Disruptive Humility
Humility trips up a lot of people (including me). In our culture of self-glorification, the temptation to put aside humility is ever present. But as leaders, we should always seek to honor others over ourselves. I struggle with humility, so much so that in my morning quiet times I consistently ask God to deliver me from the evils of self-centeredness.
There are far too many people, seeking honor through supposed bigger and better positions within the workplace, church and community. I Peter 5:6 states "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." When we try to obtain honor from and at the expense of others, we're really saying we don't trust God to honor us in His due time.
When it comes to truly disruptive humility that inspires those around us, we all need to be mindful that honor and respect are given by and achieved through God - and only God. They are not infinite rights any of us can earn.
God checks our heart and knows if we are seeking to accomplish His purpose or seeking to promote our personal purpose. Proverbs 29:23 sums it up perfectly: "A man's pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor."
Let's focus on being a disruptively humble leader by seeking to honor our Holy God and not seeking honor for our unholy self.
Disrupt someones life today!
FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2009
Disruptive Leadership
Disruptive levels of leadership is not about achieving fame and fortune but it's also not about sitting on the sidelines and watching the game of life pass you by either. The late great musician Ray Charles was quoted as saying, "I never wanted to be famous, I just wanted to be great at what I do."
Charles "Tremendous" Jones was a great encourager and visionary. Take a look at a statement he made in his book entitled "Life Is Tremendous". "Leadership is probably the most misunderstood word in our vocabulary. Leadership is not personality, not a position, not endowed to a certain few...Everyone has an obligation, as well as the privilege, of leading in something."
Take a moment to think about those around you at home, at work, at school, at church. How are you changing their world? Christians often speak of "leading" others to Christ, but are we exhibiting characteristics that encourage others to follow us?
Ultimately disruptive levels of leadership is about exhibiting behavior that other people want to emulate and follow. And as Christians, we're called to lead a life that others want.
Be a disruptive leader and surprise someone today by serving them instead of expecting them to serve you!
FRIDAY, MAY 15, 2009
Disruptive Contentment
What's the difference between disruptive levels of complacency and disruptive levels of contentment in our leadership?
Disruptive Complacency - Let's say you're in a rowboat on the open sea, trying to get to a distant island. You row and row and row and get a little closer but the currents continually push you away from your destination. You're depending completely on your own power, which is limited by your own finite strength.
Disruptive Contentment - Now imagine yourself in the same spot, but instead of a rowboat, you have a powerful sailboat. Your course is now set by the wind, which has infinite more power than you, and never gets tired. You trust the wind to take you to your intended destination.
So how do we become a disruptively contented leader? The more we empty ourselves out, the more room we have for God to fill us with His infinite power. It's as if we are a glass that can only hold so much liquid. If we want to change the contents we must first empty the glass of its original contents. In the same way if we want to become a disruptively contented leader that people will want to be led by and influenced by we must empty our "glass" daily and allow Christ to fill it up with His infinitely refreshing power.
Disrupt Someone Today!
FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2009
Disruptive Conversations
Have you ever had a conversation with someone where you left the conversation feeling like they told you what they thought you wanted to hear just to appease you for that moment in time? Isn't this what you want from a leader? I mean don't you want your leader to make you feel better with empty messages that rarely are acted upon or delivered?
Many leaders today run away from clear and concise communications with team members within their church, business and family. Matthew 5:37 says "...let your message be Yes for Yes and No for No."
To be clear and concise, I'm not talking about positioning your words, tone, and inflection to influence and persuade someone - this is normal and necessary to gain buy-in and inspire leadership in others. I'm talking about having a destructive attitude of "if I tell him what he wants to hear then I can end this conversation and maybe he'll just forget about it or maybe he won't forget about it but I will never have to hear about it again." Get the picture?
If you truly want to disrupt your team in ways that inspire them to achieve higher levels of success, significance and influence, focus on having straight forward, transparent and actionable conversations.
Don't appease them, believe in them. Believe they are strong leaders who value direct and real conversations. Make a decision today to be a disruptive leader by intentionally applying the conversational principle found in Matthew 5:37.
Disrupt Someone Today!
SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2009
Bring Them On The Team
"Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve - designating them apostles - that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach." Mark 3:13-14
This passage in the gospel of Mark gives us insight into the simple, yet powerful, way Jesus grew His leaders. Bring Them On The Team, Coach Them Up, Send Them Out. More on the last two later.
Jesus brought the disciples on the team by building up their trust and understanding. I'm talking about creating an environment where your team (at home, work, church) commits to your leadership because you've earned it. Let's face it - there are many leaders in the world who have to demand commitment based on fear, because those leaders have spent very little time trying to earn it. There are many people in leadership roles who look good from a distance, but take a look up close and you'll run away as fast as you can!
Great leadership isn't based on the position (Husband, Father, CEO, Pastor), it's based on the heart. Great leaders have a heart and passion to invest in and trust the leadership of the ones they lead. On another note, a leader who isn't willing to get underneath their inner circle of leaders and follow them is a very poor leader indeed. Why? Because if you aren't willing to follow someone else's leadership, what reason are you giving them to follow your leadership?
Be different, be extraordinary, be a leader that brings people on the team by exhibiting a Christ-centered life, by investing in your team of leaders and by following their leadership.
Infinite Hope
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I'm a Christ Follower, Husband, Father, Pedal Power Bike'r, Leadership Speaker-Author and New Media Strategist.