Disneyland Wouldn’t Exist!

Disneyland Wouldn’t Exist!

Disneyland Wouldn’t Exist Without Life Insurance

How can policyholders build wealth through Universal Life Insurance?

Walt Disney knew the benefits to Life Insurance and used the cash value to build Disneyland!

Most people don’t realize that there are life insurance plans that enable the policyholder to accumulate cash value (equity) in addition to the death benefit. You can use these funds to pay your premiums, take out a loan, even supplement your retirement income, or even build Disneyland.

?So, how do Universal life plans build up cash value? Basically, when you make your monthly premium payments, the monies are invested with a “Guaranteed Rate of Return” and the cash value accumulates. Therefore, a very well-funded policy could overtime have hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions overtime.

Investopedia noted. “As you continue to pay premiums on the policy and earn more interest, the cash value grows over the years.”

Walt Disney borrowed from his life insurance in 1953 to help fund Disneyland, his first theme park, when no banker would lend him the money. Following the 1929 stock market crash, even the famous retailer J. C. Penney borrowed from his life insurance policies to help meet the company payroll. Today, The Walt Disney Company has an annual revenue of nearly $70 billion.

Would you like to learn more about building wealth with Life Insurance? Contact Chris Karalis and his team at 949-306-4030 and learn how Life Insurance could benefit “YOU” in this life.

Call Chris Karalis today to Learn more 949-306-4030

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