A Discussion of the Gospel Story
To truly understand the real Gospel story one must have some occult foundation. One must be aware of the fifth Kingdom on our planet and of the five progressive Initiations to become an Adept. We enter this fifth Kingdom upon the last and final death of the Physical form. This is referred to as the renunciation, or the fourth Initation.To achieve this one goes through hundreds of physical reincarnations. Once on the fifth Kingdom, or the Spiritual Hierarchy of this planet, the soul undergoes further initiatons. After the sixth Initiation one has the choice of seven “Paths of the Higher Evolution,” which takes one on higher planes of the solar system or out of our solar system all together. One of the choices is to remain on earth (in the Hierarchy) to help humanity achieve what the Adept has achieved. The message of Jesus was to inform humanity of the above cosmic truths. For an adept on the hierarchy to help humanity there are two choices; to overshadow a chosen human subject as its medium through which to deliver the needed spiritual messages; the other way is the adept occupies the body of a physical pure human member who voluntarily vacates his body and the Adept enters into it for a short period for revealing Spiritual revelations. In the Gospel story the Christ Himself, the head of the Hierarchy, occupied the body of Jesus up to the point when Jesus was crucified. Jesus, a very advanced soul with many previous earthly reincarnations, actually died on the cross and entered the Spiritual Hierarchy where he remains to this day. It was the Christ who came back for those many years to continue the Teachings; appearing as Jesus. In enacting out this story, Jesus achieved the fourth Initiation and the Christ Himself the Sixth Initiation. Since that time, the Christ has achieved the seventh Initiation and upon his last Coming to humanity will achieve the eighth Initiation. The only other earth borne entity to do this was his elder spiritual brother, the Gautama Buddha. Then the Christ will choose one of the other Paths to higher achievements. The Christ is the Christ for all humanity. Christ is a departmental name for the second Hierarchial department. Thank you. End.