Distributed Team spirit
Jacob G. Kingo
Innovation Management, Organizational Transformation, Leadership, and Change Management. Masters degree in Organizational Innovation Management.
" We are a Team". What does that really mean? And what about "Team Spirit", bet you also heard that one before. "Spirit", so is it something that can't be seen? Can we even measure it?
Lets just get something clear from the start, being a Team, is more than just a bunch of people in a group working together and its more than belonging to a specific department of the company. In fact it is about so much more. Creating a group can be done in a few minutes or less, creating a Team takes time and work.
"Okay, so when are we a Team?" That question brings us back to the word "Spirit", there are no correct answer to it, other than it is something that you feel and hold to be true. Its not that you have the same goal, its not that you are coordinating your work, its not that you meet once a month to do social team events and it is not that you have been working together for many years. Even though these things can help create Team spirit, it is not what makes a Team.
Rather "Team Spirit" is about recognition, empathy, respect, trust, security, openness, involvement, transparency, availability, and so much more. All the more soft skills that we need to learn and implement as part of becoming a Team.
Which brings me to the core of this article. How can we create "Team Spirit" when people aren't located in the same space? In the post era of Covid, it has become more and more normal to have your Team members coming from many different locations, from other departments, other parts of the country, from other countries and some just prefer to work from home.
I will be the first to admit (probably not the first), that it was easier being a Coach and Team Consultant, when people were sitting in the same location. When everyone were right there, able to just look up from their work and talk directly to each other over their desks. Easier to quickly get everyones attention and give a important message or constructive feedback (knowing everyone heard it and understood it), picking up the vibe (mood) by looking for social clues, such as expressions, body language, or tone of voice.
Just by people chatting and listening throughout the workday, they came to know each other, both in regards to work, but also related to life. With time it created a special bond among the Team members, and if you observed them for a while, you would probably say "They have good team spirit".
Reality now, is the important messages are given during online meetings or via chat functions, hoping everyone got it and understood it. Picking up the team mood, requires new more digital approaches, and looking for any clues as to how people react and reflect on what you are saying, is in an online meeting with 50% of the webcams shut off.
I am not saying that Team Spirit cannot be created in a team, where the members are not co-located, but it requires something different (extra) from everyone involved. Something that we already have been practicing ever since the pandemic sent us all home. I always try to be creative with how I interact with teams, constantly learning new innovative ways and expanding my toolkit to try and create teams that reach that sense of Team Spirit.
I do however think we, to some extend, will see more and more companies, trying to get people back to the office, first as a strong recommendation, but later also as a more required part of the strategy. I know some of you will probably, feel like the flexibility you've just got so used to, will be taken away and you will feel "forced" back into the office, to sit with your colleagues. "but I am so much more productive from home" , yes true as it may be, I truly believe that you will contribute to the company culture and just as important to the Team Spirit, when we get to see you at the office once in while.
I might be outnumbered, but I am for one happy to see more people, returning to the office :)
Thank you for reading, I would love to hear your opinion on this
Merry Christmas