Discovery Writing
by Dwayne Phillips
Writing is a type of thinking. Thinking often leads us to discover something. Writing (thinking) is worth the effort.
Writers often divide their methods into two camps: outlining and “pantsing” (seat of the pants). Those who use outlines think ahead, plan, create detailed outlines, then write by filling in the outlines. Those who write by the “seat of their pants” start writing and see where it takes them.
Replace “pantsing” by discovery writing. I found this in “Hungry Authors” Liz Morrow and Ariel Curry. I like the term “discovery” much better than “pantsing.” The writer is searching for that idea, that story, that whatever that is…so start writing. Write write write, you may discover what that whatever that is while writing as writing is one way in which some people think some of the time.
I believe that writing is a form of thinking. Thinking often leads to discovering something worthwhile. Writing (thinking) is worth the time and effort.
I keep a piece of paper and pencil on the table next to my computer keyboard. I bang away on the keyboard writing something. I discover ideas. I pause banging the keyboard just long enough to scribble a note with pencil and paper. The paper holds all the discoveries. It works for me.