Dismantle the Real Colonial Masters-

Bureaucracy, Judiciary and the Armed Forces

A symbolic decision was taken to remove the "Lal Batti" atop cars of netas and sundry VIPs. Let this not be the biggest decision but beginning of the end of post-Independent Colonial rule in India. The biggest perpetuators of India's backward march has been the Great Indian Bureaucracy. Yes, the IAS, IFS, IPS, all the officers approved to rule Indian masses by the UPSC. It should rename itself as Union for Continued Perpetuation of Colonial Rule By Indian Masters on Indian Subjects.

Let's start with the basic questions: What is the motivation of people wanting to join the Civil Services? Politically correct answer: Serve the people of India. Real Answer: Rule over the masses. Make my parents proud so that years of ignominy can be avenged . Ensure higher dowry. Permanent Job with lifelong of benefits with no accountability, probity, performance criteria. Most comfortable living conditions for self and family in the least comfortable parts of the country. Power to exercise undue influence to get favors done (not classified as corruption), make loads of money, have access to all infrastructure which none of my poor brethren have access to. Access to a colonial home, vehicle at disposal, access to social infrastructure to family and memberships to clubs and variety of understated perks. Inflate my ego bigger. Now, if you ask this guy Sir/Madame Aren't you supposed to be a Public Servant? Yes, off course the meaning is the Public is my servant. Wow. This is the brazen face of Indian bureaucracy that is prevalent across the country wherever there is an interface between the Pubic and the bureaucracy. This includes the bank clerks of PSUs to frontline officers of any public service. One could understand that the British did it to Indians . But it baffles me to understand how Indians do this to Indians? Who and when will we fight this absolute perverted nonsense.

How do we knock sense in a bureaucracy that refuses to listen and too swollen in the head to do any reform onto itself.

First, remove reserved housing for them: They should be looking out for homes when posted in a new location like an ordinary Salesman from a FMCG firm looks for a home when he is posted from a metro city to a district HQ. They should be given the same Bhatta or daily allowance to stay in India's Lodges. What they get are huge colonial Circuit houses for which they pay obscene amounts like Rs.10 per day. While a salesman pays Rs. 300 for a room and not sure whether he has a toilet to himself.Maybe this lesson will help the bureaucracy design policies to solve India's housing problem and focus on how to improve Quality of Living of people at large. A Sales Representative that becomes the National Sales Manager usually is most compassionate when HR policies for the Sales personnel in a company are getting designed. Why should prime locations in Delhi be reserved for housing for babus. It was meant to insulate the British Masters from the Indian subjects. Should be continue this practise or dismantle it. Solutions to Great, comfortable and Affordable Housing will start emerging from the same babus who are insulated today from any compelling need to do so. It just doesn't hurt them.

Remove concept of Sarkari Gaadi for all bureaucracy. How would India's babus design and implement public transportation policies of the country if they are insulated from the impact of the poor condition of India's public transportation system or just lack of it. Have you ever rubbed your shoulders with a babu in a phatphatiya, an overloaded mini bus or a private bus between two rural destinations. Simpler than that has he ever bought a ticket in a public transport system in a rural setting? Why should taxpayer's money be paid to ensure the "Babus", babalog have taken the sarkari gaadi to school.

While should babus get revisions in pay, Cost of Living based Dearness Allowance increases when the poor farmer dying under debt is not able to recover his "cost of making" the produce.The custodian of our Food Security is not secure and babus without any linkage to their contribution get salaries on time with revisions, one pay commission after another. Link their pay increase only to GDP growth and more to micro performance indicators at district level. if any farmer dies or commits suicide it should link to negligence of administration and all salaries frozen. Compensation for farmer to come out of those frozen salaries. Don't we have negligence clauses with hospitals and other services including hotels. Our babus are insulated from all acts of negligence - Colonial Masters were insulated from all wrong doings or negligence. Does one remember if any British bureaucrat was held responsible for the Great Bengal Famine. So why in my own country my own bureaucracy not subject to accountability more serious than a mere transfer.

Our Judiciary, has vacations like the British. Wears black coats at 45 degree centigrade, have court cases pending more than the life of the petitioners involved. Who is responsible for the tardiness of the judiciary? Colonial masters made the subjects wait- the masters have changed and the wait has gone longer. If there is anyway to benchmark it with our Mughal courts, I'm sure justice was delivered and delivered fast.Why do they get housing, cars, club memberships, immunity. When is the last time they spoke with the public at large and found out what is the problems they face with the Judicial system and what they want to seen different. Putting this post I'm probably risking Contempt of Court. On second thoughts I have hardly come across technology savvy Judges or judiciary who would bother getting on to Linkedin and want to pursue this bait. Maybe when I'm dead and gone they would get a typewritten version of it in a file on which they will deliberate. If all of us are anyways going to get justice in the Kingdom of God when we are gone and dead why are we feeding this white elephant. I know whether I'm an atheist or a Buddisht or Islamists or Christian or Hindu I will get justice in my faith. What is the this judicial system all about - Is it an Employment Gurantee Scheme - Longer, slower and never ending - that's what we would probably like to have a "sexual" experience not a judicial experience!!

The holy cow the "Great Indian Armed Forces". The officers are entitled to trained Indian soldiers on domestic duty of senior officers who polish their shoes, polish their belts, iron their clothes, water their plants, drop their kids to school, baby sit them, cook party meals for officers. All these menial tasks were performed by Indian soldiers for British officers. Guess what the British have left. Now Indian soldiers perform these tasks on Indian officers. Is this the expense you want to bear from the contributions to your Income-tax. Is this the nation-building expense?

Why don't we have compulsory conscription for all men and women instead of maintaining a permanent army. We can reduce our manpower costs by 90% but more than that there will be other salutatory benefits : Every citizen will be equipped with life skills, every citizen wants to contribute and can contribute to defend the nation, better team building skills, women empowerment, skills to organise oneself, everybody is dying for the nation not the privelege of the few. If everyone gets the opportunity to spend 6 months at minus 40 at the Siachen glacier, everybody will be sensitive to the challenges involved. Nobody would be giving baseless ideas on TV cameras about Siachen et al. We will learn to discipline our senior officers who have made the trained Indian soldier into menials. Does the soldier require disciplining or the Senior Officer. Arbitary behaviour in the name of Discipline. We have passed a law against ragging and bullying in college campuses. When will we apply the same to our decorated senior officers. Btw have you ever questioned that the Army serving and retired officers to jawans get subsidised liquor. Is this a Desh Bhakti Allowance? Does it aid fighting? If so why challan Drunk Driving? Does it help in comaraderie - then why keep the Drinking joints 500 metres away from National Highways. What is this need for subsidized alcohol and why should the Indian taxpayer pay for this privilege? Why should it be a revenue loss to the Indian exchequer? Is it a medical requirement to fight loneliness and depression? What happened to Yoga, Meditation and other therapies. Liquor makes an army man an alcoholic/alcohol dependent for life . Are we supposed to be supporting this dependency which is questionable from the perspectives of medical, moral, taxpayer, performance point of view.

The point is that all these pillars are eroded and need to be replaced because they cannot be strengthened anymore. Shock treatment is required because these frogs of our country will die because they don't sense that the water is boiling slowly.

Hopefully, the rush for these jobs should subside once we remove these unaccountable perks. People who want to do service should be sent to the Gurudwara for a year . If they find meaning in that after a year they should be appointed immediately. No more Kunju Guides for faking the UPSC interview with fake answers.There is no sahib and no naukar but both are citizens of the country. Im not being utopian. Great Britian has itself reformed its judiciary and bureaucracy and walked away from its colonial past. Shashi Tharoor's contention that they don't teach colonial history in British Schools. Guess what - they teach it in India. Impact - Indians colonise Indians through their bureaucracy, judiciary and their Armed Forces. If you want let us benchmark with the rest of the world : Are the perks, benefits, practices of Indian bureaucrats, judiciary, politicians and Armed forces consistent with the rest of the world? Let us benchmark with the Anglo-saxson geography of the world - Commonwealth and then others. After the results I'm sure our head will hang in shame. No country in the world allows this nonsense to happen!!!! Our ease of doing business ranking will never improve significantly till these real surgical operations are done. This movement has to be led, managed and ultimately delivered by the educated, sensitive and the compassionate. Yes, this is the coup to be done in drawing rooms, homes, clubs, pubs and all the "In" places to be. It is not a street movement but a call for awakened consciousness of the so-called educated. The poor man on the street, farm and the ghetto is watching you and your behaviour!!!

This is the insider view of things. I come from a family of bureaucrats, army men and judiciary. Yes, I have contempt for these practices because I'm a Human Capital Professional and all these practices destroy Human Capital and not multiply. Wake up or face revolt soon by the new generation.

Jai Hind

Shirish Shukla

Founder Director at Measured Moves

7 年

I'm told cabinet has approved proposal worth Rs 30000crores on pay and benefits related proposal for the bloated bureaucracy and armed forces... Insult to injury.. Farmers ka proposal no urgency...self benefits all urgency. Shameful acts..


Shirish, very elaborate one, and this is the agony we have been carrying since long. Thick skinned bureaucracy is going to have no impact unless there is public uproar that is planned like a corporate project, else in-house and external foes are around to take advantage of this uproar. I am a part of the movement `Arthakranti` over last 16 years, and we see different colors of bureaucracy and ministers who rule the most educated class of IAS and IPS, (whether they deserve to work with the politicians with lesser knowledge and abilities, is a million dollar question). The whole issue is horrible and sometimes I feel that only Naxalists and Extremists would be able to do something for it, common men and women being so far off from its correction. I feel, unless people like you and me come out and set system to correct, youth will also not be able to fathom what to do, and they will follow the current system, with or without their interest to follow. Nice one..keep writing to ignite young minds for better deeds.



