Disruptive Lawyers Deliver Early Resolutions and REAL Savings
People are more important than process!!!
We’re several years into the “Litigation Management Era,†and yet claims managers, company risk managers, etc. continue to face the same challenge: early resolution and real savings remain elusive. They feel they have the processes in place to succeed, but continue to fail.
What they may not appreciate is that while processes are important, the real key is that people—that is, great dealmakers with the right Mindset and Skill Set—are far more important! In sum, great processes can keep a Dinosaur Lawyer somewhat harnessed. But great dealmakers have your processes ingrained in their approach and execution.
As you’ll see in the story below—subscribe to the email edition of this newsletter to read it in full—negotiating skills are what turn a case from a money pit to an efficient and reasonable resolution.
PEOPLE are the key.
And they’ll keep your legal fees and indemnity down while they’re at it.
Don’t believe me? Keep reading for some real PROOF of the existence of unicorns!!
Let’s disrupt something.
Announcements and Congratulations
Robb Cruser and I are honored to be the first guests of Meghan Henry’s new podcast, Claims Never Sleep!
We had a great conversation about the importance of picking the right partners, hiring the right people, and developing the right culture and how our industry leading litigation management philosophy developed.
At Cruser Mitchell, we’re proud to say we’ve picked the right partners 9 times out of 10. The tenth time we ignored all the advice above—and frankly our wives saw it before we did and called us out on our dumb decision.
In sum, we did not make that mistake again.
To hear more of our “brilliant†advice, check out the first episode of Claims Never Sleep here.
On another note regarding my favorite conference CLM, I wanted to share huge congratulations to CLM Outside Defense Counsel Professional of the Year finalists Jason Feld, of Kahana Feld, and Frances O’Meara, of Wood, Smith, Henning & Berman. It’s an honor to be in your company!
Join me for Cruser Mitchell’s Masters of Negotiation series and come away with the skills you need to save legal fees and indemnity by creatively and efficiently resolving cases.
February 7 — Playing Chess Instead of Checkers: A Strategic Approach to Negotiation
February 14 — Soft Skills of a Master Negotiator
February 21 — The Leverage Point of Plaintiff’s Needs
February 28 — The Leverage Point of Collectability
March 6 — The Theatre of Mediation
March 13 — Negotiating Claims Valued Under $50,000
March 20 — Identifying the 1% that will Go to Trial
Great Negotiators Deliver Unicorn Results
Over the past year, I have traveled far and wide speaking on The Disruptive Lawyer’s Little Black Book of Litigation Management. I have also attended several CE’s and symposiums on litigation management. Claims managers and company risk managers continue to complain about the same thing: “We have put processes in place, but early resolution and real savings remain elusive. It’s like searching for a unicorn.�
My friends, process is—at best 50% of the equation—but likely way less.
Subscribe to the email edition of this newsletter to read the rest of this story, hear about the antics of the Dinosaur of the Month, and get your monthly tequila cocktail recipe. You’ll get access to future newsletters in their entirety!
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