Discussion: Controversy around Qatar hosting the world cup
Design by: Mahmoud Ghazy

Discussion: Controversy around Qatar hosting the world cup

FIFA's decision to choose Qatar to host the 2022 World Cup has been the topic of heated debate. Many countries are outraged and claim that Qatar is not fit to host The World Cup 2022 as Qatar violates human rights.

The Emir of Qatar accused critics of his country of being double standard after receiving several complaints against the treatment of expatriate workers and their working conditions and complaints about not recognizing the LGBT community. Qatar, though, believes that there is no reason to be concerned. It implies that the allegations are unjust.

HBKU assistant professor Mark Owen Jones stated: "There is far too much negative coverage of labor and human rights issues. The only way Qatar can get rid of these critiques is to host the World Cup. A successful World Cup will serve as a training ground for the development of a national brand, establishing Qatar as a key sports hub in the Middle East and the wider Arab world in terms of soft power, it would demonstrate Qatar's status as a global and diverse player."

Well-known figures criticized Western media, most notably the BBC, for failing to cover Qatar's World Cup opening ceremony for the first time. According to journalist Robert Carter, the BBC ignored the launch because it was the first time it had taken place in a Muslim country. "The BBC has never boycotted a World Cup opening event until now when it was hosted by the first Muslim Arab nation. Shameful display by the British state mouthpiece. Qatar should consider giving BBC the boot," Robert said: The Guardian launched a new campaign after the first failed, this time with the catchphrase "Sympathy for the workers building the stadiums that will host the 2022 World Cup." Without providing any evidence, they even claimed that 6,500 of these workers died while preparing the infrastructure of the World Cup facilities.

As for France, as well as showing their support for the workers, the French communities have decided to boycott the World Cup matches broadcast from Qatar and not to show them on large screens in public spaces. They have given that the World Cup's cooling systems will produce many carbon emissions. However, France has ignored two points: firstly, the fact that heating stadiums in Europe in winter increases carbon dioxide emissions, and secondly, that Qatar uses solar energy to cool stadiums, which makes its World Cup stadiums more environmentally friendly than European ones.

The aggressive campaign against Qatar has not prevented the emergence of reasonable voices from Europe, led by former German foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel. In a tweet, Gabriel criticized what he called German arrogance in dealing with Qatar, highlighting the fact that the United Nations and the International Labor Organization praise Qatar's reforms daily, while we Germans only criticize them daily. Whatever the motivation, it is undeniable that many Europeans disagree with the concept of a Muslim and Arab nation hosting this international football event, which they consider their exclusive right.

Activists have criticized the Western media for its rush to cover Qatar in an opposing viewpoint accusing the media of hypocrisy, racism, and Islamophobia. Why turn an eye to the human rights violations of their own countries? Some Western media outlets were more critical of their own countries.

For example, A Daily Mirror article was posted about the low wages of the Thai workers sewing the British team's jersey for the World Cup in Qatar, protesting against this attitude and the alleged accusations against Qatar. According to the publication, the garment costs about 115 pounds (136 dollars), while workers are paid one pound per hour.

Violating human rights is a serious issue and should not be ignored when it takes place neither in the West nor in Middle Eastern countries. Fair third-party investigations can be carried out when serious allegations are made against a country regarding human rights violations.

The Western media should not turn a blind eye to the violations in their own countries and then apply a magnifying glass to the violations in other countries.

Why do you think that hosting the World Cup 2022 was the focus of a large media controversy?



