Disrespectful Waiters or just being downright Rude!
Every now and then, something begins to annoy and, over time, it really does get under the skin to the extent that one just has to say something. This, then, is my current bugbear!
On a number of occasions I have been dining with three or more friends at a circular or a square table with space all around it, in other words not at a rectangular one along a banquette. A waiter, keen to do his work, has decided to start clearing items from the table, maybe an empty glass or condiment set or cutlery. But, instead of moving around the table to retrieve the object, has stretched across the table and put his arm between diners, who are then forced to interrupt their conversation.
The latest occasion occurred in a very fashionable Marylebone High Street restaurant, one of a small chain of very upscale establishments, that includes The Wolsely, whose entrepreneurial restaurateurs pride themselves on the quality of their service and menu. How many restaurants do you know where your after dinner coffee is served with a small glass of water and an upturned coffee spoon astride it? I digress!
So, on the second occasion, I stopped the waiter in mid-stretch and remonstrated with him. I do not think that he had a clue what I was on about but he did apologize. Needless to say, I had a word with the maitre d’ on leaving and he also apologized and said he would speak to the waiter. But, the expression on his face didn’t encourage me to think that he shared my view that such behaviour was indescribably rude to guests and a practice that needed to be trained out of the staff.
Are my standards too high, I have to ask myself?