Disruption is Not the End Goal; Compassion Is
Let's Make a Ruckus - Issue 10 - May 12, 2023

Disruption is Not the End Goal; Compassion Is

During this week, we celebrated Nurses. ?Did you know National Nurses Week always begins on May 6 and ends on May 12??

Why??The week of celebrations always ends on Florence Nightingale's birthday.

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We also celebrated National Hospital Week.?Do you know why??

National Hospital Day began in 1921 to build up confidence in our hospitals after the Spanish Flu of 1918.?May 12, in honor of Florence Nightingale's birthday, was selected for this celebratory day.?In 1953 the celebration was extended to an entire week.?National Nurses Week and National Hospital Week always overlap.

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Happy National Nurses Week and National Hospital Week! ?This is a time to honor and recognize the incredible contributions of nurses, healthcare professionals, and hospital staff who work tirelessly to provide compassionate care and support to patients and their families. ?Your dedication, skill, and commitment to healing are truly inspiring, especially during these challenging times. ?You are heroes in every sense of the word. ?Thank you for all you do to make a difference in the lives of others.

This is the tenth edition of Let's Make a Ruckus.?This bi-weekly newsletter aims to provide you with knowledge, resources, and connections of value that support your work in healthcare.?We will celebrate ruckus makers, introduce you to those doing work that makes a difference, and keep you informed of upcoming opportunities where you can let your voice be heard and make a ruckus.

Celebrating a Ruckus Maker

LinkedIn profile image for Gabe Charbonneau, MD, Co-Founder of Medicine Forward.

Co-Founder of Medicine Forward, Gabe Charbonneau, MD is someone you want to get to know.?On the top of the home page of the Medicine Forward website is this statement

We are on a mission to accelerate the transformation of healthcare to a better future through creative disruption of the status quo.

These are my people!!?Grassroots Ruckus Makers!

Learn more about Gabe and what he is working to create by watching this conversation with Dr. Sue Padernacht, PCC .

Take time to explore the website - Medicine Forward, and when you do, take a look at their free and anonymous Burnout Check-In assessment. ?

And follow Gabe on LinkedIn.?He shares great content, such as this post. Go to the post on LinkedIn by clicking the image and see the animation he added.

LinkedIn post from Gabe Charbonneau, Co-Founder of Medicine Forward, May 2023
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Don't Miss These LinkedIn Posts!

It may be odd to begin this section by sharing posts highlighting healthcare problems when we celebrate nurses and hospitals this week.?We'll start by highlighting posts that call out our issues and then follow with those that offer solutions and positive messages.

Oriana Beaudet, DNP RN FAAN shared a short commentary from Sarah DiGregorio that aired on CBS's Sunday Morning.?When I watched this last Sunday, I cheered.?And as Rebecca Love said in her comment, "FINALLY a story that gets the narrative right on the #NursingCrisis." Click the image below for the post from Oriana to watch the video.

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Comment to Oriana Beaudet's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Rebecca Love

David Dibble shared an article from Beckers Hospital Review where nurses offered what they believed could help mitigate the effects of their stress. Lenore A. Jaffe, RN, MA (she/her) , offered an impassioned comment.? Article HERE.

LinkedIn post from David Dibble, Founder and CEO of New Agreements Inc., May 2023
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The post was too long to capture completely; please click the image for the full post.

Comment to David Dibble's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Lenore A. Jaffe

The study BHR referenced above was shared in a post by Angelo Venditti .?The survey found that there has been a decline in nurse career satisfaction, with only 71% of nurses reporting satisfaction in 2023. ?The pandemic has contributed to stress levels, with 30% of respondents indicating a likelihood of leaving their careers due to the pandemic. ?Nurses are also worried about the impact of their job on their health, with 80% experiencing a great deal or a lot of stress. ?The survey also highlights a severe shortage of nurses in many areas, with 94% of respondents agreeing that there is a moderate to severe shortage, and 80% anticipating that the shortage will worsen in the next five years. ?Article HERE.

LinkedIn post from Angelo Vendetti, Solving healthcare's largest problems through strategy, leadership, and innovation, May 2023
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Bruce Berger, PhD discusses the idea that in every encounter, we have the choice to see people as individuals with wants, needs, and desires or as objects. ?He uses the example of pharmacists who often feel like they are on an assembly line and are pushed to betray their ethics in favor of profit. ?Bruce questions whether people in a position to do something see healthcare workers and patients as people or objects and suggests that the current situation is not sustainable.?

LinkedIn post from Bruce Berger, President at Berger Consulting, LLC, May 2023
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The post was too long to capture completely; please click the image for the full post.

Comment to Bruce Berger's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Lonnie Hirsch

Celebrating Laura Cooley, PhD for saying “While burnout and other workforce challenges remain daunting, we can implement “microsteps” to cultivate greater connection and wellness.” ?YES!

LinkedIn post from Laura Cooley,  Humanizing healthcare / Consulting executives , May 2023
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Burnout is not only affecting healthcare.?This is a societal issue.?We can learn from others, and this post from Stan Reinholds with a shared TEDxZurich with Yanya Viskovich is an excellent place to start.

LinkedIn post from Stan Reinholds, Senior Manager | Technology Strategy Consulting, May 2023
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Comment to Stan Reinholds's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Jordan Wiseman

Jared Johnson shared that the path to sustained financial viability in healthcare requires improving the consumer experience, which can be achieved by reducing complexity and redesigning the system, without compromising clinician well-being. The comments added to what Jared shared - such as those from Jason Dupuis and Samuel Seering .

LinkedIn post from Jared Johnson, Consumer Transformation Champion, May 2023
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Comment to Jared Johnson's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Jason Dupuis and Samuel Seering

Peter Hayes shared a post from Ge Bai elevating that health systems are facing increasing scrutiny about their business practices, including their nonprofit status, balance billing practices, facility fees, quality of care, and prices. There is a significant opportunity for them to deliver higher-value care to their communities. Link to Axios article HERE.

LinkedIn post from Peter Hayes, President and CEO at Healthcare Purchaser Alliance , May 2023
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LinkedIn post from Peter Hayes, President and CEO at Healthcare Purchaser Alliance , May 2023
Comment to Peter Hayes's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Dan Ross

Tom Dahlborg identifies that we have not – are not – making progress towards improved patient safety, quality, and experience though we are expending much time, energy, and resources.?

?We have an opportunity to leverage the best science, the best research, the best evidence, the best systems, the best technology AND optimal loving, trusting, authentic relationship and connection throughout the healthcare system to achieve the quintuple aim for All, to achieve healthCARING for All.
LinkedIn post from Thomas Dahlborg, Executive Director MICHIGAN CENTER FOR CLINICAL SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENT, May 2023
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Comment to Thomas Dahlborg's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Desapriya Ediriweera

Thank you, Bill Bladel, CEBS, CPXP , for sharing Peter Pronovost MD, PhD, FCCM 's post with his recently published article. Transforming healthcare through believing, belonging, and building. Appreciated Leslie Pagel 's celebration of what was shared.

LinkedIn post from Bill Bladel,  Patient & Family Experience, May 2023
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LinkedIn post from Bill Bladel,  Patient & Family Experience, May 2023
Comment to Peter Pronovost's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Leslie Pagel

Abstract from the article below. Link to article HERE.

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Peter Slattery, PhD asks us, 'What's your take on empathy and compassion? ?How do you define and use them in your lives?' The image made me pause and consider, how about you?

I appreciate Mary Kaliff and Maral Yeganeh Doost, PhD comments that highlighted the contributions of Brené Brown to this topic.

LinkedIn post from Peter Slattery, PhD, May 2023
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LinkedIn post from Peter Slattery, PhD, May 2023
Comment to Peter Slattery's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Mary Kaliff and Maral Yeganeh Doost

Thank you, Dr Rana Safian Idrees for this post.?It brought me happiness. Interesting comment Elmon Arrington .?I say ‘yes, and’ to what you offer.?YES, we are responsible for our own happiness.?AND, others can offer us a gift, such as this post, with the wish to bring us happiness. They can contribute to our happiness if we accept their offering.?

LinkedIn post from Dr. Rana Safian Idrees, Production Officer, May 2023
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LinkedIn post from Dr. Rana Safian Idrees, Production Officer, May 2023
Comment to Dr. Rana Safian Idrees's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Elmon Arrington

Empathy is the connection - YES Laila Waggoner ! Excellent contributory comments from Lonnie Hirsch and Sondra Brown . Link to article HERE.

LinkedIn post from Laila Waggoner, Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, May 2023
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Comment to Laila Waggoner's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Lonnie Hirsch
Comment to Laila Waggoner's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Sondra Brown

I agree with Roseanna Galindo, CCBA, CAVS ??

I believe an agile mindset is fundamental to getting to the desired future state of the human experience in healthcare.

The article she shared from Jason A. Wolf, Ph.D., CPXP is HERE.

LinkedIn post from Roseanna Galindo, Human Experience Champion, May 2023
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I appreciated this post and the carousel Robert Meza shared, especially the last point that Behavioral Science alone is not the answer.

LinkedIn post from Robert Meza, Enabling Behavior Change in Customer & Employee Experiences, May 2023
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LinkedIn post from Robert Meza, Enabling Behavior Change in Customer & Employee Experiences, May 2023
Comment to Robert Meza's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Katherine Ekrami
Comment to Robert Meza's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Amy Pridham

Improvement Science is far too often not included in our improvement efforts. This post from J. Michael Connors MD , sharing a post from Jennifer Joe, MD made me stop and ask why. And Michael's statement in the comments that "convincing others distant from the problem is a great way to waste time, money and energy" was spot on!

The list of implementation strategies shared by Jennifer is HERE.

LinkedIn post from J. Michael Connors, Innovative physician, May 2023
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LinkedIn post from J. Michael Connors, Innovative physician, May 2023
Comment to J. Michael Connors's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Jennifer Joe

When sharing Eric Topol's post and article, Adrienne Boissy asked a good question – "how can it [AI] be an amplifier of human relationships and connection in ways that build trust and not exploit it?" This is a critical question for us to answer and continue to ask as this technology advances.

Link to the article HERE.

LinkedIn post from Adrienne Boissy, Chief Medical Officer l Neurologist, May 2023
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Comment to Adrienne Boissy's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Jason Dupuis

Lonnie Hirsch contributed to the discussion Adrienne and Eric began. In the comments, Jared Johnson alerted us to a conversation he shared with Samuel Seering for the Healthcare Rap Podcast around a topic of great interest to me – ?AI capabilities integrated into Epic.?And Jonathan Goldfinger raised an important point to add to the conversation.?

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The post was too long to capture completely; please click the image for the full post.

Comment to Lonnie Hirsch's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Jared Johnson
Comment to Lonnie Hirsch's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Jonathan Goldfinger

Jason Dupuis’s post added additional consideration to what Jonathan asked in the comments to the post above. Maram Dalab, CPXP, IUHPE RHPP 's comment echoed the growing voices of caution.

LinkedIn post from Jason Dupuis, Passionate Human Experience Strategist, May 2023
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LinkedIn post from Jason Dupuis, Passionate Human Experience Strategist, May 2023
Comment to Jason Dupuis's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Maram Dalab

Thank you, Nina Bianchi , for identifying areas missed in the conversation of Health AI Partnerships: co-design with users/consumers/patients, inclusive leaders, and practice of collaboration.?All exceptionally important!

Link to the article Nina shared HERE.

LinkedIn post from Nina Bianchi, Growing Healthy + Prosperous Organizations, May 2023
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LinkedIn post from Nina Bianchi, Growing Healthy + Prosperous Organizations, May 2023

When I read Zach Mercurio, Ph.D. 's post, I cheered!?Too often – FAR too often – I read posts that list the actions or characteristics of 'good leaders.' ?Those who do not meet the full list are then not good? Leaders are human.?Humans are flawed and constantly learning and growing (we hope). Let's instead create learning cultures where leadership is one of the skills learned.

Excellent additional contribution from Cory Chadwick and Christian Madsen.

LinkedIn post from Zach Mercurio, Author, Keynote Speaker, Researcher, May 2023
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Comment to Zach Mercurio's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Cory Chadwick
Comment to Zach Mercurio's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Christian Madsen

Another post that had me celebrating, though on a different topic, was this one from Adrienne Boissy . I, too, tend to be skeptical when I see an organization being celebrated for a drastic shift in its PX performance within a year.?It is far too easy to make data look impressive when the details share otherwise.?The study shared by Heather McKee Hurwitz, Ph.D. is an important contribution demonstrating a need to make a ruckus in our efforts to improve PX. Greta Rosler - I look forward to your research that provides some REAL data and evidence!

Link to the article HERE.

LinkedIn post from Adrienne Boissy, Chief Medical Officer l Neurologist, May 2023
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Comment to Adrienne Boissy's LinkedIn post, May 2023 from Greta Rosler

Alexa Brett, M.Ed HR OLPC 's insight is celebrated as she highlights the negative impact that silos can have on organizations, including communication breakdowns, lost talent, and strategic misalignment, and emphasizes the need for organizations to address the root causes of silos to improve performance and culture, as culture and silos can often hinder strategy. See her suggestions for next steps in the shared comment.

LinkedIn post from Alexa Brett, Organizational Development, May 2023
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LinkedIn post from Alexa Brett, Organizational Development, May 2023
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Doctors and patients need to collaborate - we are on the same team. Yes! The content and message in this video that you, Grace Cordovano, PhD, BCPA , and Jared Rubenstein , have created is very good. Though note to the viewer, I highly recommend the viewer bump the speed up to 2x to reduce the robotic sound of the audio.

In the comments Mark Duman MRPharmS shared Personalised Care Institute, John Hoben shared Buckminster Fuller Institute, and Geri Baumblatt shared 3rd Conversation.?

See Jared's library of videos HERE

LinkedIn post from Grace Cordovano, Co-Founder of Unblock Health, May 2023
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This from Joe Tye is a great reminder that if you want to make progress in life and rediscover the joy within you, you need to take risks, embrace challenges, and stop worrying about what others think. Remember to be the lion and take that leap of faith, even if there are no guarantees or people doubting you.

LinkedIn post from Joe Tye, Founder and Head Coach, Values Coach Inc., May 2023
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There were so many good posts these past two weeks that I have maxed the space allowed by LinkedIn for this newsletter. I may have maxed your attention as well, but in case you are interested in a few more of great value, I encourage you to check these posts out:

From Annamarí Dietrichson HERE

From Bill Staikos HERE

From Eric Bricker, MD HERE

From Geoffrey M. Roche HERE

From Jared Johnson HERE

From Josh Pappas HERE

From Laura Cooley, PhD HERE and HERE

From Roseanna Galindo, CCBA, CAVS ?? HERE

From Tom Dahlborg HERE

From Valerie Choniuk, MPA-HCA, CPXP HERE

Recommended Newsletters

This edition from Press 1 For Nick, created by Nick Glimsdahl , highlights a recent conversation with Julian Treasure .?In the discussion, Julian shares,

"Listening is not a capability, hearing is a capability.?Listening is a skill."

How to Improve Your Listening Skills: A Guide from Julian Treasure

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In the latest issue of Experience Essentials, Toni Land, MBA, BSN, CPXP, LCC says,

Many of us are focused on delivering experiences to improve metrics like HCAHPS, but is that our only endgame? If the endgame is improved lives, improved health outcomes, and helping people be their "best selves", experiences alone are not enough.

Experience or Engagement?

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Recommended Podcast Episodes

From Healthcare Plus, The Podcast – Quint Studer speaks with Tim Broderick.?Episode titled ‘Why HCAHPS Scores Aren’t Improving.”

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From Speaking Of Show – Apurv Gupta, MD, MPH and Stephanie F. speak with Pantea Vahidi, RN .?Episode titled ‘When All Else Fails, Compassion Prevails: Empathy + Action.”

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From Fixing Healthcare, Robert Pearl, M.D. and Jeremy Corr speak with Jonathan Fisher, MD, FACC .?Episode titled ‘An unfiltered look at what AI can (and cannot) do.’

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From Fixing Healthcare, Robert Pearl, M.D. and Jeremy Corr speak with Malcolm Gladwell .?Episode titled ‘Malcolm Gladwell on a new kind of healthcare leader.’

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From LeadUp Podcast, Mike Harbour speaks with Denise Wiseman .?Episode titled ‘Making the Patient Experience Matter.’

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Upcoming PXC Events - Available for Anyone to Join!

The events hosted by The PX Community offer and encourage your contribution.?Ask questions, contribute your ideas, and share your knowledge.?Your voice matters.?Let's make a ruckus!

This year we are testing Speed Networking directly following each event.?Come for the event and stay for the networking!

Event on May 19, 2023: Open Conversation: At Odds No Longer – Nursing and PX as Collaborative Partners?

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Event on June 2, 2023: The Cost of an F – The Impact of Patient Experiences on the Bottom Line

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Event on June 15, 2023: Real-Time Experience and Break/Fix Feedback for Your Support Services Teams

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Event on June 27, 2023: Linking Real-Time Patient Feedback with Engaging Video Education

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Event on June 30, 2023: Open Conversation – Healthcare Wants One Measure For PX

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To learn more about The PX Community and receive a tour, schedule time with Denise.

Join The PX Community to Make a Ruckus That Makes a Difference

Connect with Denise Wiseman, PhD, MBA, CPXP, and follow The PX Community on LinkedIn

Beverly Klau

Community Builder. Connector. Educator. Entrepreneur.

1 年

Denise Wiseman I love going through your roundup! Always so well done! So thoughtful and so inspiring!

Zach Mercurio, Ph.D.

Author, “The Power of Mattering" (May 2025) & “The Invisible Leader” | Speaker & Facilitator on Purposeful Leadership, Mattering, & Meaningful Work | Adjunct Professor & Researcher @ Colorado State University

1 年

Thanks so much for compiling some great ideas and perspectives The PX Community!

Cory Chadwick

It's not therapy, it's Good to Great | Modern Proactive Mental Wellness + Leadership Development | Founder of Lyceum (formerly The Mental Gym) | Trainer | Speaker | Husband and Dad of 2 Boys | Teen Mental Health Advocate

1 年

Great share The PX Community, thank you. I appreciate you including me in the article too.

Roseanna Galindo, CCBA, CAVS ??

Data Communications Coach | Helping leaders in healthcare and nonprofits to find and communicate the story in the data.

1 年

What another excellent roundup Denise! This is such an awesome resource for the The PX Community. As I work my way through each post and article, I am so inspired by the work of this collection of #ruckusmakers. I am so grateful to have my voice included among this group of amazing thought leaders. Let's do this thing!

Sondra Brown

Founder + Leader @ MDRG || Using Whole Mind Market Research to Understand Consumers #WomanOwnedBusiness #marketresearch #consumer insights #hiring

1 年

Thank you for the shout out to MDRG, Inc.’s empathy work, Denise Wiseman. This is a great compilation of so many thought leaders!


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