The distance between good and great is a single step. It's the step that turns good intentions into real change, good relationships into great relationships and a result-driven initiative into quantifiable impact. This single step can be taken by anyone who is willing to put in the work and make the commitment. In this report, we'll outline some of those actions for you so that you too can take that single step towards greatness!

Good is the enemy of great.

If you are seeking greatness in a world that's changing so rapidly, then you got to be different.

Good is the opposite of bad, but it's still not great. The single step that turns good intentions into real change can be taken by anyone who is willing to put in the work and make the commitment.

It’s a fundamental truth that many people overlook when they talk about success and happiness; if you are simply “good” at something, there is no reason to be satisfied with your performance or effort in that area of life. It is only through constant striving for improvement and pursuit of greatness—that we can achieve our best selves and live a life of purpose.

Greatness is not a function of circumstance. It is a choice. It’s not about where you are, but whom you become. It’s not about what happens to you, but how you react to it. The challenge is in finding and developing the greatness within yourself. Greatness can be achieved by anyone willing to work hard at it.

Good is the enemy of great. And that’s exactly why we have to be constantly pushing ourselves to be better than good. We must keep striving for greatness and never settle for mediocrity.

Greatness is built on a foundation of consistent execution.

You are comfortable with good. You know how to be good and you like it. You are comfortable with the status quo and would rather play it safe than take a risk. Being comfortable is easy, but it’s not what makes us great. If you want to be great, you have to do things that make you uncomfortable

Greatness requires sacrifice.

Can you sacrifice your time, effort and resources to help others achieve greatness? If you've truly made the decision to be great, this will be easy for you. Remember that greatness requires sacrifice.

A great leader thinks about his team—and then makes sacrifices for their benefit. He also understands that sometimes a sacrifice has to be made in order for the whole group or team to succeed.

Greatness requires an ability to put your ego in check.

The ability to put your ego in check is a hallmark of great leaders. In fact, it’s one of the most important qualities that set them apart from average leaders. Ego is the enemy of greatness because it prevents you from seeing things objectively, learning from others, and growing as a leader.

Ego can also cause you to make bad decisions and miss opportunities for growth and success by creating barriers around yourself: You think everyone else is wrong; you want everything your way; you don’t want anyone else to succeed if it means they might be better than you; or worse yet, ego convinces us that we need to be right all the time at any cost — even if being right means putting down others who have different perspectives on issues or problems than ours are.

If there was ever a recipe for disaster in business (or life), this would be it!

Greatness requires taking risks that threaten your comfort and safety.

If you want to be great, you must stop being safe, stop doing things that don't put you at risk and stop taking only the risks that are comfortable. If you're not willing to do this in your life, then greatness is out of reach because it's impossible for someone who's always playing it safe to become truly great.

People think that being safe means avoiding accidents or mistakes. However, there are other kinds of safety: financial security (money), physical safety (health), emotional security (family), social status...

Greatness requires giving yourself permission to fail and get back up again.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “fail fast, fail early and fail often.” The idea is that failure is a part of success. Greatness requires giving yourself permission to fail and getting back up again—and maybe even failing again before you succeed.

Consider this quote from Samuel Beckett: “Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter! Try again! Fail again! Fail better!” If you want to be great, it means putting yourself out there in a big way—exposing your ideas and plans to the world so they can be judged by others and receive feedback on what works and what doesn't work.

And remember: other people have failed plenty of times before they became successful; they just weren't willing to talk about it because talking about failure isn't considered cool or fashionable (yet).

The distance between good to great is a willingness to do something different.

If you want to be great, it means putting yourself out there in a big way—exposing your ideas and plans to the world so they can be judged by others and receive feedback on what works and what doesn't work. And remember: other people have failed plenty of times before they became successful; they just weren't willing to talk about it because talking about failure isn't considered cool or fashionable (yet). The distance between good to great is a willingness to do something different.


The reality is that most people are not willing to do something different. They’re comfortable with “good,” and they believe that there are no shortcuts to greatness. But this belief is dangerous because it blinds you from seeing opportunities that could help you achieve great success—and even more important, it prevents you from taking advantage of those opportunities when they arise. The distance between good and great isn't as far away as we think it is; in fact, it's right in front of us if we're willing to take action!

So are you willing to go the distance from good to great?

Written by Victor Fakhoury


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