? Don't miss the train, it arrives in Brussels' ULB station in less than ten days! and the wagons are almost full. From now we already are proud that six hundreds people took already the leap to our event! There are still space for you to join us, don't wait until it's sold out!
Anyone has the chance to access: students and contributors have their ticket fees advantages. YES, if you share our #diSummit website, blog, youtube channel, news, facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedIn, ... you can benefit a lower ticket price!
ONE! After one night will come a full day of speeches, workshops, tech hands-on, networking and talks, of highlights on personalities, companies and projects. All sharing the same passion : technology, AI, data science and entrepreneurship. To include each of the people, leaving no one behind on the present and future disruptive world and changes that comes and will occur. We could make this world shinier. Not perfect (how boring!), just allow anyone, poor & rich, unskilled & master, from any age, gender, color, belief, location to participate together and uplift this world and its inhabitants. For better inclusion!