Displaying data: Connections

Displaying data: Connections

A frequent topic that comes up when talking to a lot of our clients is around identifying the right types of data visualisation to support data that has been collected, parsed , filtered and prepared to be shared. We thought we start to answer them through a series of blog posts about displaying data.

Connections are everywhere in world: cities are connected through transport systems, the internet connects us and a vast amount of information together, even our own bodies contain intricate networks of veins and nerves that keeps us going.

As part of our ongoing blog posts on displaying data,  here at team VISU.AL we will be identifying a selection of charts ideal for visualising connectivity and the relationship between connections.

We look at Network diagrams, Tree diagrams, Arc diagrams, Hive plots and Chord diagrams when considering in which circumstances they can best be applied.

To read the full blog post, please visit 




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