Dispelling GenZ Myths
The words marketers are fed about Zoomers are entitled, lazy, soft, difficult, fragile, finicky, and disillusioned. Sounds exactly like what Boomers said about GenX doesn’t it??They called GenX slackers, didn't they? Is GenZ really that different from previous generations?
When I started at ScholarshipOwl, I saw feedback data from our GenZ users about what they needed to get through life. I learned that what we often hear about GenZ in the media sphere is more clickbait than true intel. Let’s look at what spin the media puts on GenZ sentiments and where there are exceptions marketers can consider.
GenZ Is "Rich!"
There is this misconception that GenZ regularly spends on expensive limited-edition sneaker drops and frappuccinos. Though there are articles swearing that GenZ is financially better off than previous generations (since they had a 10% boom in income since 2019) these don't tell the whole story. What does a 10% percent bump mean when college has become more expensive than ever, rents are higher, and food prices are through the roof? So if you are serving GenZ ads for high-priced products simply on the virtue of age, you are wasting mad dollars on consumers who might be worried about being able to afford instant ramen this week. Start with authentic value solutions first. Zoomers just want assurance that what they buy is worth their time and money.
GenZ Hates Advertising
The narrative that Zoomers love media but don't want to see advertising is comic since I have never encountered anyone from any age group that said "Oh we LOVE being marketed to. Please send us more ads!" The only demo that doesn't mind being marketed to might be us folks who work in media. Zoomers eschew ads like anyone else, but honesty, advocacy, and personalization in your marketing messages have been proven to get GenZ's attention - pretty simple if you think about it.
GenZ Hates Work
My favorite cliche is that all Zoomers want to do is become the next MrBeast - that they'd prefer to make social videos all day than get a day job. Well, let’s look at their options…
1. College tuition rates are higher than ever.
2. Student loans will vex them for decades.
3. Jobs after graduation are at a premium.?
Young people see a social path to income within their financial control by becoming online creators and we are surprised they would consider this a career. Really?
We geezers don't need to "get it." We need to see that this situation has sprung up because traditional paths became convoluted - not because it's a "lazy" road to abundance.
Do You Remember What We Were Like?
The picture below is of me in my teens. I caught hell from Boomers for my clothes, guyliner (stolen from my big Sis), music, lifestyle, views, and work ethic. Generalizations are what we do. I guarantee that GenZ will finger-wag at Gen Alpha when they hit their 30s and 40s.?Every last generation finds some reason to complain about the one that follows them. Sadly, the "data" we collect and distribute about generational differences is tainted by ageism, generational prejudice, and sensationalist media that wants to paint some bleak future scenario if left in the hands of young adults.
So how do you find the truth when trying to reach these young consumers? Talk to us at ScholarshipOwl. We've been talking to Zoomers frankly for years and helped brands like Samsung, the US Navy, and College Express navigate GenZ conversations. We built a user base of millions by listening to how GenZ feels about its future and then providing solutions. We can help your brand open that two-way chat like we did when we nurtured our loyal audience.
Want to know more? Inbox me - we'd be happy to talk to you about what our users think.
In the meantime, let’s give these young people a break. They are far more similar to us at their age than anyone wants to admit.