Disruptive Transformation; a journey to becoming your best iteration.
Xavi Estrella
Fundé la academia de liderazgo favorita de la Alta Dirección y los CEO's. Employer Branding | Disruptive & Mindful Leader | Empresario y Escritor | Apasionado por formar líderes y entornos con propósito y abundancia.
I would like to start this article by pointing out that it will be written from the experience of transforming myself. Let me begin by telling you that this is not a magic recipe, or a new effective method to become "wealthy and abundant", although the purpose of this, is to make you remember that you can transform yourself into whatever your thoughts and actions drive you to. This article aims to help you stop carrying with the fears of the past and the anxieties of the future.
Now, lets start by giving a practical definition of "Disruptive Transformation", and yes, I know it sounds a bit cocky, and actually, it is in some way, but remember that anything is just black or white. If I tell you to think about a Disruptive Transformation, there is a high chance, that the craziest ideas may come to your mind, at least if you are an average simple minded guy like me. As an example of crazy ideas, lets say that we think that, a disruptive transformation may be like "turning an elegant corporate gala, into a wild dance party where the CEO breakdances with the interns, and the CFO moonwalks across the companies' balance sheets"; although that image in our head, may be perceived as highly amusing, disruptive transformations not always have to be that extreme. Of course they are very extreme, that is why the challenge is to guide this transformations, in a very harmonious and holistic manner.
First, we need to understand that everything that we have learned till today, may not be one hundred percent accurate or even true. Yes, I know you've been trying very hard to make yourself and others believe that Football is the most important matter to give our attention to, on Sundays, (and Thursdays and Monday nights), but honestly, we should at least give us the chance to challenge that idea, to think for a minute or at least just acknowledge that there may be other activities that may be even more joyful than a football game, and of course by telling you this, I am not persuading you to stop watching football on Sundays. I am just trying to give you a clear an example of how a Disruptive Transformation may be started; by challenging everything you think you know is good for you. I've transformed my self in many ways, and one of the oddest ones, was changing from a guy that thinks there is anything more important than Formula 1 and football on Sundays, to an man that knows that having breakfast at Lepain Quotidien and afterwards, going to Costco with his wife and daughter, is the most joyful experience for a Sunday plan.
If we begin to challenge everything we've learned, we start flowing naturally with anything that "shows on our screens", and we let everything to come into our experience, with no judgement, just letting things be, without tying to grab or reject anything. By doing this we will start to enjoy our lives more, because we are taking the driver's seat for molding and creating all our desired outcomes.
Think about this, if you are enjoying every moment, how will be able to still carry all the burdens from the past, and all the worries about the future. You cannot do anything in the past, nor in the future. We can only act in the present moment, that's all we need to remember, to be present in the eternal present moment, the NOW that extends forever. That's what really means to disruptively transform ourselves, from being anxious about our past and future, to feeling joyful with anything that happens in the NOW, because we are sure that, that's what we asked for. If you don't really like how things are right now, start asking different, start asking in a disruptive way, don't ask for what everyone wants, go deeper in yourself to discover what you really want, what your real purpose is.
If you start being present and joyful, leaving the past behind, and not trying to predict the future, you will get your mind into a peaceful state, and it is from that peace where our creative thoughts arise. If you start living NOW, you'll notice that there's nothing to worry about, and instead you will start noticing everything that makes you feel grateful for in the present. That peace of mind I'm talking about, is what will set the tone for DOING ANYTHING YOU WANT, and I mean it. If you really want to, you can be your best iteration every day and every moment. So, if you want to be smart, go and be smart, if you want to be fit, go and be fit, if you want to be rich, go and be rich, if you want to help others, go and tell them to read this, because if you think that today you have nothing to be grateful for, just remember that you are still breathing.
What are you waiting for, start a disruptive transformation today!
"What you seek, is also seeking you"
Xavi Estrella