Distracted Dionne (In Recovery) CALLED ME WITH HER PRAISE REPORT!!!
Ryane LeCesne
Empowering High-Achieving Black Women | Transforming Mindsets & Elevating Dreams | Overcoming Imposter Syndrome & Perfectionism | Your Professional Best Friend
Last week I introduced you to a client of mine - Distracted Dionne. Essentially, she’s one of the brightest people I know, but she lacks the clarity and confidence to strategically work towards her dreams and goals.
This causes her to unconsciously self-sabotage her efforts and leaves her feeling stuck with low energy, wondering “why” she can’t make herself change, and uncertain “how” to start taking sustain action on her true dreams and goals.
*Distracted Dionne In Recovery* (an INSPIRE client who’s learned to practice the proven and scientifically based process I’ve created and teach) called today (!!!!) to share her *PRAISE REPORT* with me.
In this video, I share her personal insights on how coaching and the Quantum Leap Process has LITERALLY CHANGED HER WHOLE LIFE!!!!!
In less than a year, she’s gained the clarity, confidence, and inner-peace to:
- Create and build a thriving consulting company that impacts the effectiveness of entire school districts around the country.
*She had a dream – a hope to breathe life into an idea that she couldn’t shake and had to complete – BUT SHE COULDN’T figure out “how” to get clear on her vision enough so that she could trust it and herself to take a leap of faith to create her dream business.
- Secure a higher-ed teaching position in her EXACT dream teaching role teaching content that she’s created highlighting her thought leadership and positioning her for greater success in her field of passion
*Come on?????????????????♀?????????????? FOR-SERIOUSLY ?? It’s true - she told me - and I’ve witnessed her create her results. I am part of her Brilliance Team. By deciding to invest in herself through coaching with me and by applying the proven process, she was able to accomplish 15 years' worth of work in less than one year and not experience 15 years' worth of suffering and struggling trying to figure it out by herself. Now she's CLEAR, feeling Confidence, and is experiencing more ease, joy, and flow in her life overall because she is in alignment with her Soul. We're both screaming with delight!
- Build a consulting practice that has tripled her projected income and she has so much work, she had to higher two additional consultants who are thanking her for “putting them on” outstanding and meaning projects.
*I mean, is it RAINING BLESSINGS?! ?????????? Who's modeling excellence?! Who's paying it forward and paving the way for others to make an impact to amplify her work, passion, purpose, and mission in life to save the children –– NOT COMPETE with her?! Who's the #BossLady who's CREATING HER DREAM LIFE?!
- And a WHOLE LIFESTYLE aligned with the Brilliance of her Soul!
*And drop the ?? ?? PLEASE!!
Her good news went on and on and on!
She is S????H????O????W????I????N????G???? up for herself, her Brilliance and all those she’s meant to impact in this world - yay!
She ALSO SHARED that she now has the concrete tools and structures to dig herself out of the quicksand that happens to all of us in life.
Are you ready to learn how to shift your mindset from distraction to clarity so you can effectively use your precious energy to create the life you’d most love to live?
Are you ready to practice powerful energy releasing techniques to finally rid yourself of the fog of uncertainty and self-doubt so you can confidently make strategic decisions and focus on your high priority tasks like creating your dream life?
Are you ready to quiet the overwhelming and anxiety-producing mental chatter that causes you to procrastinate, wait for perfect and stay distracted by misaligned expectations and goals?
If you answered, YES, I can help you quantum leap out of feeling stuck in the quicksand and get into alignment and flow with your Brilliance - your Soul’s purpose and reason for being.
And you can connect with me for FREE!
Book your *free* call with me at www.inspirebrandconsulting.com/gift so you can:
1. Get clear on where you want to go.
2. Spotlight your biggest blind spot.
3. Learn ALL the ways I can support you ignite the Brilliance of your Soul...
...ALL AS A GIFT FROM ME (value $250 = but for-seriously TRANSFORMATION IS PRICELESS.)
It’s an education that will truly quantum leap your lifestyle.
Are you worth the investment?
I believe you are, and I believed I was worth it for my own life and business. I’d never go back to who I was or the way I thought about myself before... ever! I can’t, now that I know and believe the Truth about You and Me – THAT YOU ARE BRILLIANT AND SO AM – I could never go back!
I can help you ;-)
Book your *free* call with me at www.inspirebrandconsulting.com/gift.