Disobeying your local vicar

Disobeying your local vicar

Talking to my 90-year-old Grandma on her birthday a couple of weeks ago, it struck me just how much has changed in the past 90-odd years. 

Stuff like, not only were computers in mobile phones inconceivable, but the very concept of a modern computer was beyond people.

Grandma still had milk deliveries from a man with a horse and cart, and she’d see more horses on the roads than cars when she was a girl.

But one thing they did have a lot of were picture houses. Cinemas. Far more than today, because nobody had televisions in those days and people went to the pictures often.

Every Sunday evening, after chapel, as I found out my Grandma did.

Then she proceeded to tell me a story that made me laugh until tea came out of my nose.

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