Karl Dewazien
Emeritus State Director of Coaching, California Youth Soccer Assoc., Author & Creator of the FUNdamental SOCCER Player Development Methodology.
Sharing with you more down-to-earth Perspectives and Remedies for American coaches/players...
“HOT & COLD PASSING” In too many cases the message of a pass has no meaning. Inconsistent passing is the fastest way into playing poorly and losing games. Either passes are too hot to handle and so difficult to control or too cold and slow, so easy to intercept or for the opposition to catch up and kill the move.
REMEDY….Players must improve every possession game played in training. Players should not be satisfied until their passing success rate is over 80%. We have too many “double agents” and they seem to be breeding fast; they pass more to their opponents than to their own teammates.
“WORST TOUCH CONTROL” Players first touch is often the worst touch, feeding into their next touch--A tackle!! Poor control fosters chaos and turnovers.
REMEDY…Plenty of technique practices and games like 5 vs. 2. Never let the spots stop….The ball must always be moving.
“HELP I’M DROWNING” This is how many players feel when “on the ball” as there is no help or support nearby. They’re surrounded, isolated and sinking in a sea of opposing shirts. Again a turnover is on the way.
REMEDY…..Good support play demands good fitness levels with the nearest teammates making angles. This gives the ball holder options and the opposition problems. “GIVE A PASS, MAKE AN ANGLE” should be a pulse beat on every possession. Watch the top teams and they believe in “power packs.” Wherever the ball goes, a pack of supporting teammates go.
“LOOKING TO LOSE” Too many players set themselves up to lose the next play by their body shape. By gluing their eyes onto the ball their body shape gets locked into looking towards their own goal or to the sidelines. Name a top class quarter-back that takes a snap that way?
REMEDY….Open up to see the ball and the opposing goal in the same view as many times as possible. The object is to constantly think of scoring and going forward, always looking to expose a defensive weakness.
“HELP THEM WIN PLAY” All too often throw-ins are another word for turnovers. Over 70% of them go to the opposition and knowing that it is more profitable to throw the ball to them; as you will win it back.
REMEDY….A throw-in is just another name for a PASS. Therefore, it should possess all the qualities of a pass – accuracy, weight of pass, etc. If possible take it quickly, throw it to an un-marked player and look to get the thrower back into the play, as they have the best “body shape.”
These are just a few observations and remedies that I have observed over the years. I hope these ideas make you aware of the problem areas that can and should be addressed. By simply identifying them is only the beginning of the learning curve.
Graham Ramsay Executive Director, The Soccer School [email protected]
Dear Reader: Coach Ramsay and Coach Maher have now given you their Game Observation/Match Analyzing methods. If YOU have either developed or observed any other unique ways to do this; Please share them..!
Very Special: You may also want to join Farzad Yousefian moderator; Luis Viegas, Oliver Gage and me on November 13, 2019, from 1:00 – 2:00 (EDT). To hear our point of view on the subject of, “Match Analysis!" Click here for more details/registration ...
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Your FUNdamental, Koach Karl
Karl Dewazien, Emeritus State Director of Coaching California Youth Soccer Association 1978 - 2012
Author of the Internationally Published FUNdamental SOCCER Books Series
Producer of the highly acclaimed ‘9-Step Practice Routine’ DVD.
Internet/Clinician at www.fundamentalsoccer.com
M.Sc. Virginia Tech, B.Sc.Liberty University
5 年Excellent observations.