Disputes In Collecting your Accounts Receivable - A Secret Solution to Manage It!!

Disputes In Collecting your Accounts Receivable - A Secret Solution to Manage It!!

"Solution" for you at the end of this blog.


Types Of Disputes You'll face:

The first step to planning strategies to resolve disputes quickly and efficiently is to familiarize oneself with the various types of disputes. They are as follows:


1. Incorrect Invoice Amount

It is a dispute over the pricing that arises from the difference between the payment that is charged and the one that has been agreed upon between both parties.??


2. Product not as Described

Disagreement arising from a product or service billed on an invoice that is deemed to be unsatisfactory to the customers.


3. General Dispute

A dispute that arises because of incorrect or missing documents comes under administrative disputes for which the people in the invoice administration area are held responsible.??


4. Payment / Credit Note Not Processed

It is a dispute that arises when a payment made by the customer or Credit note issued is not reflected on the Invoice and is still shown as Overdue. This is one of the administrative issues.


5. Duplicate / Double Billed Invoice

It refers to a dispute that arises when a delivery charge is mistakenly double billed.


6. Product / Service Not Received

In some cases, the customer will be billed for a product or service that he has not received.


7. Product / Service Is Canceled

In case an invoice is created for the order that is canceled by the customer, he will not pay for it. There it becomes a dispute.


8. Invoice Unrecognized

Sometimes there will be many invoices pending that have been unrecognized for a longer time, which will often lead to disputes.


9. Fraudulent

Last but not least! Last but not least! There will be some customers doing Fraudulent activities like issuing unauthorized or Bogus Cheques. Raising disputes with banks for ACH deductions and requesting chargebacks etc.


The Secret Solution

I can hear what you're murmuring right now! You don't have the time, resources, and patience to do all these steps, right?

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