A Discussion of Vibrations and Karma
To fully understand vibrations in all its ramifications requires an open mind and a freedom from fixated ideation. Our solar system consists of a series of graded vibrations from the most high invisible frequencies to the lowest, dense Physical and Material of appearances. Science now accepts that energy is all there is in our solar system (SS) and constitutes our unique Universe. It is rather common knowledge that there are vibratory rates that humanity can comprehend with the five senses and there are vibratory rates beyond human sense comprehension. These are the hidden and invisible worlds of Causes beyond the visible and sensory world of Effects/Appearances. Thus, there are ranges of vibratory rates. Animals can sense vibrations man cannot for example. As the human entity learns how to continually expand his fields of awareness, he can begin to gain some mental comprehension of these higher planes. It is these higher ranges where the true explanations of what has come to be called ESP and Parapsychology are, and which explains the latent, hidden Powers within each human entity only awaiting their awakening by humanity’s conscious effort with the Cosmic Law of Sacrifice and Service to the whole of humanity.
The Solution and ending of Human Karma and Reincarnation:
The endless perpetuation of self-serving behaviors is the Cause of Karma and since there is Our solar system is by its very existence is a UNITY and ever in HARMONY. True, that in manifestation it is a Dualism. All manifested Forms are both dual and triple in nature. At the human level of understanding, the Duality expresses our Divine Essence, our true HIGHER SELF which is housed in an advanced Animal Body. This then translates into our triplicity: Spirit-Soul-Body. Soul is One but has three Aspects: Animal, Human and Spiritual. The Animal Soul is our physical body; the human Soul is a fragment of the eternal Spirit. It is this human soul that continues to reincarnate. And, it is the Spiritual Soul/Will that is our Immortal aspect. This brings into our discussion that of Karma. Only humanity is capable of creating imbalances and dis-harmonies into our lower worlds. We do this by every thought, feeling and actions we create. Major source of imbalances are our endless acts of selfishness, our endless wish to fulfill our every personal desire and ambition and the living a lifestyle in service of the self and not in accordance only ONE HUMANITY on this planet, there is a Collective Karma. Each human entity is given the free-will to make endless choices and decisions, and these used ignorantly results in the individual Karma, which when combined with the sins of others results in the Collective Karma. Sin can be described as anything that unsets the UNITY and HARMONY of our SS.
Until humanity individually and collectively stops creating imbalances and dis-harmonies, this way of our current existence will obviously continue. This current behavior has existed within humanity for millions of years. It is referred as collectively living a Materialistic and Physical plane lifestyle of behaving as animal-humans instead of as Souls; our portion of the Eternal Divine Essence, which is our human destiny on this planet. These comments are offered for your serious consideration. Thank you. End. DC