Distinguish Yourself, Stand Out From The Crowd

Distinguish Yourself, Stand Out From The Crowd

Without a doubt, professional service branding helps you succeed in your business.

Reflecting your unique combination of skills and attributes, it distinguishes you from everyone else which helps you stand out from the crowd.

Included in this combination is the revelation of who you are as a person and what stand for as a service professional. That’s what makes your branding authentic: your true and best self is an essential element of the public face of your service.

Knowing Your Why

Knowing your why is an important first step in creating your brand positioning statement. When you know your why, you will you find the courage to take the risks needed to get ahead, stay motivated when the chips are down.

In practice, your why is both familiar and comfortable. Strategically, knowing your why serves much the same purpose as a mission statement.

It communicates the purpose of your service business, focusing your energy, actions, behaviors and decisions towards the things that are most important.

The Connection Between Knowing Your Why And Marketing

Certainly, knowing your why can play a critical role in continuing to undertake and effectively complete those many actions necessary to generate more new business.

But what about our marketing communications, specifically branding?

Our personal brands define who we are as individuals and as professionals. Our brands also help us stand out from the crowd, distinguishing us from all others.

Including your why in your brand statement can enhance and support those elements that differentiate you from the competition.

This in turn helps make your marketing more authentic, differentiating it from the blatant lies and outright lies favored by copycat marketers and shameless self- promoters alike.

What is Your POV

The term POV stands for point of view.? A point of view reflects a particular attitude or way of considering a matter.

Our point of view or POV helps us find like-minded people as friends and acquaintances.? It also helps attract potentially ideal clients and referral sources, while discouraging others whose point of view is different from, perhaps even directly opposite to ours.

By extension, a brand perspective is in effect the POV for your brand.? As a component of what your brand stands for, your brand perspective reflects your particular attitude or way of considering a matter.

In many cases, our point of view and by extension that of our personal brand supports, even enhances the polarizing aspect of how we do things.

By way of example, as a marketing coach my point of view, or attitude towards serving clients is facilitative.?

In practice, this means that instead of directly telling clients what they should do, I try to make it easier for them to find their own solutions.? After all, that is what facilitation is about.

As a marketing coach, I see my role as asking the questions that clients may not have thought about in order to access their own information and experience base.

However, from experience, I have learned that many people facing marketing challenges prefer having a consultant tell them how to resolve their problems to being coached through the process of figuring out their best solution.

Taking a facilitative point of view when working with clients polarizes me. As appealing as this approach may be to clients prepared to take full responsibility for resolving their issues, it is a deterrent to those clients who want quick and dirty solutions.

In effect, a brand positioning statement brings together your why and your brand point of view.

To learn more about your brand positioning statement as part of professional branding, please click here.


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