War is typically fought by a country or group of
countries against an opposing country to achieve an object through
the use of force. Wars can also be fought in a country in the form of a
civil or revolutionary war. according to OXFORD English Dictionary “war is
defined as” a state of armed conflict between different countries or different
groups within a country. War has been a part of human history for thousands
of years and has become increasingly destructive as industrialization and technology
have advanced.
3rd headline:
Cause of conflict:
There is rarely one single, clear cause of conflict
and, ultimately, war. The causes of war are usually numerous, and several
reasons for conflict can be intertwined in a complicated way.
4th headline:
wars are caused by one country’s wish to take control of another country’s
wealth. Whatever the other reason for war may be, there is almost always an
economic motive underlying most conflict, even if they started aim of the war
is presented to the public as something nobler. In pre-industrial times,
the gains desired by a warning country might be precarious materials such as
gold and silver, or livestock such as cattle and horses.
Example of War:
WARS 1766-1849
The Anglo wars were a series of wars
fought between the British East India company and different Indian states. These
wars led, to the establishment of British colonial rule in India, which
valuable resources native to the Indian continent.
Territorial Gain:
the country might decide that it needs some land either for living space,
agricultural use, or other purposes. Territory can also be used as a “buffer
zones” between two hostile enemies. Related to buffer zones is a proxy war. Each
supports the side which best suits its logistical, military and economic
Examples of Wars:
??Mexican-American war (1846-1848)
This war was fought
following the annexation of Texas, with Mexico still claiming the land as their
own. The U.S.A. outfought the Mexicans retaining Texas and incorporating it as
a state.
? Serbo-Bulgarian
War (1885-1886) Bulgaria and Serbia fought over a small border town after the
river??creating the border between the
countries moved.
? Arab-Israeli War
is called the “Six-day war” between 5TH June to 10th June 1967.
Israeli forces
took the territories of the West Bank, including East
Jerusalem, from
(3rd) Religion: Religious conflicts often have very
deep roots. They can lie dormant for decades, only to re-emerge in a flash at a
later date. While different religions fighting against each other can be the cause
of war. Different sects within a religion (for example, Protestant and
Catholic, Sunni and Shiite) battling against one another can also instigate
of wars.
? The
Crusades (1095-1291)
? The Crusades were
a series of wars sanctioned by the Latin Church during the medieval age. The crusaders aimed to expel Islam and spread Christianity.
??Thirty years’
War (1618-1648)
When Holy Roman
Emperor Ferdinand II tried to impose Roman Catholicism on the people of his
domains, a faction of protestants from the north banded together, parking war.
? LEBANESE Civil war
The Lebanese Civil War was primarily sparked
from conflict between the Sunni Muslims, Shiite Muslims and Chars tan Lebanese
? Yugoslav Wars
The Wars were
fought between the orthodox Catholic and Muslim populations of former
(4th) Nationalism:
Nationalism in this
context essentially means attempting to prove that your country is superior to
another by violent subjugation. This often takes the form of an invasion.
Related to nationalism is imperialism, which is built on the idea that
conquering other countries is glorious and brings honour and esteem to the conqueror.
Adolf Hitler went to war with Russia partly because the Russian (and eastern
European in general) were seen AS Slavs, or a group of people who the Nazis believed
to be an inferior race.
of Wars:
? Chichimec
a War (1550-1590)
? The Chichimec a
the war was one of many wars fought during the Spanish conquest of the Aztec
civilization in modern-day Mexico.
? World
war (1914-1918)
Extreme loyally
and patriotism ca
used many
countries to become involved in the first World War.
Seeking to punish
redress a grievance, or simply strike back for a perceived slight can often be
a factor in the waging war. Unfortunately, this can lead to an endless chain of
retaliatory wars being set in motion which is very difficult to stop.
Examples of Wars:
? World
Wars II
The rise of the Nazi Socialist Party and
German’s eventual domination of the European continent was the direct result of
the Treaty Of Versailles, impose strict punishment on both Germany and
? War
On terror:
The September 11th attacks on
the World Trade Center in 2001 prompted President George. bush to initiate a so-called
war on terror against Afghanistan and the so-called war on Usama
Bin Laden without any proof. This global war began with an invasion of Iraq.
(6TH) Revolutionary War:
These occur when a large section of the
population of country revolts against the individual or group that rules the
country because they are dissatisfied with their leadership. Revolutions can begin
for a variety of reasons of the population or perceived injustices committed by
the ruling group. Other factors can contribute too, such as unpopular wars with
other countries.
Examples of Wars:
? Portuguese
Restoration War (1640-1668)
The Portuguese revolution ended the 60
years rule pf Portugal by Spain.
? ) American Revolution (1775-1783
The American
the revolution gave 13 North American colonies independence FROM British rule and established
the United States of America.
? French Revolution
The French
Revolution was a battle that represented the rise of the bourgeoisie and the
the downfall of the aristocracy in France.
? Haitian Revolution
The Haitian
Revolution was a ‘successful slave rebellion that established Haiti as the
first free black republic.
(7) Defensive War:
In the modern world,
where military aggression is more widely questioned, countries will often argue
that they are fighting in a purely defensive capacity against?an aggressor or potential aggressor, and
that can be especially controversial when they are launched preemptively, the
the argument essentially being that: “We are attacking them?before they inevitably attack us”
of War:
??Cold War 1847-1991)
Many of the
manoeuvres during Cold War can be seen as defensive or preemptive.
to Stop War:
It’s time to
change the rules so that those who wage war, particularly illegal war, will
have appropriate consequences, it’s time to end the double standards, and to
replace might makes right with rule of law. It’s time to demand that our
leaders find peaceful ways to resolve conflicts. Here are some simple ways in
which war could be stopped in its tracks.
the leaders who promote and support war to personally participate in the
usual strategies suggested by political scientists and international relations
experts to prevent war include arms control and diplomacy. Approaches to arms
control and diplomacy vary in their actual and potential effectiveness.
stop actual and avoid war. First, understand what causes it, and what approaches have and
haven’t been successful in the past. So far, America’s “War On Terrorism” seems
to be focused exclusively on the movement that has spawned the perpetrators
of the September 11 attacks: radical violent fringe conservative Sunny Muslims,
from and areas that stretch geographically from interested Northwest Africa
to South Asia. People interested in stopping terror and avoiding war can not
afford to repeat that mistake.
a closer, more respectful relationship between Muslims and the Islamic world.
up community forums, to air -ins and panels, to educate the public, to air out
differing options and force politicians to go on the record with their beliefs.
Table at community flyers, with information on the issue, lobbying and contact
information, publicizing events or putting out powerful graphic images.
and oppose racial profiling, the curbing of
civil liberties and the backlash against immigrants.
for Congress AND THE White House to pursue politics they minimize civilian
deaths; rethink our national defence and foreign policy priorities; and change
global economic institutions and trade “agreements so that they create less,
not more, poverty and death.
All human being wants
the most effective possible course for stopping terrorism. Disagreeing with our
government’s proposed strategies isn’t treason. It’s the highest form of
citizenship in participatory democracy. The war always came darkness, thousands
of people do kill and many lacks of people displaces during a war. Whatever the
cause of the war, the war endangers the peace of the whole world and there is a
lot of misery. Whatever the reason for the war. There is no reason to fight.
The War is a dangerous thing of nature, in the war, Thousands are killed.
Millions are forced to flee the country. Millions are deported. World peace is
at stake. The war with Iraq will be fought by rejecting morality and fighting
unnecessary wars. Now Gorge Bush and Bores Johnson say that the US-Iraq war was
fought for no reason while I have written all this in my article. In the
US-Afghanistan war, thousands of innocent people were killed and millions were
First of all, I would like to express my sincere condolences to the general secretary of the general assembly for his efforts to stop the third war against Russia. first of all, I would like to express my sincere condolences to the general secretary of the general assembly for resuming the talks with Russia to prevent a third war against the first peace and if a third world war will break is called between directly Russia, China and USA and its allies the first matter is considering the united states of America and its NATO allies want third world war with Russia and china it is Russia and China are saying continue and said or Russia and china are taken allegation on USA and its NATO allies after openly the USA and its allies continue Ukraine help against?Russia and Russia is a superpower and an atomic power, so the great war iii has stalled. I urge the un secretary-general to António Guterres my request to Mr. Antonio Guterres is that you, use your influence for peace so that you can be saved from upcoming the great world war 3rd again Russia and China and between USA and NATO allies. Russia and China and saying continue to the U.S.A and its NATO allies are taken the wrong decision about the Ukraine war and the united states and its allies have been speculating about Russia and China. at any moment the flames of fire may break out and the third world war may break out. now the future of the united nations is better known to me than the un general and the situation of the united nations should be exactly like that of the league of the nations. as was the case with the league of the nations, I guess that the future of the united nations is in jeopardy or its very existence is in jeopardy. china's president has already said that unemployment is on the rise in the world, poverty is on the rise, and there is no such thing as peace, wars are taking place.
?my advice to the secretary-general is to visit Russia again for the sake of peace and to persuade and to prevent the coming wars, let your authority, Mr. secretary-general, establish peace and hope and exercise your authority. I urge the secretary-general to use his authority to remove the influence of some superpowers from the united nations. and I would even say that all powers should be given to the general assembly by abolishing or end of the power of veto or veto powers members, and by increasing the number of members of veto’s power, it has also been taught to save the peace and survival of the united nations. with the increase in the number of veto member countries, Muslims can be made a member of veto’s power so that everyone can live in peace.
the united states and its allies of Russia's support of the third world war. what does Russia want from the united states and its allies, and especially from the united nations what is the real conflict between Russia and Ukraine that is causing this war??This is clear there are millions of Russian speakers in Ukraine. now that the war between Russia and Ukraine is escalating, Russia has four points that Ukraine will not agree to if the united nations intervene. un intervention, such as the war in Russia and Ukraine, as well as the war to come, can be avoided, otherwise, I have repeatedly said that now. U.N.O. intervention, such as the war in Russia and Ukraine, as well as the war to come, can be avoided, otherwise I have repeatedly said that now.it is now the responsibility of the united nations, and in particular, the secretary-general of the united nations, to exercise its influence, and to ensure that the united states and its allies. the united states and its allies should stop the united nations from helping Ukraine with arms, otherwise, the whole world will have to suffer the consequences. Russia has four conditions from Ukraine, the first is not to join NATO and the other is to go to war. Russia’s second condition is that Ukraine will continue to deteriorate and will not be able to maintain an army. Russia’s third condition is that if there are Russian-speaking people in Ukraine who want to have an independence referendum, then they will be part of the Russian salt. Russia’s fourth condition is that Ukraine fight Russia, stop fighting and accepts Russia's condition. one of Russia's conditions for the United States of America and its allies is that they do not violate Russia's borders and that Russia's borders do not come close. Russia us and NATO stipulate that they should not interfere in Russia's territory and Russia's territory should not interfere in nearby countries. china also urges the united states and its allies not to interfere with the united states and its allies in Asia near the Chinese border, this could be detrimental to the united states and its allies. China knows how to fully advance its interests. China says to tell the USA and its allies that if they want to be friends with China, their interests and conditions must be met, china has repeatedly told the united states and its allies that since the beginning of the war between Russia and Ukraine, there has been little intervention in the united states and NATO in Asia, the united states of America, which is not interested in Asia, is trying to persuade other Americans to stay away from the united states of America. the united states and Europe want NATO to do the same thing with the best policy, no one can do the right thing, and a third war can happen. China has called on the united states and its allies to abide by the un mandate for peace. because of the united states and its allies, the united nations have become a slave and a thing of the past. because of the united states and its allies, peace is now a thing of the past
the united states of America want us to make it clear that we agree with the one belt road initiative for the sake of peace in the world. the united states of America have made it clear that the united states of America have been able to help us get rid of all those who have lost their lives in the united states. the united states of America have lost a lot of ground in the world, and with the help of its help, our faith has been shattered. the two wars of the united states and its allies have not met the demands of justice, first the united states and the Iraq war; USA and Iraq went to war without justice and the USA lost a lot. the second war brought the USA and its allies against Afghanistan. whose wisdom is it to fight in the name of peace and the war was fought in Afghanistan in the name of big terrorism for no reason while Osama's too, when Afghanistan and Osama bin laden were told that they were in the united states, there was no connection between the 9/11 attacks and the united states. the united states and its allies were called upon to work patiently for peace and to act the united nations charter to bring the real culprits to justice. who says that not all countries were involved in terrorism in the united states on 9/11? the whole united nations and the veto powers were with the united states, but how could it not say that a small country like Afghanistan should be attacked, this peace and national unity, this war between the united states and its allies was fought without any rules, while the united nations charter also states that the war should be waged without any clarification. the united states should have used patience to know and recognize all the facts, then build a U.N.O peacekeeping force and then fight. if it had been Osama bin Laden, he would have been recognized and arrested if he had not helped Afghanistan. if Afghanistan had not helped the united states in this matter, the united nations would have dealt with it as much as the united states have suffered in this war. if the un maintains its peace, the un should immediately resolve the Arab-Iranian conflict, which is more than seventy years old. he asked the un to impose sanctions on India and Israel as well. let the un go to Pakistan and resolve the Kashmir issue which has been going on for more than seven decades, otherwise, the third war will start and start from Pakistan. he called on the united nations to find a fourth solution between North Korea and South Korea for peace and to unite the two Koreas as German. these are the issues that could cause the third world war to start in Asia at any time and the situation of the united nations should be like that of the League of The Nations.