Ditching Aid For Trade in Africa

Ditching Aid For Trade in Africa

Once upon a time in the continent of Africa, there was a village known as The Kazi Village. The villagers worked diligently every day to make ends meet, hoping for a brighter future for their children. However, they faced countless challenges that held them back from achieving economic prosperity and industrialization.

The villagers were heavily dependent on an external foreign aid. They received large sums of money, resources, and assistance from developed countries around the world. At first, this seemed like a blessing. It allowed them to put food on their tables and access basic healthcare and education. However, as time went on, they realized that aid was not a sustainable solution.


One day, a wise elder from The Kazi Village gathered the community together for an important meeting. His name was Chief Kofi, a respected leader known for his wisdom and foresight, history has it that his mother migrated from the Modern-day Ghana. ??"My fellow Kazians," Chief Kofi began, "We have become complacent, relying on outside help to uplift us. But this aid has hindered our growth and hindered the potential of our land, our resources, and our people has become lady to work. " Our forbearers named us Kazi because of our capacity to use our hands to work and prosper with it in this land of ours.


The villagers listened attentively, intrigued by the chief's words. Chief Kofi continued, "We deserve more; we deserve better. We have everything we need here in Africa – vast natural resources, fertile land, and a strong and capable workforce. We have the potential to create industries, generate wealth, and provide opportunities for everyone. It is time we focus on trade, not aid." Those bringing these aids, we thank them, but they are also bringing in problems to our land. Much of the tribal clashes in the mining communities are instigated by them and right now we need to take our destiny in our hands.


The villagers were inspired by the chief's vision. They realized that if they could harness their own resources and engage in trade with other African nations, they would be able to create jobs, establish manufacturing industries, and ultimately drive economic growth. It was a daunting task, but they were determined to make it a reality. More importantly there is need to create once common currency and one system of market so we can exchange value for value.? With this,

Kazi Village would be able to embark on a journey of self-reliance because Kazi will ?need to establish partnerships with neighboring communities, exchanging goods and services, begin to build factories, manufacturing textiles, leather goods, and various agricultural products.

?To test run this, they started an organization and called it African Union and from it they birthed an economic policy arrangement called African Continental Free Trade Area ( AfCFTA )?

The above is an euphemism that highlights the positive vision of some Africa’s founding fathers as stated below;

·????? Let make the African Market, The market of Africans. Produce in Africa , Transform in Africa and consumed in Africa . Let us produce what we need and let us consume what we produce instead of importing... Thomas Sankara ( 1st President of Burkina Faso )
I think we will arrive at a very successful establishement of an African Market because I think it is good for the trade of Africa. For example inter state trade in Africa is 10% and 90% is done with countries outside Africa . There is no reason why we should not increase inter state trade on this continent? Abubakar Tafawa Balewa : ( First prime minister of Nigeria)

Today, Travel between African Nations and telegraphic and telephonic communication among us are circutous in the extreem . Road communication between two neighboring states are often difficult or even impossible . It is litle wonder that trade among us has remained at a discuaragingly low level . These anaachronism are the reminants of heritage of which we must rid ourselves , the legacy of the century when africans were isolated one from the other , these are vital areas in which must be concentrated. Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia
Unite we must without necessarily sacrificing our sovereignties, big , small we can here and now forge a political union based on defence ,foreign affairs ,, diplomacy? and a common citizenship , an African Currency , an African monetray zone, and an African central bank we muts unite in order to achieve the full liberation of our continent.?·????? Kwame Nkruma , 1st President of Ghana

The above founders were all at the Kazi village analysis and their vision may have birthed? what we now call AfCFTA , an agreement among 54 African nations aimed at boosting intra-African trade and economic integration.

In our story, we see that the vision is clear and that with the AfCFTA, African countries can work toward trading with themselves and reduce trade barriers for mutual prosperity.

For starters AfCFTA, is aimed to address 2 thing:

1.???? Remove Trade Barriers (Taxes, Currencies, Sanctions, import restrictions )

2.???? Free Movement of people & capital? (Immigrations & Money Transfer, eCommerce & Property Rights)


What does this AfCFTA mean by implication?

  1. Continental market (1.2 Billions customers) as agaisnt Local Market Customers
  2. Attraction to international Investors who come in and establish business in any of the country and target many African countries in Africa, hence creating jobs
  3. More Businesses & More Jobs = Reduction in Poverty
  4. Boosting African Economy
  5. Competitive Pricing (breaking Monopoly) since you have many players now
  6. Improved Quality of goods and Services
  7. Fosters corporation among African countries (regional Integration)


The recent Achievement of AfCFTA

1.???? Creation of infrstructure such as continental secretariat in Ghana

2.???? Partnership with Afreximbank?( African Export–Import Bank), on Fund management agreement

3.???? Signing of $11 Million grants with Africa Development bank

4.???? Launch of new AfCFTA website au-AfCFTA.org

5.???? 53 nations already signed into the agreement, making it the biggest african agreement

6.???? Launch of the AfCFTA e-tariff book ( on au-AfCFTA.org )

7.???? Loads of AfCFTA forum is been held , eg April 2023 one was held in? Cape town South Africa

8.???? National Government , signing visa on arrival /free ?( Rwanda, Kenya , Gambia

9.???? The youth wing has been created and already meeting (held a conference in Lusaka in August 2023)

This success story illustrates how the implementation of the AfCFTA can positively impact various industries across the African continent. It demonstrates that by creating a single market, businesses can benefit from increased trade opportunities, improved market access, and overall economic growth. The story also highlights the importance of regional cooperation and integration in harnessing Africa's economic potential.

Overall, the successful expansion of the local companies into the neighboring Africa company no matter how small will further strengthen the reach and the level of progress you can get as an organization. Do you want to know how this can work for your company ? follow OfficePhase or reach out via 254 111301490

Thanks for your time, let us know what you think !






