Dissing the Family DJ
If you are traveling over the summer, groovyman.com has a great way to end arguments between “family DJs” during long drives. Because most people lack the time, talent or inclination to actually master a musical instrument, their “music” is actually a vicarious form of self-expression. So how do you choose music in a way that not only acts as a form of self-expression, but also keeps your driving companions happy? Well, think of these criteria:
- Groovy tunes are pure breeds. That is why Reggae will always be groovy, and the latest “world beat” house music will not. The same can be said of be-bop versus fusion (although jazz purists would argue this). Even the hip hop of The Roots versus the “Genius” grunts of Lupe Fisaco or something much worse.
- Groovy tunes have been baptized by time. The grooviest music is also very frequently an acquired taste, and it certainly has soul (not be confused with Soul music–although that is usually pretty groovy).
- Money has nothing to do with taste in music (just ask John Lyndon) and usually ruins good artists. A musician simply needs to “put knowledge to imaginative use” to make a groovy tune. And people driving in cars should play by the same principle.