Dissatisfied with US Healthcare
Sandy Southern
Senior Compliance coding Analyst at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth)
I read an article today about public dissatisfaction with US Healthcare.? Scanning through the statistics are the usual: Cost of medication, access to quality care, and cultural equality in care.???
Then I hit the statistic of 2/3 of adults think it is the federal government’s responsibility to provide healthcare coverage to all.? This statistic has been batted around for some time and is generally increasing annually.???
I understand where they are coming from.? I have studied healthcare systems around the world for many years.? But that statistic standing alone doesn’t paint a complete picture.? It has become a “trigger word” to increase dissatisfaction.???
Where is the next set of poll questions?? Such as, how much are you willing to have taken out of your salary or weekly paycheck to cover the cost of government-controlled healthcare? What happens if you don’t like the coverage you are given? Are you willing to tell the government doctors that you occasionally use illegal drugs or drink and drive?? Oh – there is a catch-22.? If you are honest with your doctor about something that is illegal, will they be required to report????
Suddenly – government healthcare may not be such a good idea.? Big brother is likely looking over your shoulder and your doctor’s shoulder.? I think a poll on how much the government already controls in our lives would make this look a little different.? Also, I’m pretty sure doctors would not want to “rat out” their patients to the government – that is a break of doctor-patient confidentiality, HIPAA guidelines, and generally frowned upon.???
So back to the statistic of majority of adults wanting government to provide healthcare.? There are costs involved that this poll stops before delving into.? The people of this nation are already hurting – taxes are high, inflation is up (and probably still rising), there are weekly cries of raising minimum wage to a livable wage.?
Before we go too much further into what the government should do for the people, take a step back and read George Orwell’s 1984 and Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley.? Then let's have an all-encompassing discussion of what we should do.???
Reference:? Modern Healthcare email Poll: Americans give healthcare system failing mark.? 9/12/2022 Associated Press??