Distressed Asset Acquisitions Video Webcast Roundtable: Complimentary Expert Webcast Replay Access
- Norman Kinel, Partner, National Chair of the Firm’s Creditors’ Committee Group, Squire Patton Boggs
- James F. Davidson, CPA, CFF, CFE, CM&AA, CIRA, CTP, CGMA, CM&AP, CBA, Managing Director, Avant Advisory Group
- Barry Kastner, Senior Managing Director, Trade Finance Solutions Inc.
- Neil Morganbesser, President, DelMorgan & Co.
- Overview of distressed deal environment
- Volume
- Type and quality
- Size
- Industry
- Geography
- PE v. lenders v. strategic
- Recent relevant bankruptcy rulings and impact on deal structures
- Strategies to win and close deals
- Financing availability
- Operational restructuring and corporate improvement
- Case studies
- Future outlook