Dissolving My Inner Gossiper Goop
Dissolving My Inner Gossiper Goop
Infinite gall opened my valorous gumption to understand admit and admire gossiping is a dream stealer self esteem cremator and life…
Nemesis for the people being gossiped about and the gossiper as I now realize and concede a gossiper is lusting to fit in with…
The in crowd and most popular people while shredding their integrity and honour because gossiping is lying about others that never dies…
So that tells me being a gossip is a lie about other is a lie to me myself and I then showing me myself and I my immature impish twit…
That knitted me into snitching snow that passed away today to because I understand whatever is for me majestically matures me…
Everything else is free to pass me by and fly away as I sashay on my heavenly heydays sensing my heart rainbow glow and souls class…
To dissolve my gimpy wimpy gossipers gullible guile that I now admit and grasp I contained so now I expand of inspiring my desires and…
Accomplished outcomes as I asked me… How did I gossip to fit in with the in crowd? Unblocked my gut gumption I did try to fit in with…
The gossipers instantly untreed my core candor to admit gossiping takes my accomplished outcome eyes of the my Pulitzer Prizes…
I desire to experience as I now realize and concede gossiping was my delusional dream stealer until now I dawn a daring attitude whizzes…
Nervy natural gut instinct to invigorate new sassy tenacity instigating numen candor tantalizes my willpower to see the wisdom talent and…
Innovation of others freed me to respect and admire my newfangled leadership savvy that instantly open today’s hellacious adventurous…
Rebellions sensing gossiping is for my sneaky wimpy weak egotistical snobbish eesh trying to snake my way through life left me stifled…
In a wannabe everything to everybody negating me myself and I’s self esteem honour and integrity promptly viewing the world…
Through victimitice eyes crying over the good other received was deceiving me myself and I leaving me crying in my beer of sneer…
Boldly admitting gossiping is life-stealing excuse I used to fit in with the crowd trying to look cool ending up looking like a drooling fool…
That permitted my life be stolen by self taught egotistical arrogance to fit in I had to emulate and follow the in crowd that was my fake…
Frumpy grumpy sitting around like a bump on the log bogged down in gossiper grip that spoke within me myself and I then covered up…
My fears by smearing fear within me myself and I with a gullible gossiper palaver that binded me in trying to fit in with the water…
Cooler ghouls running trolling con job on myself as I now realize gossip is cruel to all yet more controlling tripe to the gossipers…
Themselves as I ask… How is the news the media and society-trained minds full of gotcha gossip? Unbridled my infinite gut gumption…
As I now respect and admit I was a gullible gossiper until I realized gossipers are water cooler wimps sitting on the snide lines of…
Their life I expand out of being an gullible gossiper spewing toxic goo of never do anything for myself trying to ruin others life…
As I unknowingly tucked me into my bed of dread of my mimicker muck yet thinking I knew what was going on in somebody else’s…
Life is a stalemate lie that never dies that smothered and covered over my self esteem respect veracity and expressing confidence of…
My venturesome abilities as I am now dissolving releasing letting go melting my gossiper funk that unfunked my life now and…
Forever more as I asked me… How does a gossiping stop me from experiencing my desired life?
So I sent all my fraudulent self taught torment down the drain with all my gossiping pain because all negativity was myself taught gullible…
Gossip rather expansively exciting my emotional ocean of omnific canny celebrations energizing audacious newborn innovation jumped…
Up kicked me in the butt to strut my stuff to give the all negativity a King Tut head-butt into oblivion to never breathe again as I unlash…
My dashing debonair flair entices feisty luminary audacity I now see the key to life facilitate outcome through others unsmothers…
My unquestionable courage unfathomable foresight omnipotent leadership because I took the focus off me freed me to witness…
My opulent accomplished outcomes because I encompass the gall to experience all the events that expand vibrant enterprising nous…
Tantalizing copious cornucopia through all phases of life utilize the wise of others to optimize treasures harvesting my crops…
Of canonized riches opening unruffled peace and plush prosperity to flow through my cells of celebrating my newfound numen sassy…
Savvy and lionhearted strength to experience my life extravagant escapades through my confident warrior heart and stouthearted seer…
Soul sensing omnipotent utopian because I showed me I encompassed valorous gumption to see people as my equal to expand my life…
Because I released thinking inside of right and wrong now to embellish my brightnow wow of willpower optimistic wisdom to waltz with…
My life’s challenges free of gossiper goo of never do and fit in dimwitted victimitice crapeyetice that I self taught myself all crossed…
The river today as I now play on my beaches of bountiful bliss kissing my dreamers Disney Land Grandeur good morning and good night…
As I witness the my everyday sunrises of victorious vibrancy seeing my sunsets of treasured pleasure because I encompass a heart and…
Soul to feel and express my healthier and wealthier wise wraith to the universe today and everyday in every way under grace of embraced…
Love appreciation and gratitude for me myself and I my life events and to all people now and forever more I beam an awesome ardor…
Robert A. Wilson Cowboy Wisdom Enterprises LLC ?
I am Robert A. Wilson with My Cowboy Wisdom Walk of Wisdom Webinars/Walk of Wisdom Seminars Hypnotherapist, Dream Sculptor, Cowboy Wisdom Publishing, and published author.
Cowboy Wisdom is unpunctuated rhyming hypnotherapy NLP and dreamer’s freedom poetry frees inspirational intuition opening enterprising expressions to allow people to understand they encompass the wisdom innovation and talent to experience their dreams and desired accomplished outcomes.
Website: https://mycowboywisdom.com,
Author Page: www.amazon.com/author/robertawilson,
Books: www.howdiditeachmyselffear.com,