District 94 Toastmasters Conference
Maureen Chukwurah
Community Service Leader | Infodemic Manager | Project Manager | Public Speaker
Today, I finally had the much-needed rest and I am happy I did. I didn’t come here to tell you of one of my all-time favorite activities – Sleeping! I am here to tell you about the kind of week I had from the 21st – the 28th of May, in the year of the Lord 2023. No, don't roll your eyes yet, I am that dramatic.
In the Toastmasters community, we have conferences every year and it moves from one location to another. This year, the bus took us to Lome, and the theme for the conference – was ‘Expanding Our Horizons with Toastmasters, In An Ever-Changing World.
Our host country Lome did such an excellent job in organizing to the very minute detail. As a participant, I could tell that a lot of thought was put into planning for different countries that were to be in attendance. A total of 15 Countries from this Gigantic Continent specifically Central and West Africa; Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Cote D’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo.
Many highs for me from this experience, I advise that we all take advantage of this smooth networking opportunity during our Toastmasters cycle.
I won’t rush the gist, at least not yet. If I don’t tell you about the lead-up to Day 1 what kind of person would I be and have you really heard everything?
I traveled for three days, well not all day. But I was on the road or a flight moving from point A to B. I first had to move from Jos, Plateau State in Nigeria to Abuja which took about 4 hours and 30 minutes by road transportation. The next day I joined a flight to Lagos for about an hour and on the third day Team Nigeria was on her way to Lome from Lagos.
This last leg of this pre-arrival journey drew our edges in so many ways, but as a team, we found a way to make light of the situation. Especially, when Toastmaster Chukwuebuka bought that metallic plantain chips. (If you know, you know).
Day 1 – A customary flag rising by all countries present and there were moments when I had goosebumps. The flags held high and moved in a rhythmic way from left to right, which left me feeling proud of this Mother Continent called Africa.
The Semi-Finals contest. Beautiful speeches and responses at the table topics session. I do not envy the Judges. Our Ghana candidates did us proudly. Congratulations to Paul Forjoe-Jnr, Kadiatou Barry, and Eunice Tekour Ofori for making it to the Finals.
Day 2 – There were some training sessions and a hall of fame.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t grasp a lot from the French training because of the gap in translations; however, the English session handled by DTM Patrick Oluyide had so many gems.
Four Gems;
* A person who resist change you are not a citizen for the future.
* Fight your mind - wait in war with your mind. - Resist COMPLACENCY
* Toastmasters are not just where LEADERS ARE MADE but where LEADERS MAKE THEMSELVES.
* We don't influence people; people come to the light of our influence.
Great gems right, I thought so too.
Day 3 – District Elections and Finals competition.
Congratulations to Carl Anthony Quaye our incoming Division M Director, Gloria Bempong incoming Division G Director, and Hauwa Abukabar who will represent the district in the Bahamas come August 2023.
Day 4 – Closing ceremony and Welcoming of the first-timer.
I was hoping we would get some sumptuous small chops as we do in our churches for the first-timers. We got even more; a long train of dancing, standing ovations, hearty claps, and first-timer badges. Not what you were expecting? Well, it was good enough for me.
The exciting part of the gala night was the recognition of DTM and of course the dance by all countries.
The painful part was saying goodbye to new friends made.
John Maxwell said, “Experience is not the best teacher; evaluated experience is.”
Of course, there are Lessons learned;
*Have maximum fun, we rest later or on our way home.
*Dump escapism - Interact in spite of the language barrier, and make an effort.
*If you arrange Airbnb, be sure to know the exact location. If you have logistics on the ground plead with them to check the place out.
*Resist the temptation to stay only with your people. New terrain new opportunities for collaboration cease it!
I hope that by sharing my experience, you would start planning to be in Abuja - Nigeria come May 2024 or the Bahamas in August 2023.
Most importantly, is that you become intentional on your toastmasters journey. Take it ’world cup’ as we say in Ghana meaning a lot more seriously.
Because, how does a 5 months old Toastmaster get to represent District 94 in the Bahamas?
Just think about it!