This disorder is crippling so many organizations! Yours can be the next…unless you act.

This disorder is crippling so many organizations! Yours can be the next…unless you act.

When Alan Barker told the MD of a successful training organization that he was writing a book on creativity for managers, he replied: “They aren’t interested in creativity. They want to know how to run their companies better.”

This conversation happened way back in 1995. Since then, things have changed a lot, if not drastically.

Corporate world no more considers creativity as a trait that belongs only that weird tribe of artists, poets, sculptures etc.

Creative problem solving is surely one area that has been embraced by many organizations.

But, is creativity all about problem solving?

Does it have any role in the business world?

Yes, it has. But sadly, even today, creativity is grossly underused. For a large number of corporate, creativity is still something that is “nice to have”.

I believe, businesses need creativity and innovation as much as our body needs vitamins and minerals - here is why:

In today's highly cluttered and competitive world, there is a strong need to stand apart from your competition. Innovation is the only way to attain a sustainable competitive advantage. Innovation needs to touch almost every facet of the organization, right from the business model, strategy, products and service to marketing and communication. However, the pressure of numbers is forcing companies to do exactly the opposite. Most often, in the great hurry to hit the market with ‘me-too’ ideas, creativity takes a backseat.

Creativity: The most needed competency

The most critical skill required today to propel the innovation is creativity. Even in the 2010 IBM survey, 1,500 CEOs from all over the world identified creativity as the single most important competency.

Creativity and innovation is in demand like never before.

Ideas are the currency of new economy – Richard Florida

Creativity: The most neglected competency

I have interacted with hundreds of mid and top level managers, who were forthright enough to admit a complete lack of focus on creativity and innovation in their organisations. Many of them also believed that creativity and innovation is needed only for a select few functions or positions.

What about your organization?

How serious is it about developing the creativity of its employees?

What about you?

How much effort are you putting in towards building your creativity?

The Creativity Gap

The huge gap between the need for creativity and the attention given to it is leading to creativity-deficient organisations. When left unaddressed for a long time, this can result in a serious condition called CDHD (Creativity Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Sorry, I couldn’t resist creating a new jargon. But on many occasions, I have found it to be quite an effective way to grab attention)

This problem came to light starkly in the 2012 Adobe study, bringing to surface some interesting statistics. As per its findings, 80% of people felt that unlocking creativity is critical to economic growth. But at a same time, 75% of them admitted that they were under pressure to be productive rather than creative at work.

It’s time to act fast to address this deficiency. It’s time to have a single minded focus on building creativity across an organisation and foster a fresh new work culture.

Surprisingly, many companies rush towards the opposite direction and end up hiring big consulting firms who offer to intervene in completely different areas. Why do organisations indulge in this seemingly irrational act? I have a couple of explanations to offer.

Shiny Object Syndrome

Let’s admit it — we all have a weakness for shiny new toys. This is the reason we opt for the latest gizmo or a new mobile phone model even if the current one is functioning absolutely fine. I must confess that I too am guilty of impulsively purchasing books on several occasion in spite of having many books on the similar subject (that are still half read). As long as your shiny object syndrome is within permissible limits, it doesn’t hurt much. But when the CEO gets overpowered by it, there is a serious problem in hand as big banner consulting firms are always ready with the next shiny object.

I want to share with you a small paragraph that caught my attention in this article titled Do You Have ‘Shiny New Toy’ Syndrome? It offers an interesting description about shiny new toys:

“Those shiny new toys provide a fantastic distraction from the day-to-day things that are fundamental to the growth of your business. Those things that you know need your attention every day, day after day, but perhaps don’t seem as exciting as all things that glitter.”

Lost Needle Syndrome

I know you haven’t heard about the Lost Needle Syndrome, but don’t Google it up! I have coined this term based on a story that I heard during my childhood. I’ll tell you more about the syndrome later. First, let me narrate the story.

One day, an old woman was anxiously searching for something on the road. When a passerby asked her what was she searching for, she told them that she was looking for a sewing needle that she lost. Everyone felt sorry for her and joined her in her search for the needle. After hunting for a long time, someone asked her where exactly she had lost it. The old woman responded that she misplaced it while sewing inside her room. But since the room was not well-lit, she had come out to search for it in a bright sunlight!

So, the Lost Needle Syndrome roughly translates into this: Compensating for the lack of something essential but difficult to acquire, with something non-essential or less essential, but easy to acquire, while feeling good about it.

We can see this Lost Needle syndrome in the corporate world too. On many occasions, the management is actually aware that their lack of focus on creativity and innovation is hurting them and will impact them even more severely if they continue to neglect it. But at the same time, they feel that creativity is something too ambiguous to nurture with a structured approach. Besides, there is also the general belief that the creative ones are few in number, who are born with the skill set. Hence the top leadership focuses on other, not-so-critical areas that they feel more comfortable managing.

Such an approach, in the long run can be of disastrous consequences. Rather than hunting for the solutions externally, organizations need to focus on building creativity internally. The outside intervention should happen only in the areas that are clearly aligned to the objective of enhancing creative capability and developing the culture of innovation.

Creativity and Innovation Come at a Price

Creativity is not structured and a creative process can’t be fitted into company SOPs. Embracing creativity also means being comfortable with ambiguity and stepping into an unknown world full of uncertainties. To be creative means to be willing to ask completely different questions, at the risk of appearing naive or even downright foolish. Creativity is thinking of crazy ideas and exposing yourself to ridicule. The more radical the ideas, greater the risk of failure. It’s obviously a scary prospect. That’s why corporate managers are content with focusing on other predictable areas, instead of taking the risk of moving out of the comfort zone

That said, the price for not embracing creativity and innovation is too high for organisations to afford. Thought the risks can be high, the rewards are higher.

After all, not taking risk is the riskiest decision of all.


Never get stuck! Learn creativity and live a life full of opportunities. Download this free eBook: Connecting the Dots—The Secrete behind the Creativity of Great Minds

Ever wondered, how few people can always generate ideas at will? Well, you also can do it. Visit my blog ideal companion to the eBook.

Follow me to read more posts on creativity, innovation, strategy, and marketing.

Ready to move into the next orbit?

Want to inject a dose of creativity into your organization?

You need a creativity catalyst.

Let’s explore. Please take a look at my LinkedIn profile to know different ways we can work together.

Please write to me at [email protected]

Alok Mehta

Head Trade Operation India @ Dr. Reddy's Laboratories | NHLP, Digital Marketing

6 年

Ablolutly Great read , so true like any intraction with you ,makes you think and challange you to adopt a new behavior

Chris Cochella

Think Big, Start Small, Move Fast--Repeat

6 年

Great?article.??You?mention?that?Creativity?is?not?structured?and?cannot?be?fit?into?an?organization.?I?am?not?100%?sure?about?this?(apologies?if?this?was?discussed?already).??You?are?correct?that?aspects?or?stages?of?creativity?require?a?boundary-less?environment.??How?else?to?"blue?sky"?all?the?options.??Within?the?same?process?of?creativity?(or?maybe?call?it?innovation)?there?need?to?be?certain?boundaries?in?order?to?fulfill?the?promise?of?what?creativity?has?to?offer--margin/COGS/pricing,?problem?solving,?adoption?by?a?community,?direction?down?a?path?as?a?sense?of?progress,?documentation,?and?so?on.???All?of?these,?in?my?opinion,?are?critical?aspects?to?Creativity?and?the?fulfillment?of?being?creative.??Perhaps?this?is?like?a?Zen?Buddhist?Koan.??Creativity?needs?the?balance?of?grounding?principles?or?processes.??This?is?how?it?can?fit?into?a?structured?environment?while?maintaining?non-structure?at?key?states?or?moments.??Not?unlike?the?"Flow"?state?where?someone?is?fully?immersed?in?an?activity?yet?is?non-focused?on?anything?specific in that activity.??Where?you "see all and see nothing"??Almost?ethereal.?? Good article here:?

Vidushi S.

Visionary, entrepreneurial, and people-centric.

6 年

Creativity and innovation is must for evolution. That point in your article where you mentioned that a lot of firms do not (cannot afford) to focus on it, is what I think only one way of operating. However, we all know that it's ONLY the most creative and innovative organizations that thrive and flourish in the long run. Well done for putting this piece together.

Prashant Chawla

OCSWSSW Psychotherapist I Workplace Wellbeing Facilitator I Mindset Coach I (Views are my own)

6 年

Hahahahhahahaha!!!!!!! Nice one. As soon as I saw this post, it reminded of clients who come with a beautiful motive to making their teams creative. Hats off to those people who know that Innovation & Creativity is and has been a way forward to growth for centuries. Creativity is in everyday chores - at home, at work, in relations. We are creating at every moment. It's like if you see kids around you, do you see them creative, yes...Do they attend a workshop or training or counselling to become creative - NO. We just need to let go off that baggage which stops us to be naturally creative. Thanks Miliind for sharing this!

Suhayl Abidi

Information Specialist and Trainer in International Trade.

6 年

Creativity is o e of the seven most needed skills. See Gardner Five minds for the future.


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