Disrupting the market of...light bulbs
Dear lazyweb: Please can someone create a connected box with a light bulb in it and sell it at the cost of two lightbulbs? The package should require you to create an account and provide your credit card details to subscribe to light bulb replacements and you get the first replacement for free.
When a light bulb is removed, the box sends a message with the box ID, a new bulb of the same type is shipped to the box owner’s address. The owner’s account is billed for a new lightbulb and an email is sent for the records.
Gone are the days where one had to worry about quickly buying a new light bulb (and getting the right one). You just have one box per type of light bulb you need and whenever you remove one, the mailman will deliver a replacement so that you always have stock.
This already exists for ink cartridges for printers, but should be generalised to everything that one repeatedly has to replace. It could even be integrated in the lamp itself or the bulb (but that would drive up costs too much for a volume game). Maybe some sort of device you attach to the lamp between the lamp and a regular bulb.