Discussion about Vaadin with an AI chat bot
Let us play a bit with an AI, ChatGPT. This new tool has conquered our mindshare like a blitz. But what is it good at and what not? There have been numerous blog posts about this question. So mine is hardly not unique. I decided to look at this from Vaadin's perspective. How well does it know Vaadin? So I am pretending to be a software engineer / Java developer finding a UI framework for my next project. Let’s see how it does. I am including the full conversation with commentary. I will finalize the article with a short summary of conclusions, jump there for a TL;DR.
I am a software developer and Java is my primary programming language. I am familiar with Spring Boot. I need to create a new web application for company internal use. The application will have a few hundred users, but it will be rather large. The application will consist of many views accomplishing different workflows related to company processes. The views tend to be also rather complex. There will be many views with tabular data and other views consisting of nested forms with dozens of fields. The forms need to support data validation of the input, preferably based on JSR-303 standard. The data model of the application has a number of different entities stored in SQL database, preferably PostgreSQL. The entities are shown and edited in these views having tables and forms. There will also be a dashboard showing some analytics based on this data. Can you recommend to me three suitable UI frameworks that I should use to develop the application?
Sure, here are three popular UI frameworks that you can use to develop your web application:
Angular: Angular is a comprehensive front-end framework for building dynamic, single-page applications. It has a rich set of UI components and supports data binding, form validation, and real-time updates.
React: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It has a strong ecosystem of libraries and tools, and it's easy to use with a Spring Boot back-end. React also has good performance and is used by many large websites and web applications.
PrimeNG: PrimeNG is a UI component library for Angular that offers a rich set of pre-designed UI components and themes. It also supports JSR-303 validation and has good performance, making it a suitable option for building complex forms and tables.
All of these frameworks are capable of meeting your requirements, and the choice ultimately depends on your personal preference and experience with each framework.
Comment: The first answer is interesting as ChatGPT does not mention any Java based frameworks although I stated Java as a preference. The answer is also not taken into account the specifications I stated, I am about to write an application consisting of many complex views. These libraries are not particularly well suited for the task, although surely they are the most commonly used ones. Let us suppose that our software engineer is really preferring Java.??
None of the three frameworks you listed allow writing UI logic in Java, could you recommend me two more frameworks that allow the UI logic to be written in Java?
Sure, here are two more frameworks that allow UI logic to be written in Java:
Vaadin: Vaadin is a web application framework for building business-oriented, single-page web applications. It has a large set of pre-built UI components and allows developers to write UI logic in Java using server-side components. It integrates well with Spring and has good performance.
GWT (Google Web Toolkit): GWT is an open-source framework for building web applications using Java. It allows developers to write UI logic in Java and then compile it into JavaScript, which runs in the browser. It has a rich set of UI components and supports data binding, form validation, and real-time updates.
Both Vaadin and GWT are suitable for developing complex web applications with Java and have a large community of users and developers, so you can find plenty of support and resources for both frameworks.
Comment: This is an interesting answer. Not because it gives Vaadin as the first option, but GWT being the second. I would have expected JSF or PrimeFaces mentioned in the answer instead. But anyway, this gives a good reason for our hypothetical engineer to continue the conversation? about Vaadin. Clearly ChatGPT has Vaadin related material in its training set.???
Say I have Java person entity with properties:
id: integer, non-editable
first name: string, mandatory
last name: string, mandatory
age: integer, optional, non-negative
Can you give me an example of a form created for such an entity in Vaadin using JSR-303 validation?
Here's an example of how you can create a form for the Java person entity in Vaadin with JSR-303 validation:
import com.vaadin.flow.component.button.Button;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.formlayout.FormLayout;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.textfield.TextField;
import com.vaadin.flow.data.binder.Binder;
import com.vaadin.flow.data.binder.BinderValidationStatus;
import com.vaadin.flow.data.binder.BindingValidationStatus;
import com.vaadin.flow.data.validator.IntegerRangeValidator;
import com.vaadin.flow.data.validator.StringLengthValidator;
public class PersonForm extends FormLayout {
????private TextField firstName = new TextField("First Name");
????private TextField lastName = new TextField("Last Name");
????private TextField age = new TextField("Age");
????private Button save = new Button("Save");
????private Binder<Person> binder = new Binder<>(Person.class);
????public PersonForm() {
????????add(firstName, lastName, age, save);
????????????????.asRequired("First Name is required")
????????????????.bind(Person::getFirstName, Person::setFirstName);
????????????????.asRequired("Last Name is required")
????????????????.bind(Person::getLastName, Person::setLastName);
????????????????.withValidator(new IntegerRangeValidator("Age must be a non-negative integer", 0, null))
????????????????.bind(Person::getAge, Person::setAge);
????????save.addClickListener(event -> {
????????????if (binder.writeBeanIfValid(new Person())) {
????????????????// Save the person to the database
????????????} else {
????????????????BinderValidationStatus<Person> status = binder.validate();
????????????????for (BindingValidationStatus<Person> fieldStatus : status.getFieldValidationErrors()) {
????????????????????Notification.show(fieldStatus.getMessage().orElse(""), 5000, Notification.Position.MIDDLE);
In this example, the PersonForm extends the FormLayout component, and it contains TextField components for each property of the Person entity. The Binder class is used to bind the form fields to the Person entity and to perform validation using the StringLengthValidator and IntegerRangeValidator classes. When the Save button is clicked, the Binder writes the bean if it is valid and displays any validation error messages using the Notification class.
Comment: The code example in the answer is not actually correctly matching the question. The code itself is somewhat ok, but not using JSR-303 validation, it is using validators of the Vaadin framework instead. Let us suppose that our evaluator is not a total newbie about coding although not knowing Vaadin, and he is asking to refine the code.???
Can Vaadin use validation annotations defined in the person entity instead?
Yes, Vaadin supports using validation annotations defined in the entity class. You can use JSR-303 annotations such as @NotNull, @Size, and @Min to define validation constraints for your entity properties, and then use the binder.validate() method to validate the entity.
Here's an example of a Person entity class with JSR-303 validation annotations:
import javax.validation.constraints.Min;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
public class Person {
????private int id;
????@Size(min = 1, max = 128)
????private String firstName;
????@Size(min = 1, max = 128)
????private String lastName;
????private Integer age;
????// getters and setters
And here's how you can use these validation annotations in the PersonForm:
import com.vaadin.flow.component.button.Button;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.formlayout.FormLayout;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.textfield.TextField;
import com.vaadin.flow.data.binder.Binder;
import com.vaadin.flow.data.binder.BinderValidationStatus;
import com.vaadin.flow.data.binder.BindingValidationStatus;
public class PersonForm extends FormLayout {
????private TextField firstName = new TextField("First Name");
????private TextField lastName = new TextField("Last Name");
????private TextField age = new TextField("Age");
????private Button save = new Button("Save");
????private Binder<Person> binder = new Binder<>(Person.class);
???public PersonForm() {
????????add(firstName, lastName, age, save);
????????????????.bind(Person::getFirstName, Person::setFirstName);
???????????????.bind(Person::getLastName, Person::setLastName);
????????????????.bind(Person::getAge, Person::setAge);
????????save.addClickListener(event -> {
????????????if (binder.writeBeanIfValid(new Person())) {
????????????????// Save the person to the database
????????????} else {
????????????????BinderValidationStatus<Person> status = binder.validate();
????????????????for (BindingValidationStatus<Person> fieldStatus : status.getFieldValidationErrors()) {
????????????????????Notification.show(fieldStatus.getMessage().orElse(""), 5000, Notification.Position.MIDDLE);
In this example, the JSR-303 validation annotations are defined in the Person entity, and the Binder class automatically uses these annotations to perform validation when the binder.writeBeanIfValid method is called. The validation error messages are displayed using the Notification class, just like in the previous example.
Comment: The answer is refined. But it is actually incorrect. The code is still using Binder instead of BeanValidationBinder class . It is the later one that actually uses JSR-303. This code would not work at all. But let us assume that our developer does not have Vaadin experience, and hence does not spot that problem.??
Can you show me an example code in Vaadin of how to show a list of person entities in the view? My database table can have potentially many thousand persons. Take that into consideration.
Sure! In Vaadin, you can use the Grid component to display a list of entities. To handle large amounts of data, you can use the DataProvider interface to efficiently retrieve and display data in a paginated fashion.
Here's an example of how you can display a list of Person entities in a Grid:
import com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.Grid;
import com.vaadin.flow.data.provider.DataProvider;
import com.vaadin.flow.data.provider.ListDataProvider;
public class PersonListView extends VerticalLayout {
????private Grid<Person> grid = new Grid<>(Person.class);
????private DataProvider<Person, Void> dataProvider;
????public PersonListView() {
????????dataProvider = DataProvider.ofCollection(getPersonList());
???????grid.setColumns("id", "firstName", "lastName", "age");
????private List<Person> getPersonList() {
????????// retrieve the list of persons from the database
In this example, the PersonListView class displays a list of Person entities in a Grid. The ListDataProvider class is used to wrap the list of persons and provide it to the Grid. The Grid is configured to display the id, firstName, lastName, and age properties of the Person entities.
Note that in this example, the list of persons is retrieved from the database using the getPersonList method. To handle large amounts of data, you may want to use a more efficient mechanism for retrieving the data, such as a database query with pagination, or a call to a REST API that returns a limited number of records per request.
Comment: ChatGPT gives me an interesting answer. I stated that I have a big database table, nevertheless it proposes an in-memory solution, but also states that it has shortcomings. So our software engineer takes this hint and asks for refinement.?
Let say I am using Spring Data, in my service layer, can you modify the above example using paging with it?
Sure! If you're using Spring Data, you can take advantage of its built-in support for pagination to efficiently retrieve and display large amounts of data.
Here's an updated example of how you can display a list of Person entities in a Grid with pagination using Spring Data:
import com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.Grid;
import com.vaadin.flow.data.provider.DataProvider;
import com.vaadin.flow.data.provider.Query;
import com.vaadin.flow.spring.annotation.SpringComponent;
import com.vaadin.flow.spring.annotation.UIScope;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Page;
import org.springframework.data.domain.PageRequest;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Sort;
public class PersonListView extends VerticalLayout {
????private Grid<Person> grid = new Grid<>(Person.class);
????private PersonRepository personRepository;
????public PersonListView(PersonRepository personRepository) {
????????this.personRepository = personRepository;
????????????????query -> getPersonPage(query).stream(),
????????????????query -> getPersonCount()
????????grid.setColumns("id", "firstName", "lastName", "age");
????private Page<Person> getPersonPage(Query<Person, Void> query) {
????????Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(query.getOffset() / query.getLimit(), query.getLimit(), Sort.unsorted());
????????return personRepository.findAll(pageable);
????private int getPersonCount() {
????????return (int) personRepository.count();
In this example, the PersonListView class takes a PersonRepository instance in its constructor, which is used to retrieve the list of persons from the database. The Grid is configured to use a DataProvider that retrieves the data using the getPersonPage and getPersonCount methods. The getPersonPage method uses the PageRequest class from Spring Data to create a Pageable object that specifies the page size and the starting position for the data, based on the query parameters from the Grid. The getPersonCount method returns the total number of records in the database.
This way, the Grid component can efficiently display a large amount of data, and only retrieve the data that is needed for the current page, using the Spring Data repository.
Comment: This is actually one of the better answers in the discussions. I had previously mentioned Spring Boot, so ChatGPT fluently shows me code using it. The grid.setDataProvider(..) is however a deprecated form to use this, but nevertheless the solution is somewhat correct, although the length of the page parameter is duplicated in PageRequest.of(..). I would have assumed that ChatGPT does a bit more accurate work on Spring than Vaadin.??
I want my user to be able to click a person with a mouse and open a form in a modal popup using the same form you proposed to me earlier. Is it possible to do this with a Grid component?
Yes, it's possible to display a form in a modal popup when a user clicks on a person in the grid. You can achieve this by adding a ClickListener to the grid and opening the form in a modal window when a row is clicked.
Here's an example of how you can do this in Vaadin:
import com.vaadin.flow.component.ClickEvent;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.Grid;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.ItemClickEvent;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.html.Div;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.orderedlayout.VerticalLayout;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.textfield.TextField;
import com.vaadin.flow.data.binder.Binder;
import com.vaadin.flow.data.provider.DataProvider;
import com.vaadin.flow.data.provider.Query;
import com.vaadin.flow.spring.annotation.SpringComponent;
import com.vaadin.flow.spring.annotation.UIScope;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Page;
import org.springframework.data.domain.PageRequest;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Sort;
public class PersonListView extends VerticalLayout {
????private Grid<Person> grid = new Grid<>(Person.class);
????private PersonRepository personRepository;
????private Binder<Person> binder = new Binder<>(Person.class);
????public PersonListView(PersonRepository personRepository) {
????????this.personRepository = personRepository;
????????????????query -> getPersonPage(query).stream(),
????????????????query -> getPersonCount()
????????grid.setColumns("id", "firstName", "lastName", "age");
????????grid.addItemClickListener(event -> {
???????????Person person = event.getItem();
????private void showPersonForm(Person person) {
????????Div container = new Div();
????????TextField firstName = new TextField("First Name");
????????TextField lastName = new TextField("Last Name");
????????TextField age = new TextField("Age");
????????????????.withValidator(new StringLengthValidator(
????????????????????????"First Name must be between 1 and 50 characters",
????????????????????????1, 50))
????????????????.withValidator(new RegexpValidator(
????????????????????????"First Name must only contain letters"))
????????????????.bind(Person::getFirstName, Person::setFirstName);
????????????????.withValidator(new StringLengthValidator(
????????????????????????"Last Name must be between 1 and 50 characters",
????????????????????????1, 50))
????????????????.withValidator(new RegexpValidator(
????????????????????????"Last Name must only contain letters"))
????????????????.bind(Person::getLastName, Person::setLastName);
Comment: There seems to be some issues with ChatGPT in handling larger chunks of code. The answer is simply too long for it to handle and its cut. The idea of using an item click listener here is answering the question. I would have recommended to use Grid in single selection mode and selection listener. But in general the information is adequate for the evaluator to get understanding that the requested task is possible.??
The showPersonForm method does not look complete to me. Can you complete it?
Sure, here is a complete example of the showPersonForm method:
private void showPersonForm(Person person) {
????FormLayout form = new FormLayout();
????????????new ResponsiveStep("25em", 1),
????????????new ResponsiveStep("32em", 2),
????????????new ResponsiveStep("40em", 3));
????TextField firstNameField = new TextField("First Name");
????TextField lastNameField = new TextField("Last Name");
????NumberField ageField = new NumberField("Age");
????Button saveButton = new Button("Save");
????saveButton.addClickListener(event -> {
????????// Perform validation using Bean Validation API
????????Set<ConstraintViolation<Person>> violations = validator.validate(person);
????????if (!violations.isEmpty()) {
????????????Notification.show(violations.iterator().next().getMessage(), Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE);
????????// Save the person object using Spring Data
????Button cancelButton = new Button("Cancel");
????cancelButton.addClickListener(event -> closeModalWindow());
????HorizontalLayout buttons = new HorizontalLayout(saveButton, cancelButton);
????modalWindow = new ModalWindow(form);
In this example, personRepository is an instance of Spring Data JPA repository for Person entity. The validator instance is the javax.validation.Validator instance, which can be obtained from ValidatorFactory. The closeModalWindow method closes the modal window.
Comment: Wow, this is interesting. As a Vaadin expert I can clearly see that ChatGPT is mixing Vaadin 8 and Vaadin 14/23 API’s here. So the answer about ModalWindow is wrong. Actually in Vaadin 8 the name of the component is just Window, whereas in newer Vaadin versions it is Dialog. But let's say that our software engineer does not know that, he could however spot the code that looks unrelated to the question and ask for further explanation on that..??
Can you explain to me the purpose of form.setResponsiveSteps in the previous example?
In the previous example, form.setResponsiveSteps sets the responsive layout steps for the form.
In Vaadin, a responsive layout means that the components within the layout adapt to different screen sizes and orientation. The ResponsiveStep class defines how many columns the components in the form should use in different screen widths.
The ResponsiveStep constructor takes two arguments: the first one is the screen width at which the change should occur, and the second one is the number of columns the components should use at that width.
In the example, the form will use 1 column when the screen width is less than 25em, 2 columns when the screen width is between 25em and 32em, and 3 columns when the screen width is larger than 40em. This way, the form will automatically adjust its layout based on the screen size, and the components will not overlap each other in smaller screens.
You can adjust these responsive steps according to your needs and design preferences.
Comment: Fair enough. ChatGPT does good marketing for our hypothetical user here telling that Vaadin has mechanisms for responsive design, which is true. He knows about JSR-303 and spots that code example for some reason is not using Binder, so he asks the next question to verify if there is a specific reason for that.??
Can you refactor the previous example to use Binder?
Yes, here's an example of how you could refactor the previous example to use Binder:
private Binder<Person> binder = new Binder<>(Person.class);
private void showPersonForm(Person person) {
????TextField firstName = new TextField("First Name");
????TextField lastName = new TextField("Last Name");
????NumberField age = new NumberField("Age");
????????????.asRequired("First name is required")
????????????.bind(Person::getFirstName, Person::setFirstName);
????????????.asRequired("Last name is required")
????????????.bind(Person::getLastName, Person::setLastName);
????????????.withValidator(ageValue -> ageValue >= 0, "Age must be non-negative")
????????????.bind(Person::getAge, Person::setAge);
????FormLayout form = new FormLayout(firstName, lastName, age);
????????new FormLayout.ResponsiveStep("25em", 1),
????????new FormLayout.ResponsiveStep("32em", 2),
????????new FormLayout.ResponsiveStep("40em", 3)
????Dialog dialog = new Dialog();
With this refactoring, we're using the Binder class to handle the data binding between the person entity and the form fields. The Binder API is simpler and more concise than the previous example, making it easier to maintain and update. Additionally, the Binder class automatically handles validation errors, so you don't have to manually check and display the error messages.
Comment: ChatGPT is persistently offering Binder instead of BeanValidationBinder, but our user cannot spot the problem. But he is a competent developer and can spot ModalWindow vs. Dialog discrepancy, so he asks what is the difference with those.?
What is the difference between the ModalWindow class in the previous example versus Dialog class in this example?
The ModalWindow class and the Dialog class are both classes in Vaadin that can be used to show a modal popup window in a UI. The main difference between them is the API they provide and the level of customization they allow.
The ModalWindow class is a more traditional approach to creating modal windows, where you have complete control over the content of the modal window and can add any components you like. However, this also means that you have to handle the behavior of the modal window yourself, such as closing it when the escape key is pressed or when the user clicks outside the modal window.
The Dialog class is a more modern approach to creating modal windows, where you simply add the content of the modal window and the Dialog class takes care of the rest. It provides an easy-to-use API for configuring the behavior of the modal window, such as whether it should close when the escape key is pressed or when the user clicks outside the modal window. The Dialog class also automatically handles the styles and layout of the modal window, so you don't have to worry about that.
In conclusion, if you want a simple and easy-to-use approach to creating modal windows, you should use the Dialog class. If you need more control over the content and behavior of the modal window, you should use the ModalWindow class.
Comment: ChatGPT’s one main problem is that it always answers with high confidence. Here we get an answer which is utter nonsense. ModalWindow is an imaginary class, so the comparison does not make any sense. Correct answer should have been. “Sorry the use of ModalWindow in previous example was an error, I am sorry about the confusion.”. But let's say our software engineer now accepts that there are indeed two classes for modal popups in Vaadin.?
Is it possible in Vaadin for PersonListView to have a URL path, say "persons" so that users can bookmark it?
Yes, it's possible to have a URL path for the PersonListView in Vaadin. You can achieve this by using the Router class in Vaadin.
Here is an example of how you could implement a URL path for the PersonListView in Vaadin:
public class PersonListView extends VerticalLayout {
??// ...
With the @Route annotation, you can specify the URL path for the view. In this example, the view would be accessible at https://localhost:8080/persons. You can also specify the URL parameters and dynamic parts of the URL path using placeholders. For example:
public class PersonView extends VerticalLayout {
??// ...
In this example, the view would be accessible at https://localhost:8080/persons/{id}, where {id} is a placeholder for a dynamic part of the URL. To access the value of the URL parameter in the view, you can use the @Param annotation:
public class PersonView extends VerticalLayout {
??private final String id;
??public PersonView(@Param("id") String id) {
????this.id = id;
????// ...
In this example, the value of the id URL parameter would be passed to the view as a constructor argument.
Comment: Yes, the answer is correct for that part that in Vaadin there is indeed @Route to annotate views with urls and you can use url parameters too. The API for using route templates and url-parameters however is different (you can find the correct API here: https://vaadin.com/docs/latest/routing/additional-guides/route-templates ) . But users with no previous Vaadin experience can’t spot that. So he just accepts the answer .?
In my real application I have dozens of fields. Is it possible to make the UI more compact by showing the text in some other manner?
Yes, it's possible to make the UI more compact in Vaadin by showing the text in a different manner. One way to do this is to use the FormLayout component, which provides a compact form layout that is suitable for small-to-medium-sized forms.
Here is an example of how you could use the FormLayout component in Vaadin to show a form with several fields:
FormLayout formLayout = new FormLayout();
formLayout.addFormItem(firstNameField, "First Name");
formLayout.addFormItem(lastNameField, "Last Name");
formLayout.addFormItem(ageField, "Age");
In this example, the FormLayout component is used to arrange the TextField components vertically in a compact form. The addFormItem method is used to add the fields to the form, and the label for each field is specified as the second argument.
With the FormLayout component, the labels for the fields are displayed above the fields, which helps to conserve vertical space and make the form more compact. Additionally, the FormLayout component automatically adds spacing and other styling to make the form look neat and organized.
Comment: Yes, in Vaadin there is FormLayout which can wrap labels, but when using this code, the labels are not above the fields but on the left side. But this is not a problem our developer spots, he still wants to get rid of the labels, and rephrases the question.
If I do not want to display the name of the field in the label, but for example using tooltip, is that possible?
TextField firstNameField = new TextField();
firstNameField.setPlaceholder("Enter first name");
firstNameField.setTitle("First Name");
In this example, the setTitle method is used to set the tooltip for the TextField component. The tooltip will be displayed when the user hovers over the field, providing additional information about the field and its purpose. The setPlaceholder method is used to set a placeholder text that will be displayed in the field when it is empty.
By using a tooltip and a placeholder instead of a label, you can conserve vertical space and make the form more compact, while still providing helpful information to the user.
Comment: The answer is technically correct. In TextField there is indeed the setTitle method, but a more generic tooltip API was added just recently, and I know that ChatGPT was trained before this feature was added into the Vaadin framework. Unlike earlier, ChatGPT did not mix Vaadin 8 in the answer, which it could have done.
Accessibility is important nowadays, how do the UI's created with Vaadin perform with screen readers?
Vaadin provides good accessibility support for screen readers and keyboard-only navigation, but it's important to keep in mind that accessibility is a broad topic and it's up to the developer to ensure that the application meets the specific accessibility requirements of the target audience.
Vaadin components are designed with accessibility in mind and provide many built-in features that help to ensure that the application is accessible. For example:
Component captions are automatically announced by screen readers
Keyboard navigation is supported for all components
ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) roles are automatically assigned to components based on their purpose
Tooltips and placeholder texts provide additional information for screen reader users
Color contrast and font size can be adjusted to meet accessibility guidelines
However, it's still important to test the application with screen readers and make any necessary changes to meet accessibility requirements. Additionally, it's a good idea to use a testing tool like the Accessibility Audit panel in the Chrome browser to verify that the application meets accessibility standards.
In general, Vaadin provides a good foundation for accessible applications, but it's up to the developer to ensure that the application is properly configured and tested to meet the specific accessibility needs of the target audience.
Comment: This answer is technically correct today. I assume that ChatGPT answers the question on the basis of Vaadin 8, not e.g. Vaadin 14. Vaadin 23 nowadays has accessibility well supported.
Is Vaadin a vendor backed open source product?
Yes, Vaadin is a vendor-backed open-source product. It was developed and is maintained by Vaadin Ltd, a company based in Helsinki, Finland. Vaadin provides commercial support, training, and professional services for Vaadin-based applications, as well as several proprietary add-ons and tools.
The core Vaadin framework, however, is open source and available for free under the Apache License 2.0. This means that developers can use, modify, and distribute the code for their own purposes, and can also contribute to the development of the framework by submitting pull requests to the GitHub repository.
Comment: Hah, we are from Turku, not from Helsinki! But fair enough, Vaadin indeed is a vendor backed open-source product. ChatGPT also uses the correct open source license here. It even knows that we offer support, training etc. Thanks for marketing :) This is actually a very important aspect of Vaadin. Having a viable business behind the framework is crucial for the long term viability of the product. Vaadin has been doing this for over 20 years. Option to get commercial support is also important for the customer companies to succeed with the technology.?
Is the Vaadin architecture good from an information security perspective?
Vaadin follows best practices for secure web development and provides features to help secure your web application. However, like any other web development framework, Vaadin can't guarantee that your application is 100% secure by itself.
The security of a Vaadin application depends on various factors, such as how the application is designed and implemented, how it is deployed and managed, and how it is used by end-users. To ensure the security of your application, it's important to:
Follow best practices for secure web development, such as validating user input, using secure communication protocols, and avoiding vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
Stay up to date with the latest security patches and updates for Vaadin and any other technologies used in the application.
Perform regular security assessments and penetration testing to identify and remediate potential security weaknesses.
Train your developers and end-users on secure web development and usage practices.
In summary, Vaadin provides a secure framework for building web applications, but the security of your application ultimately depends on how you design, implement, deploy, and use it.
Comment: This is a typical ChatGPT answer. It always tries to answer something, if not knowing the details it either answers something very general (which is actually a better option here)? or is dreaming? and giving a hypothetical answer. The answer here is somewhat correct, but not very concrete.
Is it possible to integrate Vaadin applications with SSO backed by Azure AD?
Yes, it is possible to integrate a Vaadin application with Single Sign-On (SSO) backed by Azure Active Directory (AD).
One approach to integrate with Azure AD is to use the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. Vaadin provides built-in support for OAuth 2.0 and can be used in conjunction with the Azure AD OAuth 2.0 implementation.
To integrate with Azure AD, you would need to:
Register your Vaadin application in Azure AD and configure it as an OAuth 2.0 client.
Implement the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow in your Vaadin application.
Use the Azure AD access token to authenticate the user in your Vaadin application.
Validate the token on the server-side to ensure that it was issued by Azure AD and that it is still valid.
There are also libraries and frameworks available that can help you implement the integration with Azure AD, such as the Azure AD Java Library or the Spring Security OAuth project.
In summary, it is possible to integrate a Vaadin application with SSO backed by Azure AD using the OAuth 2.0 protocol. However, the specific implementation details will depend on your specific requirements and constraints.
Comment: Yes, the answer is correct, it can be done and there are many ways to do it. Both approaches here could be explored. Our software engineer mentioned? that he is a Spring Boot user, so probably? he would continue the discussion based on that.
What we learned from this discussion is that ChatGPT indeed is actually very familiar with Vaadin as a framework, and even gives some coding hints. It is an evidence of the popularity and activity of the Vaadin community.?
We also just recently conducted a wide enterprise survey about Java application and UI development. Based on that we dare to say that we have a nice position in this business. You can check our blog about it: https://vaadin.com/blog/2023-trends-for-java-in-the-enterprise ?
However, you can’t trust that answers by ChatGPT are 100% accurate on a detailed level. You can get better answers from our community support via StackOverflow and Discord, and naturally when you are paying for our commercial support.?
ChatGPT is trained to be very friendly to the user, and due to this nature it ends up doing some good marketing efforts for Vaadin (even when not being asked to). As seen in this hypothetical experiment, ChatGPT can help a competent developer to evaluate it. It is to be noted, that if the user would have diverted the discussion to some other direction, ChatGPT would have followed that with the same politeness. It however is not able to produce the application for you. It fares somewhat ok when code examples are trivial, but when you attempt to raise complexity, it fails to produce good results. This may change in the future in a few years time. New language models are being trained with ever growing data sets. This probably will mean that they will become better with other languages than English. In the domain of coding, they will also become better at using a more diverse set of programming languages and libraries. At the time of writing this, ChatGPT does a better job when the topic is one of the mainstream tools.
What is interesting is that from a perspective of evaluating Vaadin as a framework, the answers given by ChatGPT are not badly incorrect.
One obvious shortcoming in domain of fast paced development of software is that ChatGPT's training data is already starting to be outdated. I would assume that it will struggle with versions, and lacking the latest information of the many of the software tools. In order to this technology to be actually useful in a long term, it will need frequent (quarterly or monthly) updating with the latest information.?
Custom Software Development | B2B Software Solutions
1 年Oh, haha! We actually tried out #Vaadin v23 and #ChatGPT too, and we reached the exact same conclusion some time back. Just to give you more details, we went through around 10 iterations, asking ChatGPT to generate code for the Grid component with lazy loading, sorting, and filtering enabled. Even though the responses seemed promising, the code never worked due to missing methods, classes, and so on.
Digimentor and Project Manager at ?bo Akademi
1 年Fascinating to see how much detail ChatGPT has on Vaadin, however, it's no match for a Vaadin Expert yet ??