The Disposable Glove Story
Over the past month the market has seen an increase in the price of disposable nitrile gloves. The increase in demand and in cost of raw materials due to excessive demands has seen prices more than triple in some cases.
I said 'excessive demand', well let us be moderate and as, increased demand. Covid-19 has made us all more aware of the importance of hygiene in the work place and the need o reduce cross contamination. Thus, people are more inclined to dispose of gloves more frequently especially when moving from one operation to another.
We have also seen a higher uptake in Hospital use for this glove. This together with the increasing demand from the private sector has led to worldwide recourses depleting.
We expect to see the final surge in price over the next quarter, as Europe and the world starts to open up to customers once again. The increased awareness of the efficiency of such PPE and the need to use such gloves to reduce cross contamination and infection, will see the HORECA sector together with Healthcare consume large volumes of nitrile gloves.
For more information on procuring and selecting the right disposable nitrile glove for your industry kindly get in touch with me by simply sending a message.