Disease  (espanol abajo) ***PureHeart note below***

Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. 

I am really struggling with this topic. I may loose subscribers, but I really feel the Lord is insisting that I put this out there. I am using this newsletter as my journal, of things I am discovering as I am seeking the Lord, and following His lead in my missionary work in Managua Nicaragua.  I am not a scholar, and am open to criticism and correction.

My own family has been ravaged by illness over the past few years, and we minister to a lot of people that can’t even afford an aspirin. That has brought me to my knees, searching for answers. I bury a lot of little caskets, and big ones too. A lot of times, when I have prayed in faith for the sick or injured, I was sure that they were going to be healed. Sometimes they were. Sometimes they died. Murder, accidents, disease, old age takes it’s toll, and can make someone’s faith stumble, if they aren’t careful. 

This is my conclusion, for now. I hope no one gets offended. People get sick and die, bottom line. Not because of a sin that they have committed, as some kind of a devine punishment. No! They get sick and die because of the state that this fallen world is in. This is not a doctrine, just things that I have been studying and what I feel the Lord has shown me. I pray it helps others. It might even save lives.

There are thousands of diseases on us and in us that causes diseases that can kill us many times over, daily. Our immune system protects us. Jesus is our immune system. Jesus is our health. *Jehovah Rafa*. Healing is in His wings, it's part of His attributes. Jesus creates our immune system, and heals us, but does not create sicknesses and the diseases that makes us sick.

Some people say that the most powerful prayer one can say is ‘thy will be done’! Usually it is in reference to death or disease. It doesn’t make sense. God never desires us to be sick, or to die before our mission is accomplished. ‘Thy will be done’ was only used two times in the Bible by Jesus. Once, when Jesus obeyed the will of His Father to die on the cross for our sins. Then in Matthew 6, He said in the Lord’s prayer, ‘thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven”.  In order for you to be scriptural, you have to use the scriptures as they are written. If it’s God’s will for us to have a disease to teach us a lesson on earth, or something of that nature, heaven would be filled with diseased people as well. But the fact is, there is no disease in heaven, nor sadness, pain nor death. If it’s not God’s will for us to be sick in heaven, I don’t believe it’s God’s will for us to suffer on the earth as well.  Just the same way some denominations erroneously think that it’s God’s will for the ‘unchosen’ or ‘not predestined’ to go to hell. It misrepresents God as an unloving Father. Those who know Him know that to be untrue. God is Love 1 John 4:8. He is a loving Father. The Bible is clear! Just as Jesus NEVER turned down a request for healing, it’s not His will either that any would go to hell. God loves us, and wants the best for us, as any Father does.

2 Peter 3:9 He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Accidents, death and disease are never the will of God, it’s the will of Satan. Deformed and sick children are NOT the will of God. God loves you and your children.  Why are people sick and disabled? I don’t know, but I do know that it isn’t God’s plan for us. It is up to us to take death, the accidents, diseases or deformities as the ‘will of Satan’ and frustrate his evil plans at every turn. Eat right, stop doing harmful things, get outside, get exercise, TALK AND THINK RIGHT are some of the many ways we fight and resist these horribly sad things. Run from sin, guard our hearts, and meditate on God’s Word day and night are the most important things we can do. Be a happy good testimony, and expect God to deliver you, even if it takes a lifetime, against all odds, don’t give up. People will get saved watching your struggles as well as your faith.

Romans 8:28. All things worked for the good of those who love the Lord.

One of the most powerful preachers I know was born without arms and legs.  Why was he born this way? I don’t have a clue, but I do know that it isn’t because of sin in his nor his parents lives. It isn't in God’s perfect will, nor is it God’s fault. Both God and Nick work together to foil this ‘affliction’ for God’s good and glory. Here is a sermon by Nick.  


We don’t have to understand why, but we do have to understand God’s heart. God is always good. Adriann Rogers said, 'If you can't trace God's hand, Trust His heart.'

God created everything in existance in the first six day. He never created disease or death in the first week of creation. Even lions were vegetarians. God created everything, and everything was mentioned in the beginning of book of Genesis, except death and disease. God created everything and He saw that everything was very good. No disease is even marginally good. It’s not His creation, nor is it His perfect will. It’s Satan’s creation, and Satan's will. If you look at a cancer cell under a microscope you can see it’s alive. God didn’t put life into it, Satan did. 

Genesis 1:31 And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good

Adam and Eve lived a disease-free, pain-free, problem-free life. One day they sinned by obeying Satan in the Garden of Eden, and as a result, disease, hatred, religion, jealousy, wars, death, thorns, work, pain, poverty, lack, hunger etc. entered the world, as sin opened the way. Now, because of sin, we live in what is called a Fallen World. When they obeyed Satan, they gave him temporary control of the world. If you are broke, hungry, sick, lost a loved one, or hate your job, blame Satan, not God. God is soverign and is coming back to take control again. For now, however, we have to live within a sinful world and fight it’s consequences.

God calls sickness evil. Psalm 41:8 and in many other places He uses the expression ‘evil disease’. Not that the people that are sick are evil or sinful, but the disease itself is. Honestly, do you know of any disease or injury that isn’t evil? When Jesus healed the woman bent over with osteoporosis for 18 years, He went as far as saying that she was doubled over because of Satan. Oh, incidently, He healed her too.

Luke 13:16 “And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?”

God is good. He wants us to be healthy and happy. He wants us to be saved and to spend the rest of eternity with Him. He will bring us home when our work on earth is finished, but in the mean time trust Him and have faith. Do you realize it takes more faith to get saved than it does to get healed? In these trying times please don’t blame God.  The best way for you and your family to combat damnation, fear, sickness and premature death is by meditating day and night in His Word and believing in Him more than you believe in the symptoms, medical reports, statistics, news and acts of Satan. It is more important now than ever, with COVID and all. If not for you, then for your children’s sake.

Proverbs 4:20 My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. 21 Do not let them depart from your eyes;Keep them in the midst of your heart; 22 For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh.

Love God, Hate Sin

***PureHeart Update***

God has been very good. Our ministry opportunities are through the roof. There are no social distancing nor quarantine laws in Nicaragua (nor any COVID that we have seen) so it’s business as usual. We have daily Bible Studies with the staff and anyone else who is here, and one English class /Bible Study a week. School is a little off. Only the parents come, sometimes bringing in their own kids to get homework, etc.  Feeding center in the dump is going extremely well. No COVID as I say but the economic crisis here is exponentially growing, and the air is heavy with desperation. Please pray for medicine and food. Most of our resources have dried up. We are still planning to bring kids in to live with us, but the government is extremely slow.

We are starting to compile a list of SNAIL MAIL addresses, so if you want to get a physical letter and updates from us please let me know at [email protected] or [email protected]

Dean and Winnie Peters

[email protected]

Joyfully serving the 'least of these' in Nicaragua for the glory of God



Facebook = Dean andWinnie Peters



Mateo 4:23 Y Jesús recorrió toda Galilea, ense?ando en sus sinagogas, y predicando el evangelio del reino, y sanando toda clase de enfermedades y toda clase de enfermedades entre el pueblo.

 ?Las personas religiosas dicen piadosamente que la oración más poderosa que puedes decir es "?que se haga tu voluntad"! Usualmente en referencia al muerte o una enfermedad. "Hágase tu voluntad" solo fue usada dos veces en la Biblia por Jesús. Una vez, cuando se resignó a la aterradora voluntad de su Padre de morir en la cruz por nuestros pecados. También, en Mateo 6, dijo el Nuestro Padre: "Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo". Para ser bíblico, debes usar las Escrituras tal como están escritas. Si es la voluntad de Dios que tengamos una enfermedad para ense?arnos una lección en la tierra, el cielo estaría lleno de enfermedades. Pero el hecho es que no hay enfermedad en el cielo, ni tristeza, dolor ni muerte. Si no es la voluntad de Dios en el cielo, no creo que sea la voluntad de Dios que suframos también en la tierra. De la misma manera que algunas denominaciones erróneamente piensan que es la voluntad de Dios que los "no elegidos" o "no predestinados" se vayan al infierno. Pero la Biblia es clara, así como Jesús NUNCA rechazó una solicitud de curación, no es su voluntad que alguien vaya al infierno.

 2 Pedro 3: 9 "él no está" dispuesto a que ninguno perezca, sino que todos vengan al arrepentimiento.

 La muerte y la enfermedad nunca es la voluntad de Dios, es la voluntad de Satanás. Dios nunca creó la enfermedad ni la muerte en la primera semana de la creación. Incluso los leones eran vegetarianos. Dios creó todo, y todo fue mencionado al comienzo del libro de Génesis, excepto la muerte y la enfermedad. Dios creó todo y vio que todo era muy bueno. Ninguna enfermedad es incluso marginalmente buena.

 Génesis 1:31 Y Dios vio todo lo que había hecho y, he aquí, fue muy bueno

 Adán y Eva vivían una vida libre de enfermedades, sin dolor y sin problemas. Un día pecaron obedeciendo a Satanás en el Jardín del Edén, y como resultado, enfermedades, odio, religión, celos, guerras, muerte, espinas, trabajo, dolor, pobreza, falta, hambre y pecado entraron al mundo. Cuando obedecieron a Satanás, le dieron el control temporal del mundo. Si está enfermo, o perdió a un ser querido, u odia a su trabajo, culpe a Satanás, no a Dios.

Dios llama a la enfermedad una maldad. Salmo 41: 8 y en muchos otros lugares usa la expresión "enfermedad maligna". Honestamente, ?conoces alguna enfermedad que no sea mala? Cuando Jesús curó a la mujer inclinada con osteoporosis durante 18 a?os, él dijo que ella estaba atada por Satanás.

 Lucas 13:16 "?Y no debería esta mujer, siendo hija de Abraham, a quien Satanás ha atado, he aquí, estos dieciocho a?os, ser desatada de este vínculo el día de reposo?"

 Dios es bueno. él quiere que seamos saludables y felices. él quiere que seamos salvos y que pasemos el resto de la eternidad con él. él nos llevaría a nuestro hogar cuando termine nuestro trabajo en la tierra, mientras tanto confíe en él y tenga fe. ?Te das cuenta de que se necesita más fe para ser salvo que para ser sanado? En estos tiempos difíciles, no culpes a Dios. La mejor manera para ti y tu familia de combatir la condenación, el miedo, la enfermedad y la muerte prematura es meditar día y noche en Su Palabra y creer en él más de lo que crees en los peones y los actos de Satanás. Si no para ti, para sus ni?os.

 Proverbios 4: 20–22 NKJV 20 Hijo mío, presta atención a mis palabras; Inclina tu oído a mis dichos. 21 No dejes que se aparten de tus ojos; Guárdalos en medio de tu corazón; 22 Porque son vida para quienes los encuentran, Y salud a toda su carne.

Ama a Dios, Odia al Pecado.

Dean and Winnie Peters

[email protected]

Joyfully serving the 'least of these' in Nicaragua for the glory of God



Facebook = Dean andWinnie Peters


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