Distribution, Dissemination and Intentional Misinformation
Motivation Monday Koffee with Kevin

Distribution, Dissemination and Intentional Misinformation

When I took Journalism courses at college, I had a tendency to write additional thoughts or feelings about the topic I was writing about and my professors would call it "EDITORIALIZING." They would explain, the role of the "Journalist" is to cover a story and the FACTS associated with it and report it. That was it. "REPORT THE FACTS." Yes. Potentially boring. And this is how "Yellow Journalism" came to be and why we can rarely find news coverage, a news article or story that isn't "EDITORIALIZED" or doesn't have someone's opinion.

News coverage isn't "personal." It shouldn't bother us one way or another. It should simply be the "Facts" associated with a situtation. Unfortuantely, we now live in a society where "FACTS" can be manipulated and intentionally misleading.

"FACTS" are not, "emotional." Once emotions are entered into a story or a debate it seizes to be news...now it's "Editorial."

Several years ago, 2016 or so, NBC Anchorman Brian Williams got in trouble for "misleading" the American public by overstating some of his experiences. He was there, but exaggerated a bit. He was taken off air for years! At about the same time, the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was also caught "exaggerating the truth" about things she never actually experienced. Some people might call that "lying." But, most interestingly, about the same time, NBC Reporter Andrea Mitchell intentionally edited a video of Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney in order to intentionally misrepresent something he said. Literally editing his comments in order to create a new comment that wasn't true! Trying to change the outcome of a Presidential Election! And nobody did anything! She just kept reporting.

Recently, you'll see a TV ad for the Google Phone. It enable you to take a picture and if you do not like the way people's faces look, you can actually change them!!! If someone is not happy being in the picture or is angry being in the picture, you can literally just superimpose a "happy" face in it's place... or vice versa. Make someone look angry in a picture when they are not. Literally changing a "FACT" or "TRUTH" right there on the spot!

We are concerned about Ai (Artificial Intelligence)?

We are enabling, empowering and accepting lies all the time. What's the answer?

Personal Integrity! You. Each person, must take the time to be thoughtful about the intake of information and try to determine if it is "True" or not, or if it is serving someone else's agenda. Is this a news story, a piece of information or a social media post. What is the intent? What is the actual story? And determine for yourself if you need to do more research. Read a few more stories from different sources in order to come to a reasonable conclusion, not an emotional conclusion.

Recently, we had an acquaintence that was very upset about things that are going on around the world based on what he has seen on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. We said, John, You know that's not "the news" right? He only defended his decision more and seemed to get even angrier!!

As someone that potentially reads this "Motivation Monday Koffee with Kevin" column / newsletter, you know that I recently completed a globally unifying and award-winning documentary, "The Light of Man." As part of the conclusion of the documentary, I looked up the meaning of the word, "Namaste'." Google uses this as the definition: "bowing to you; Religious and secular culture come together in the increasing use of namaste (pronounced \NAH-muh-stay\) in English: the term is associated with both Hinduism and yoga. The word comes from Sanskrit and literally means “bowing to you” or “I bow to you,” and is used as a greeting."

Which is not quite ACCURATE!! It is what they want people to beleive is true! They have removed the initial spiritual and religious meaning of the word INTENTIONALLY! They intentionally removed the religious and spiritual connotation of the origins of the word. According to academic research, Namaste'?is not only about sending greetings. It has a more profound spiritual?meaning in Hinduism.?Namaste?means "I bow to the divine in you." A little deeper meaning. Don't you think?

Look. It would be so nice to take everyone and everything that is said at face value. Just believe what people say, do and write, but that is naive, unfortunately. People write and do misleading things for a reason. Whatever that reason is, people do it all the time.

So. It's up to each of us to take the time, our time, to decide if something is really the truth or whether it has any impact on us. And keep in mind the famous quote:

Before you speak, ask yourself if what you are going to say is true, is it kind, is it necessary, is it helpful. If the answer is No, maybe what you are about to say is unnecessary?

Wishing you all well.

God Bless and Namaste'


Kevin L McCrudden -Author-Speaker-Exec. Coach Thought Leader-Corporate and College Lecturer的更多文章

