Discovery - Innovation - Growth event at Sberbank Corporate University
In the last 4 days, together with INSEAD professors Dr Yakov Bart (Professor of Marketing at INSEAD) and Dr Andrew Shipilov (Professor of Strategy at INSEAD) two certified DiG associates Anna Izmailova and Anton Walter facilitated 400 managers of Sberbank in Moscow the DiG Leadership game, which is now a part of ?Sberbank 500“ programme.
Sberbank is Russia’s largest bank and a leading global financial institution. Sberbank holds almost one-third of aggregate Russian banking sector assets, it is the key lender to the national economy and the biggest deposit taker in Russia.?
The ?Sberbank 500“ is one of the key mandatory programmes, designated for middle-level managers and run in partnership with INSEAD since 2011. The programme is highly customised to meet Sberbank’s development strategy goals and actively applies the ?Leaders Teach Leaders“ model.
We are proud the DiG Leadership game has started its successful journey in Russia from the campus of the Sberbank Corporate University.